How to make a scanner: scanner and application settings

scannerFor To obtain a digital version of a paper document, you can choose one of several ways. Most devices are multifunctional. For this task, you can use both a comprehensive device that combines the scanner and printer options - an MFP, and a regular smartphone with a video camera with a resolution of 2 MP or more.

How to set up a scanner on the printer?

The content of the article

  • How to set up a scanner on the printer?
  • What are the scanner apps for smartphones?

A connected printer with an integrated scanning module should be used correctly. To do this, you need to set the appropriate settings in Windows. This will help the "Scanner Wizard." To get the file you need:

  1. Turn on the MFP, and lift the scanner lid.
  2. Place a sheet on the glass with the print side down towards the glass surface.
  3. Cover the paper with the protective cover for a clear image.
  4. Open the "Control Panel", select "Hardware and Sound."
  5. In the list that appears, click "Devices and Printers."
  6. Select the icon of the connected MFP by right-clicking. From the drop-down list, click on the “Start Scan” line.
  7. instagram viewer
  8. Set the necessary parameters for scanning and select the "Preview" button.
  9. After that, the scanner quickly reads the picture and displays the basic version on the screen. If the quality turned out to be fuzzy, change the dpi settings to a higher indicator and click "Preview" again. To create a digital copy of the paper version, click on the Scan button.

Save the finished picture on your computer or print in the required quantity.

Which exist scanner applications on smartphones

REFERENCE! All modern phones are equipped with a camera module, which can be used to convert paper information into digital.

Enough for this point the lens to a paper sheet and process the file using a special application. Consider the most popular programs for Andriod and WindiwsPhone: CamScanner, Microsoft Office Lens, Scanbot.

attachmentCamScanner includes convenient options. There are 2 ways to make a scan from paper: add a photo from the smartphone’s memory, or take a picture from the camera. Additional functionality allows you to display a virtual grid, level during the scanning process. To ensure the best image quality, there is a built-in button for activating the LED flash for continuous illumination of the slide. You can receive digital copies of single copies of documentation, batch mode is also available. Additional settings provide the ability to obtain the file form of documents intended for identification and presentations.

IMPORTANT! The built-in editor fixes problems of low light, if necessary, you can perform manual adjustments.

The received data is saved as a photograph or in a book PDF format. They can be placed both on the phone and in cloud storage with a starting capacity of 200 MB.

Microsoft Office Lens generates data in a similar way. The borders of the document are determined automatically.

Implemented support for 4 modes: for documentation, presentations, business cards and photos. Ready-made graphics are recorded with the usual extension, also PDF, or added to OneNote. In the proprietary cloud One Drive can be sent to docx, or PowerPoint. Large font can be recognized as text.

Scanbot has a convenient user interface. The options of the free version provide for processing 4 types of filters: 2 color and black and white. A scan is recorded as a PDF, or JPG. The resulting scan result can be replicated through Google account, or save to: Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, Yandex Disk, Evernote, Todolist, OneNote, etc.

From the proposed list, you can choose the most suitable application, based on the type of documentation, a convenient way to store data in the smartphone’s memory or in cloud services.

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