Banana peel fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers: how to cook and apply?

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often used as a fertilizing indoor plants infusion of banana skins. A neighbor in the country advised to water the seedlings. Tell me how to use a banana peel to fertilize cucumbers and tomatoes?

Banana peel can be used to fertilize cucumbers and tomatoes in one of the following ways:

  • should be applied fresh when planting;
  • used as mulch;
  • to prepare an infusion for root dressings;
  • to make banana compost from waste.

Application of banana peel during planting seedlings

Fresh banana skins are recommended to add to the bottom of the pots when picking up tomato seedlings. They must be cut beforehand. For adult tomato seedlings planted in the beds, as well as for cucumbers, it will be helpful to gently peel the skin near the root system of the plants.

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Within 2 weeks, banana waste in the soil will be decomposed, and their decay products will replenish the earth with nutrients and improve its water and air permeability.

It is recommended to sprinkle banana peel with a layer of soil so that it does not moldy when in contact with air.

Mulch Landings

Dried, shredded exotic fruit pelts serve as an excellent mulch. Of course, with the massive garden growing of tomatoes and cucumbers, it is almost impossible to do this, but it is quite possible to gather material for a small greenhouse in a season.

Read also: Cucumber Seedlings( video)

Banana Infusion for

Root Top-dressings The use of banana peel infusion for growing cucumbers and tomatoes is considered to be the most effective. But the plants on the beds in the open field will gratefully respond to irrigation with a nutrient solution, especially the newly planted young seedlings.

Infusion for watering tomatoes and cucumbers can be prepared using:

  1. Fresh peel .Put three banana skins in a 3 liter bottle and pour water at room temperature. Let it brew for 3 days. Dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and water the plants under the root.
  2. Dried banana skins .In 1 liter of water put 4 skin, insist a couple of days, dilute.

The banana peel must be thoroughly washed before use. It accumulates a variety of chemical products that process bananas during growth and after harvest to increase shelf life.

banana peel based compost Banana skins, along with other kitchen waste, are usually used when laying a compost pile. If you wish( if a large amount of such peel has suddenly gathered), you can prepare a “banana” compost of them without adding other waste:

  • pour ordinary earth from a vegetable garden and peel into a plastic container;
  • shed the workpiece Baikal to accelerate ripening and mix.
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come in? After 4 weeks, fertilize the mass again with the preparation and stir it up well. Next season, the nutrient compost will be ready.

The Use of Banana Peel for Tomatoes - Video

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