Is it harmful to sit next to the printer: effects on human health

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According to scientists, the printer is harmful. They conducted several studies and found that it could pollute the air.

How exactly does the printer harm

The content of the article

  • How exactly does the printer harm
  • How does the printer affect human health
  • Harm from consumables

There are several reasons why a printer is considered harmful to humans:

  1. When working, it releases powder. The latter rises into the air, and people begin to inhale it. Good credit to lungs is like smoking.
  2. Ozone is released into the atmosphere. This reduces oxygen levels.
  3. During operation, the printer is noisy and generates heat.
Is it harmful to sit next to the printer

Ozone is a modified oxygen. Gas can damage tissues and irritate the respiratory system. A constant voltage of the device during printing provokes the release of ozone. Therefore, sitting next to the device is not recommended.

To combat the selection, filters are used, and rollers reduce stress. If the device is near the workplace, then you need to maintain the correct distance.

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How does the printer affect human health

Due to the use of the powder, harmful particles accumulate in the air. But different models contain different amounts of such substances. There are devices that are completely safe for health, because they contain special filters. But it is impossible to say that a certain brand is better. For example, LaserJet manufactures both completely safe and hazardous models.

The degree of harmfulness also depends on how old the device is. The older the device, the less it ejects such particles into the air. Another important parameter is the amount of print. If you need to print text, the printer will emit less powder, and if the photo is more. The more prints a printer makes per day, the more powder is released.


Important! According to studies, if a person is near print printers for a long time, it is only equivalent to sitting in a smoking room. Particles of powder enter the lungs like smoking, irritating the respiratory system, which leads to serious illness. Also, solid particles enter the bloodstream, which affects blood vessels and the heart. That is why the printer is a harmful device.

Harm from consumables

Not only the device itself can cause harm to health during printing, but also the cartridge if it is improperly charged. People are used to saving, and a new cartridge costs half the cost of the device. Many people prefer to charge the cartridge on their own, but they do not know that this can cause serious problems. The composition of the laser printer refills includes toner powder, which is made from:

  1. Azo dyes.
  2. Volatile organic compounds (styrene, benzene).
  3. Organotin substances that cause damage to health.

But there are also heavy metals in the toner. Among them:

  1. Tin.
  2. Iron.
  3. Kolbat.
  4. Strontium.
  5. Aluminum.
  6. Silver.
  7. Cadmium.
  8. Copper.
  9. Nickel.

Once in the body, the metal is not excreted, but accumulates. It develops a disease. In the worst case, it can lead to cancer.

All of these metals are harmful as follows:

  1. Damage the mucous membrane.
  2. Reduce immunity.
  3. Negatively affects the airways.

Therefore, you should not save on refilling the cartridge to protect your health.

And although the printer is harmful, you should not refuse it, the equipment has many advantages, and it makes life easier for office workers. But you should find a way to reduce the harm to health. Install more filters and hoods.

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