Vertical stripes when printing on a laser printer: how to remove vertical stripes when printing.

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Vertical stripes when printing.Modern office equipment is sometimes quite picky in operation and laser printers are no exception. One of the most common printing defects that indicate problems with the device is the appearance of vertical stripes on paper. This article will tell you what to do if streaks appear on printed materials.

Why stripes appear when printing on a laser printer

The content of the article

  • Why stripes appear when printing on a laser printer
  • How to remove vertical stripes when printing

There are a number of reasons why a printing device may leave streaks on documents. Among them:

  1. Lack of toner.
  2. Laser problems.
  3. Drum defects.
  4. Defects of the magnetic shaft.
  5. Poor contact between the drum unit and the magnetic shaft.
  6. Incorrectly installed metering blade.
  7. Lack of tightness in the cartridge.
  8. Overflow bunker overflow.
  9. Failure of the charging roller.When there are vertical stripes, the result is a defect in the drum unit.

IMPORTANT! If a new toner has recently been refilled, the appearance of streaks during printing may be due to poor quality powder or improper refill.

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How to remove vertical stripes when printing

Problems with the laser or ink that runs out are indicated by the appearance of white lines on the printed pages. In the case of a lack of paint, the solution to the problem is simple - you need to refill the cartridge. Worse if the laser is not functioning properly. For correct and long work, experts strongly recommend monitoring the status of the device by regularly wiping the scanner mirror with a clean and smooth cloth.

Cleaning the laser printer cartridge.

Damage to the drum can be indicated by gray-black stripes that have a wave-like shape, usually located at the edges of the sheet. Damage to the drum unit is the result of commonplace wear and tear during long-term operation.

IMPORTANT! The drum unit may be damaged due to improper use of the device, frequent disassembly, and poor-quality repair work.

An acceptable solution to this problem is replacing the part with a new one.

The same applies to the magnetic shaft: it is impossible to repair this part, and any service center will immediately offer to replace it if defects are found. The first sign of wear on the magnetic shaft is the gray background of the document and the horizontal dark lines on it.

If on the printed document there is one vertical white strip across the page, the cause of the breakdown may be a malfunction of the metering blade. The blade itself is a part of the cartridge. It is responsible for the amount of toner that gets on the magnetic shaft.

Violations in the operation of the blade in most cases are associated with the use of poor quality paper. The fibers of such paper quickly stick to the metering blade, and the magnetic shaft at the place of their accumulation can no longer evenly paint. In order to return the parts to working capacity, it is necessary to carefully wipe its surface with alcohol.

If the document is printed with black stripes across, then the reason for this may be poor contact between the magnetic shaft and the drum. Contact deteriorates due to dirt adhering to the part. In this case, cleaning the cartridge will help to solve the problem.

Stripes of dashes and specks vertically located along the entire length of the page can indicate toner spillage and are easily eliminated by cleaning the cartridge waste.

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