The phone does not see the printer via wifi: how to find and fix the problem

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The phone does not see the printer via wifiToday, smartphones allow you to easily create and edit images in graphical mobile applications. But often a digital photograph needs to be printed. As a rule, this takes some time, since users first connect the phone to the PC, copy the photo, and only then print it. But you can print directly from a smartphone to a printer. True, this may cause certain problems.

Why the phone does not see the printer via wifi

The content of the article

  • Why the phone does not see the printer via wifi
  • The phone does not see the printer via usb: reasons
  • How to find and fix the problem

If the printing equipment does not see the files on the smartphone, then the following reasons are possible:

  1. Viruses. Remove them will help special anti-virus programs. After the scan is completed, the device must be rebooted, then reconnect.
  2. The memory on the smartphone is full - in this case, connection problems are often noted. The only solution is to free memory. After completion, the smartphone must be rebooted and reconnected.
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  4. Also, during activation of the modem mode in the phone, synchronization is usually impossible. To check the activity, you need to go into the settings and see the menu “Modem Mode”.

The phone does not see the printer via usb: reasons

If during connection the gadget does not see the printing equipment, first both devices must be rebooted. This is a common system failure, which disappears after this manipulation.

It is necessary to reboot both the smartphone and the PC. At the same time, if the PC just needs to be rebooted, then the situation is different with the phone. You need to turn off the device, remove the battery and wait about 20 minutes. Then install the battery, turn on the smartphone and reconnect.

If it doesn’t work out, then the “invisibility” problem lies in the incorrectly made connection. Remove the cord and reinsert it.

If the situation has not changed, the USB cable is probably damaged. Connect it to another PC or replace the cord. If there is contact, then you need to change the cord. It makes no sense to repair - it’s easier to buy a new one.

Printer and telephone

Attention! If the replacement is not effective, the problem is probably the system. In this situation, the reason usually is a malfunction of the port where the connection is made. You can determine this by inserting a flash drive into it. If there is no connection, then repair is required. If the flash drive is detected, the problem is most likely in the phone.

How to find and fix the problem

USB does not work with every smartphone and printing equipment. But still there is a way to connect the phone via USB. For this, the smartphone must have a USB-Host connector. That is, you can connect different flash drives to your smartphone.

If the gadget can read data from them, then everything is fine. In addition, special software will be required. For a smartphone on Android, finding software is very difficult. There are not many drivers and, as a rule, a printing device cannot read information from a smartphone. In this case, good devices from HP.

HP made their software for Android. This is an ePrint program, so HP printers will be detected on the phone. IPhone also supports this app.

But not only HP printing devices can be connected via USB. If you install the “USB connection Kit” program, the phone sees Canon printers without any problems. If that doesn't work, there is another way.

Reference! The only point is that the print device must have Wi-Fi. It seems that everything is easy, activated Wi-Fi on two devices and can be printed. But not all printers can see Android, and not every device has the ability to connect to printing equipment.


To solve this problem, you can use the application “Virtual Printer”. Key features:

  1. Listing of any files in different resolutions.
  2. You can connect any Android device that supports the application on any printer.

As a rule, all of the above manipulations can solve the problem and fix the reason why the smartphone does not see the printer.

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