Why does a color printer print with stripes?

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printer prints with stripes A printer is a complex technique in itself, requiring a careful attitude, and if we are talking about a color device, then the list of possible problems will be even wider. This article will discuss why color printers sometimes start to print images with completely unnecessary stripes on it, as well as what to do in such a situation.

Why does a color printer print with stripes? TOP reasons

The content of the article

  • Why does a color printer print with stripes? TOP reasons
  • How to fix a printer breakdown?

There are just a few basic reasons why a printing device might start printing images or stripes. Among them:

  • Ink shortage
  • Ink nozzle clogging with ink
  • Air in the print head
  • Problems with the electronic "filling" of the device

Important! In some cases, it is possible to fix a particular failure on their own, however, if the user is not sure of their own repair skills, professionals should be entrusted with the matter.

How to fix a printer breakdown?

test sheetIf the printer starts its “strip” printout suddenly, for no apparent reason, this may indicate that it is simply running out of ink. In order to check the amount of ink, you need to select "Service" or a similar option in the device control menu, and then start checking the ink level. This problem is easily solved by replacing the cartridge.

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Important! If the printer was cold for a while before the malfunction (for example, it was transported), then you should wait a bit and let the device “thaw”, then check the print again ability.

If the printer was idle for a long time before a malfunction occurred, then the ink in it could dry out and partially clog the nozzles of the PG. In order to clean the GHG, you need to start the cleaning of the print head in the same "Service" menu. The procedure can and should be repeated several times, however, an interval of 10-15 minutes must be observed between cleaning starts. If this does not help, it is worth rinsing the head by hand, and this is already a task for a specialist from the service.

Practice shows that sometimes strips when printing full-color images arise due to failures in the mechanics of the device. In this case, most users are advised to seek help from service centers, since attempts to fix the problem on their own can lead to even greater damage to the device.

Important! Problems with the "mechanics" may indicate a number of vertical stripes along the sheet. Such defects are a sign of contamination of the raster tape, and they are solved by cleaning it.

In addition, mechanical failures in the operation of the devices include problems with the encoder disk. An encoder disk is a small wheel in the right or left side of the device, which is connected to the engine of the material supply mechanism by means of a gear transmission. Using this part, the device “sees” the position of the material during printing. The contamination of the encoder disk is often indicated by transverse bands on the materials. The gaps between such bands are usually the same width. As in the previous case, the problem is solved by cleaning the parts from contamination.

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