The printer prints half a page: how to return printing to the entire sheet

printing on the floor of the sheet A printer is a peripheral device that connects to a computer for interconnected operation. Its main purpose is to convert electronic files and documents and further display on paper. With it, users can print any amount of text and graphic information. Using modern developments and gaining access to the Internet has improved the quality of work and increased the productivity of equipment.

For the first connection and use, it is enough to read the instructions and the instruction manual that comes with the purchased equipment. But sometimes users encounter problems when trying to print texts. In this case, you should find additional information on the topic in order to fix the problems yourself.

Reasons and Solution

The content of the article

  • Reasons and Solution
  • Why does the printer print only midway?

There are various types of malfunctions, which are divided into two main groups: mechanical damage to the components of the system and a failure in the software settings. The first category includes the following problems:

instagram viewer
  • Damage to the printer body and main control panel. As a result of this, the equipment cannot carry out full-fledged work.
  • Grinding wires used to connect to a power source and a computer.
  • Poor condition of sensors on the cartridge case or breakage of special chips necessary for computer recognition.
  • Incorrect installation of elements in the appropriate compartment.
  • Accumulation of dirt, dried paint and foreign elements inside the device.

test printUsually this type of problem is quite easy to fix on your own without resorting to the help of a wizard. If the program crashes, make an independent diagnosis and the solution does not always work. Perhaps the reasons for the termination of work were the following problems:

  • Incorrect connection and installation of software with a set of drivers.
  • Using an outdated version of drivers.
  • Incorrect settings for the printer, possibly set to offline or prohibit printing.
  • Viral damage to the system that caused a malfunction in the main functions.

In this case, you need to contact a specialized service center, where you will quickly be assisted in the diagnosis and elimination of problems.

Important! Do not repair or replace hardware components on your own in order to maintain the right to free diagnostics and troubleshooting under warranty.

Why does the printer print only midway?

One of the most interesting and incomprehensible problems when working with the printer is printing half the text. At the same time, the displayed display retains good quality, but half of each page remains empty. In this case, the user should know the source of the problem and the correct steps to resolve it.

sealFirst, consider the option where only the top of the page is printed. First, try printing one more page after half-printed sheet. If the printout is not possible, most likely you are out of ink. Just refill the cartridge to restore operation. If this does not help, you should look for the reason in the print format settings.

  1. This situation most often occurs when the economy mode is enabled on the printer. Simply turn off this feature, after which the sheets will be printed in their entirety.
  2. In some cases, incorrect print format setting may be enabled. Remember the last print session and the settings used in this. Go into the document view and select the standard A4 sheet format. This should help establish the work of technology.
  3. Also, displaying text on half a paper sheet is possible if the page orientation is incorrectly selected when printing.

Important! When working with various sizes and sizes, make sure that the paper you use matches the specified settings.

In this case, you can precisely eliminate the cause of the lack of ink, since the text appears after the middle of the sheet. Most likely, the causes of such a malfunction are the failures described above during settings and formatting. In this case, the approach to solving the problem will not be any different. Before printing the file, go to the settings and adjust the desired performance of printing on paper.

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