The printer does not print: how to return the printer to work

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printing on the floor of the sheet The printer is the main device for printing documentation in various fields of activity. During operation, special skills and knowledge are not required, but printing problems may occur during operation. This is not always due to equipment breakdown, and the malfunction can be eliminated independently. Next, the main causes and methods for solving them will be considered. So, why does not print on windows, although the device is detected?

The essence of the problem and its solution

The content of the article

  • The essence of the problem and its solution
    • The printer does not print from a computer
    • The local printer does not work
    • The computer does not see the printer
    • The printer does not print, but there is ink
  • What other reasons could there be?

All printers have different designs, but the principle of operation is practically the same. If during operation the device stops working, it is necessary to conduct an initial diagnosis. To do this, you should carefully inspect the equipment for damage to the housing and communication wires. You also need to pay attention to the printer itself. The device may not respond at all to commands or try to print.

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Reference. Starting mechanisms can be determined by the sound and moving elements.

Common problems and solutions:

  1. The printer prints white sheets or poorly printed areas are visible. In this case, it is necessary to replace the consumables, as cartridge and printhead has a certain resource. In the software, you can track the ink level and the number of pages received.
  2. The equipment does not respond to commands, and the file does not appear in the print queue after sending. To solve the problem, it is recommended to check the connection. If damage is present, the cable must be replaced.
  3. An error may occur during operation. If there is a display on the printer, you can determine the reason. Lack of printing may occur due to a jam or lack of paper, a poorly inserted cartridge and incorrect settings. After eliminating the cause, the printer will resume normal operation.
  4. Problem with drivers and software. To check the correctness of the installed equipment, you need to look in the "device manager". The printer in the list should be displayed without warning signs. If necessary, you can reinstall or update the driver to a more recent version.
  5. Wrong printer selected. You need to re-open the document, and correctly start printing. The problem may occur if several devices are connected to the computer.

It is necessary to understand in more detail the diagnosis and possible ways to solve the problem.

The printer does not print from a computer

In most cases, problems with the printer are due to software. Physically, the device is operational, but there are malfunctions. You can eliminate the cause yourself.

Possible malfunctions:

  • Forced stop. To resume the process, you must restart the command on the device.
  • The absence of a driver in the system or its incorrect operation. The problem is solved by updating.
  • Custom document format or its heavy weight. In this case, reformat the source file.
  • Incorrect settings or software corruption. You can fix the problem by installing on a more recent version.
  • In security policies, ports are blocked and there is no access to equipment. Reconfiguration will help to solve the problem.

The local printer does not work

connectionIf you have problems printing when sending a document to a remote printer, you must first check the network settings of the device. The main parameter is the IP address. In the case where the value is true, but the problem remains, it is necessary to check the availability. To do this, at the command prompt, enter the command “ping space IP address” and press “Enter”. Next will be the exchange of data.

Attention. If packet loss is observed, you must check the integrity of the patch cord from the printer to the network equipment.

Other possible causes:

  1. The printer is not publicly available equipment. The parameter can be changed in the "Network and Sharing Center."
  2. Software freezes. To do this, you must restart the computer or reconfigure.
  3. The computer (client) is turned off or does not have access to the network. When using this connection method, the printer will be available only when the computer is running.

The computer does not see the printer

When sending a document for printing, an error may occur or in the “devices and printers” the required model is completely absent. First of all, it is necessary to check the power and communication cable. If there is no visual damage, it is recommended to check the integrity with the help of special equipment.

It is also necessary to check the indication on the panel. The printer must be connected. You may need to force a reboot using the toggle switch. If the problem could not be solved, then you need to open the "device manager" and see the status of the equipment. In the properties on the tab "general" should be the inscription "the device is working fine." Otherwise, you must reinstall the software and drivers. Current versions can be found on the manufacturer's website.

printing on a local printerOperating system settings may also affect hardware availability. The correct printer must be installed “by default”. This option is enabled in the "devices and printers" section. It is also necessary to check the automatic start. The parameter is in "administration".

The printer does not print, but there is ink

The device may not print due to cartridge problems. You need to choose only quality products from trusted manufacturers. Due to the built-in protection, a poor-quality cartridge device will not see. Also, the printer may stop printing if there is little ink left.

Other solutions to the problem:

  • In inkjet products, you can start the process of cleaning the print head from software. If the problem persists, then you need to do it yourself or at a service center to clean manually.
  • For laser models, the print shaft must be checked. It should not be dust and dirt. For high-quality printing, you need to carefully remove small particles.
  • When printing starts, another device may be selected. The problem arises due to the large number of connected equipment.
  • The print queue may freeze. To do this, you need to clear the entire list or force a restart of the computer.
  • There is no paper in the tray. It is necessary to report a certain number of sheets and continue printing. You can start the process through software or buttons on the front panel.

What other reasons could there be?

As a result of crashes and malfunctioning software, the printer stops printing. This may occur due to the large number of tasks performed. To resolve the problem, you must clear the queue. This can be done through the menu "devices and printers" in the computer control panel. If these steps do not help, it is recommended that you restart your computer and printer.

Important. Previously, open documents and data should be saved, as After rebooting, it will not be possible to restore the information.

printing on a printerOther reasons include the incompatibility of modern software with the old operating system. To solve it, you need to update or connect the device to another computer.

There are a number of useful tips to help avoid malfunctions during long-term operation.

These include:

  • Timely replacement of supplies. In the software, you can track the status of the cartridge and its resource.
  • Using quality paper. The low density of the sheets can lead to frequent jams in the print mechanism, and poor quality will lead to contamination of the rollers and belts.
  • Before use, make sure that the connection is correct and that there are no mechanical damage. Otherwise, the equipment will stop working or immediately fail.
  • Updating drivers and software to current versions will ensure the correct operation of all devices. You can enable automatic download, upon the release of a new version.
  • Scheduled maintenance after the warranty period. In this case, the mechanisms are cleaned and the moving elements are lubricated.

If you follow the recommendations, then there will be no problems with printing.

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