The printer does not print word documents: troubleshooting printing problems

It is difficult for a modern user both at home and at work to do without a printer. But sometimes questions arise with documents when their printing stops. The sources of the problem and how to restore the print function will be discussed in our article.

The printer does not print a word

Why doesn't the printer print a word document?

The content of the article

  • Why doesn't the printer print a word document?
  • Troubleshoot printing issues with Word documents
  • Checking files and parameters of the Word program
  • Microsoft Word Recovery

The reasons are divided into two categories:

  • printer-related technical issues;
  • software crashes that indicate possible problems with the driver, directly with the application or the operating system.

Troubleshoot printing issues with Word documents

Determine the source of the malfunction and take steps to restore the work:

  • Let's check the printer whether it is connected correctly to the PC, that is, the integrity of the wires (by external inspection) and the operability of the USB input (it can be tested simply by plugging any external media into the port).
  • instagram viewer
  • We look at the ink level in the cartridges, is it sufficient for printing, if necessary, we refuel.

On a note! In laser devices, toner often contains a special blocker, which, upon reaching a certain number of pages, automatically prohibits further printing. This happens even if enough dye is left. How to remove the lock depends on the specific model.

  • Reboot the PC and printer, this action may fix some of the problems.
  • In the case of a network printer, it will be necessary to clear the queue of files sent to work, as the previous task may freeze and block the printing of new ones. The queue is usually reset when the MFP is restarted, but if this does not help, proceed according to the scheme: go through Start - Devices and printers. In the list that opens, highlight the desired device. You can see documents waiting for printouts by clicking on the “View Print Queue” button on the panel. A specific task can be deleted with the Delete key. For complete deletion, select the "Clear queue" command.

The MFP may not be installed as a priority device. To check this, open the Control Panel - Devices and Printers sections. In the list of devices, select the desired printer, click RMB and in the menu, activate the item “Use default”.


Important! In the same menu, you can use the “Troubleshooting” link and carry out equipment diagnostics.

  • Let's try to print a test page. Without leaving the previous section, double-click on the machine’s icon and go to “Properties”, on the General tab use the “Test Print” key. The result will show the nature of the problem: if the strip has an uneven color on the sheet, this means a problem with the cartridge. A blank page indicates a printer malfunction.
  • At the next step, you need to make sure the drivers of the printing model are up to date. Go to the sections Control Panel - Device Manager. In the list that opens, we find and highlight the device we need. Right-click on it and select the link “Update driver”. There are two options to choose from:
  1. Automatic update, when activated, the system will independently find and install the component. However, it is not always possible to find a driver.
  2. Search manually. You must go to the website of the manufacturer of the printing unit and in the search drive in the model name, and then select the utility in the list that opens in accordance with the capacity of the operating system. Download and install the application.

Reference. In rare cases, printing is not possible in case of failures in the operating system (virus infection, etc.). It may require restoration, and if there is no backup, a complete reinstall.

Checking files and parameters of the Word program

First, make sure that the correct printer is selected in the print window. If it is not indicated in the list, then we check its readiness for work by the above methods.

PrinterIn cases where the document sent for printing has limited functionality, this restriction must be removed, as it may interfere with the operation of the printer. This problem will be signaled by the corresponding inscription in the upper part of the editor window. We will use the “Save As” option, save the document under a new name in the standard format and open the created copy that already does not have most of the locks (including editing).

If creating a copy did not help, go to the Review tab and in the "Restrict editing" window, activate the "Disable protection" key. Save your changes.

On a note. The file can be protected from making changes through a password, without its knowledge the mentioned methods will not fix the problem.

Next, check the printability in the program. Create an empty document and enter the sequence = rand (10) in its field. Press Enter, and several paragraphs of random text will appear, send them to print. If the action was successful, in addition we try to change the font on the "Home" tab or insert a picture (the Picture item in the "Insert" tab). Re-direct to the printer.

Important. The absence of a positive result for one specific file may indicate corruption.

Microsoft Word Recovery

There are situations when a program crashes that cannot be fixed by the methods described above. In this case, you must reinstall the program.


  • close all Office applications;
  • we will go to the sections Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs;
  • we find in the list of Microsoft Office Word, highlight it, use RMB and in the menu we apply the “Change” command;
  • select the option "Restore Word", activate the "Next" button.

Reinstallation can be done with other tools, for this we act depending on the version:

  1. For the 2003 application, in the "Help" section, use the "Find and Restore" element, click "Start", and upon request, insert the license disk.
  2. In the 2007 program click the Microsoft Office icon, go to the "Word Options" section, in the Resources section, activate the Diagnostics button, follow the instructions on the screen.
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