Cmorodina - post-harvest care in the autumn period

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In each garden there is a place for a currant, giving a rich harvest of delicious berries. This is one of the most valuable crops. Currant berries contain a large amount of vitamin C, calcium and iron.

There are three types of currants: red, black and golden. There are early, medium and late varieties of currants, differing in the size and color of the berries.

Among the common varieties of blackcurrant can be found "Odzhebin "Lama "September Daniel "Black Pearl from the varieties of red currants - "Heros "Jonker van thets "Dutch Red "Rote Spetlesse "Rond from varieties of golden currant - "Versailles white" "Venus".

No less useful and interesting is a hybrid of black currant and gooseberry - joshta.

To annually receive a high yield of any sort of currant, you need to learn how to properly care for planted shrubs.

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Care of the currant after harvesting

The most important period of care for currant bushes is the time after fruiting, when harvest is collected, and the bush is fully ready to give its strength to shoots, root system and foliage. This time falls at the end of August, the beginning of September, depending on the variety of currants.

If the bush has managed to form a lot of shoots, then they need to be cut off, leaving the strongest in the number of three to four pieces or from eight to ten. This in no way will damage the bush, but will create a condition for strengthening the remaining shoots in strong branches, in which in a year there will be bunches with berries of decent size. The shrunken and old branches are also removed.


Care of the currant in autumn

Red and black currant bushes are very fond of humus and nutrient-rich moist soil. It is in autumn in early October that the soil around the currant bushes is dug and fertilized with organic, mineral - phosphorus, potassium mixtures in the following proportions: one hundred grams of superphosphate - forty grams of potassium chloride - twelve kilograms organics. Fertilized bushes in autumn perfectly overwinter and in summer they are presented with the highest yields.

Read also:Create a fragrant garden with your own hands is not at all difficult

Care for the black currant in the autumn implies its reproduction by lignified saplings.

Cuttings of currants are better taken in the places open to sunlight, which are thoroughly protected from wind drafts.

Stages of planting black currant:

  • The first action when planting a seedling in the middle of autumn is digging a pit 50 * 50 cm in size and about 40 cm deep; The bottom of the pit is loosened by means of a fork;

  • after the pit for planting is ready to mix the compost with mineral fertilizers, mix well the resulting mixture with the soil excavated from the pit (ratio:);

  • the seedling lands in the pit in such a way that the root system is below the horizontal level applicable when reproduction of currant; root system of the seedling is pruned, dry roots removed, only the most healthy;
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  • after measuring the correctness of the planting height, the pit is filled with a prepared mixture of earth and compost; the root system of the seedling should be soaked in clay mortar - this is the main protection of the roots from withering and drying;

  • on previously planted shrubs, which have already given the first fruits, a lot of young shoots are formed, which can be useful for In autumn it is enough just to dig one of them into the ground, it will take root and in the spring it will be possible to separate a new seedling from the main bush.

Caring for the red currant is identical to caring for the black.

In order to protect the root system of currants of any kind, it is necessary to dig up all bushes with ground soil until late autumn, and when snow will fall - to dip them in order to create a certain fur coat, such actions will save the roots from sudden changes in temperature and strong frost.

The main features of autumn care for varieties of red and black currants:

  • unpretentious currant bushes are very fond of moisture and warm areas with abundant sunlight, therefore, planting seedlings in autumn, it is necessary to assess the climatic properties of the planting site in the spring-summer period time;
  • plant single-tree bushes in one area is inappropriate, very many biologists have proved that large yields are obtained when the area is growing several varieties of currant bushes, high and high yields are provided by additional pollination of other currant inflorescences varieties;
  • when planting, one should also take into account the fact that the currant saplings, planted in the fall, are well established in loose, loamy and sandy soils that have a neutral or low acidity; and should pay attention to the frequency of planting seedlings, too close their location can create a shadow, which will lead to a decrease productivity;
  • shrubs that have an age of more than ten years, gradually lose the ability to bear fruit and bring high yields, so in the autumn the young shoots formed are buried with the aim of forming young seedlings, and in the spring the old bush is removed, and the planted surviving shoot develops into a young bush, so the garden is updated with new ones bushes;
  • In autumn, attention is paid to the prevention of fungal diseases and harmful insects, which can affect the leaves of currant bushes and at the expense of this reduces the yield of berries; to prevent their development and reproduction, all dry foliage flown from the bushes is burned, it is in it that larvae can live harmful insects, as well as if there were diseases on the foliage, then the soil can keep pathogens and infect the blossom that opens in spring again undesirable ailment.
Read also:How to fertilize the currant bush without damaging the roots (video)

Observance of elementary rules of autumn care for currant bushes - fertilizers, pruning and planting - allow as a result of painstaking work to receive the highest yields of different varieties of the most delicious and useful berries.

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