PDF is one of the most common formats today. Files with this extension are well protected in terms of information integrity, but sometimes some difficulties may arise when printing them. The article will tell you about the features of this format.
Features Pdffile
The content of the article
- PDF file features
- How to print through the program
- The printer does not work with PDF - what should I do?
- Why PDF format does not open
Portable Document Format is a cross-platform open format for electronic documents. It was developed by Adobe Systems in order to create a universal file that will make it possible to display a document on different devices identically to the original one.
It is mainly used for office needs as a storage of text or graphic information. A PDF file allows you to save and convey the originality of letterhead. In addition to text documents, it supports videos and audio signals. With its versatility, files take up a minimum of physical memory.
For pdf-files there is an opportunity to configure security. The most common and available settings are: a ban on transfer to paper, as well as a ban on editing a document and the use of electronic signatures. But to use additional functionality, as a rule, you need to use an editor, which is almost always paid.
PDF files are very difficult to edit text documents because the text is perceived as an image. This provides the opportunity to transfer to third parties their proven developments. Which are easy to demonstrate, but difficult to edit, which complicates the process of intellectual property theft. And to view it is enough to install on the device a free version for reading PDF.
How to print through the program
In order to print a PDF file, you need to install software that allows you to open files. Then double-click to open the document, and select "Print" in the "File" menu.
If the document does not open with a double click, you should:
- Open the program for PDF, select "Open" in the menu and specify the location.
- In the "Select Programs" dialog box, set the program to open PDF as the default program.
Reference: It is recommended to install the programs from the official site of Adobe Acrobat Dc.
After selecting the "Print" command, a dialog box appears with the print settings. In the column "Printer" should be indicated device for printing. Below is the number of planned copies when printing.
Also in the settings it is possible to print the entire document, specific pages or a range of pages. For this, it is necessary to put a marker over the corresponding task in the "Pages for Printing" section.
Reference: To print specific sheets, you need to set a marker opposite the “Pages”, then indicate the page numbers for printing separated by a comma. A dash between page numbers indicates the range of sheets.
In the "Properties" item, additional settings are made, such as setting a black-and-white or color printing. For duplex printing, you must select the appropriate item on the Type tab. It is recommended that you first open the document for preview. It is this function that eliminates re-printing to eliminate deficiencies.
The printer does not work with PDF - what should I do?
Many are faced with such misfortune when the printer perfectly prints text files, but PDF does not. The first thing to do is to check the connection of the printing device, then you should check the ink and paper in the device.
Try printing documents of a different format. If the same problem occurs when printing other items, you must update or reinstall the drivers on the printer.
Basically, a printing error occurs in the following cases:
- Does not print individual PDFs;
- Does not print all documents with the pdf extension.
Does not work with individual Pdf-files. In this case, the printer for printing individual files when printing displays messages with various errors. Most likely this is directly related to the selected document, and not with software or a printing device.
Most likely the document is damaged at the time of download or there was an error while saving. To solve this problem, you must re-download the file, or contact the owner of the original version of the file and save it again in PDF.
Reference: The most common file corruption during download is due to an unstable internet connection.
Does not print all documents with the pdf extension. If the printer prints all kinds of documents, and the problem occurs only when printing PDF, then most likely it is related to software. To troubleshoot, reinstall the program to read or edit files. Then you need to restart the computer, open the document in the installed program and send it to print.
Reference: PDF documents can be converted into JPG format and printed as a picture.
In many cases, an error when printing documents is due to incorrect software installation. Also, problems can arise when using pirated or hacked versions of programs. Therefore, it is recommended that frequent pop-up errors result in updating or reinstalling the software.
Why PDF format does not open
The reason for the refusal to work with the document may be the lack of the necessary software. If the installation of the program did not help, and the files still do not open. Perhaps the cause of the problem is to preserve the original element during which the error occurred. Also, when downloading files from the Internet, a connection failure may occur, which leads to errors when opening.
For archived documents, the most common problem arises due to incorrect decompression, or due to incorrect archiving.
What are the programs for PDF
The most optimal and proven program is considered Adobe Acrobat. There are versions for both reading and editing PDF files. Also one of the leading places among pdf software is SODAPDF. In addition to the standard set for opening text documents, it also has 3D reading technology. When installing the program, there is a trial license that will allow you to fully use some time for free.
PDF-XChange Viewer program advantage is a free license, support for the Russian language and the availability of great functionality. Convenient and easy navigation, allowing you to view, print and edit documents.
STDU Viewer can be attributed to a universal program that additionally allows you to open files with the BPM extension, JPEG, GIF, PNG, DCX, DjVu, etc. There is the ability to edit the text, and there is also the function of adding bookmarks. Has a free license.
Famous and common reading programs include: HamsterPDF Reader, MovaviPDF Editor, Foxit Reader, FreePDF Reader, etc.
The following programs can be attributed to PDF editors for professional purposes: ABBYYPDF Transformer, WondersharePDF Editor, NitroPDF Reader Foxit AdvancedPDF Editor, etc.