Easy maintenance of garden studs

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Beautiful carnation flowers like to grow on their sites, many gardeners. Their exquisite and bright beauty captures the look, the carnations are a real flower bed decoration. But still it is unpretentious and not very capricious flower. Care for the garden carnation is pleasant and simple. It is enough to know the main principles of growing a flower beauty.

How to grow a flower

This plant adores sunny areas. A better place than the flower beds, well lit by sunlight and protected from winds, to grow cloves can not be imagined.

The perennial clove in the garden grows perfectly on light soil with neutral acidity, saturated with humus and sand. The soil for it should flow through water and not be waterlogged.

Plant the plant at a temperature of + 15 ° C. Sow the seeds of cloves in the substrate from humus, sand, sod land in equal parts and lightly sprinkled. Very important for the gardener the question - how correctly to plant a carnation. The soil must be moistened. To preserve heat and moisture, it is sheltered. After germination, it is no longer necessary to cover the sowing.When the leaves appear, picks are carried out in separate containers and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. On a bed of grown seedlings, cloves are planted, keeping a distance of 20 cm, the soil is mulched. Planting a garden carnation with observance of agricultural techniques and further care help to grow gorgeous flowers.

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Care for the garden carnation

Flowers on the flower beds during growth require some attention. A few simple rules provide the most favorable conditions for cloves:

  • weed removal;
  • pinching the flower;
  • frequent watering;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • top dressing of a plant;
  • garter.

Carnation does not like the neighborhood of weeds and grass, the flower needs to be freed from them. The abundance of weeds around the flower slows down or completely depresses its growth. Weeding is an indispensable element of caring for a fragile beauty.

Care for the garden perennial carnation is also in prischipke top of the flower, which gives a push for rapid flowering. The plant begins to bush and give lateral shoots. The prick is held above the upper leaf node, with a stem height of 15 cm. How to pinch a stud? Do this with your fingers. A month later, a pinch is repeated.

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We must not forget about the moistening and nutrition of the soil, where perennial plants are planted. Street carnation needs care, associated with moderate watering, after which the soil is loosened.

Do not overmoist the soil next to the carnations, this can lead to decay of the roots.

Organic and especially mineral fertilizers contribute to the soil, this contributes to the good development of stems and rapid flowering. It is important to feed the plant with complex fertilizers, when buds appear.

If the stems of the carnation grow very high, the plant is tied up. It should be in an upright position, otherwise under the weight of the flowers the stems will begin to break. The stems are tied to the supports with a twine or a thread from the capron. You need to do this very carefully and not tight.

When the flowers of a carnation fade, they must be cut off immediately. This stimulates a new flowering.

Garden stud must be prepared for winter. Frosts should not hurt her. To do this, trim the wilted flower over the soil. Be sure to process mulch soil around the plant. This will help the roots get a supply of nutrients. Some gardeners in regions with cold winters dig out flower bushes, transplant them into boxes, containers or pots and bring them into the house for the winter. In this case the carnation will safely overwinter.

Flowerbeds blossom all summer, if you remember these simple rules, how to grow a perennial clove.


How Carnations Reproduce

There are several ways of multiplying this perennial flower:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

Lapping appears with the help of moist soil and a notch in the stem. Long side shoots are cut from below, fixed, sprinkled with soil and watered. Soon there are roots, a green sprout grows. It is separated from the carnation bush and planted in the ground.

Sometimes the layers are obtained from a lush bush with lateral branches, sprinkling them with earth. In doing so, regularly watered. After a while, the branches start up. Then they are transplanted separately.

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Very popular with gardeners is the reproduction of all kinds of carnations by cuttings. Usually this is done in early June. At the carnation bush, long side shoots with at least four leaves are chosen. Shoots are released from the leaves, between the nodes on the stem make several cuts. It is useful to dip the slices into a growth stimulant. The cuttings are planted in a substrate prepared in half from the fertile soil and humus, adding a little sand there. Planted cuttings and cover with transparent material, to make a kind of greenhouse. They take root in three weeks, give shoots.A full flowering of the new clove bush can be expected in a year.

In early spring, cloves can be propagated by dividing the bush. The plant is completely excavated and divides the root into several separate bushes. Each of them must necessarily have a healthy and developed root, a major lateral shoot. Received young bushes are planted in the ground. They take care of an adult plant. Flowering will begin next year.

Carnation Diseases

Care and care for the garden carnation include mandatory disease prevention and disposal of pests of the plant.

Unfortunately, the carnation, like other flowers, is prone to certain diseases:

  • fungus;
  • gray rot;
  • rust;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • fusariosis.

Fungus heterosporiosis affects the carnation with an excess of moisture and nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil. On the leaves of the plant appear brown spots with reddish rims. The plant begins to wither and die. In this case, the affected plants are burned, the soil is treated with a Bordeaux liquid. To prevent this disease, bushes twice a season are treated with nitrafen or other similar drugs.

Gray rot - botrytis appears on the flowers in the period of prolonged rains, cooling, in the absence of sunlight. Sometimes the disease provokes a large excessive density of planted plants. They are covered with a gray smoky touch. Such flowers are subject to destruction. Prevention: do not allow excessive moisture and spraying with fungicides.

Treatment with fungicidal drugs can not be carried out on sunny days in strong winds. The best conditions for this are dry and cloudy weather.

Rust also causes fungus. At the same time, stems and leaves are affected, they turn yellow and dry out. The disease provokes a lack of potassium in the soil and an excess of nitrogen, excessive waterlogging. The affected plants are removed, sprayed with fungicides, for example, Bordeaux liquid. Prevention consists of moderate watering, weeding of weeds - peddlers of pathogens.

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Risectoniasis leads to decay of the root system of the carnation near the root neck. The plant ceases to receive nutrients. Its leaves turn yellow, wilt, roots are affected by rot. For the rescue of plants, a universal and effective fungicide, the "Maxim" preparation, is suitable. For the prevention of permanent soil loosening and moderate watering.

Fusarium wilt - staining the stem in a reddish color, yellowing leaves, decaying roots. As a result - the flowers cease to blossom, the plant dies. The cause of the disease can become too much moisture, acidic soil and hot weather. Such plants can not be cured, they are excavated and burned. Protect the carnation from this scourge by mulching and moderate watering.

Pests of the Garden Beauty

Sometimes it is difficult to avoid attacking a flower of a carnation of such pests:

  • nematodes;
  • caterpillars;
  • thrips.

Nematodes are gallic - these are dangerous for the plant small worms. They are planted on the roots of cloves with high humidity in hot weather. Nematodes are real parasites, forming growths and absorbing beneficial substances, liquid from the roots. In this case, the leaves of the carnation turn yellow, and the plant dies. There is a variety of stem nematodes settling inside the plant. Nematodes infect the soil around the flower. Pest control consists in the introduction of nematicides and formalin.

Caterpillars attack the plant, crawling from the soil, they damage the buds and leaves. For prevention in the spring, the cloves of carnation with dichlorophos or similar preparations are processed. The soil is pollinated by antiparasitic agents.

The thrips attack the carnation, leaving whitish spots on the plant. The plant fades and dies. Such bushes are destroyed, and the soil is decontaminated, and processed several times.

A good care of a magnificent flower - a garden carnation will allow to admire its beauty until the autumn.

How to Grow a Carnation - video

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