Cut the watermelon correctly: a special knife from China


Watermelon is the most favorite berry of both adults and children. Everyone is looking forward to summer, to finally enjoy a delicious and juicy watermelon. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to cut it smoothly and carefully, so as not to smear with a fragrant juice.

However, now this problem can be quickly solved with a special knife for watermelon. This device allows you to quickly and accurately cut a large berries.

Use a knife for watermelon is very simple. First, you need to wash the watermelon and cut it in half (best along) with a conventional knife. Take a special knife from the side on which there is a special bar. It is she who gently cuts the flesh of a large berry. Then flip the knife and pull out the resulting slice with the plasters. After the whole watermelon is cut, simply rinse the knife with water.

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Advantages of the watermelon knife:

  1. Simplicity. Easy movements can cut a large berry.
  2. Speed. With such a comfortable knife, you can crumble the whole watermelon in less than two minutes.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Versatility. The device combines a knife and convenient tongs, thanks to which it is possible to accurately get a sliced ​​piece.
  5. Quality cutting. All sliced ​​slices will be the same thickness.
  6. Purity. With such a knife it is difficult to soil the table and clothes. Do not have to wash the whole kitchen from the watermelon juice.
  7. Thoughtful design. The knife does not take up much space in the kitchen, and the handle is made in such a way that it is almost impossible to drop the knife.
  8. Suitable for both watermelon and melon.
Read also:Hose for garden irrigation irrigation system made in China = DcU1StPmf0Q The knife for a watermelon is simply a wonderful device. But how much does it cost? In online stores in Ukraine and Russia, the knife is sold for 300 rubles. Quite inexpensive for such a universal invention.

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But on the site of Aliexpress knife for cutting watermelon is only 109 rubles. This is really the ideal price for this device.

Characteristics of the Chinese knife for cutting watermelon:

  • material - stainless steel;
  • length of the knife - 11 cm;
  • length of knife with handle - 21 cm;
  • color - silvery;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher.

As you can see, a convenient cutter for cutting watermelon is best ordered directly from a Chinese manufacturer. After all, he sells his goods almost 3 times cheaper than domestic producers.

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