Tablet mode on a laptop: what is it, why is it needed, how to use

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Modern technology does not stand still, in connection with which, manufacturers of consumer electronics always surprise their customers with something new. So, for example, in the latest operating system "Windows 10" there is an opportunity that allows you to make a laptop like a portable device.

Notebook tablet mode: what is it

What is tablet mode on a laptop

The content of the article

  • What is tablet mode on a laptop
  • Why do I need tablet mode on a laptop
  • How to use tablet mode

This mode is a gadget control without using a mouse and keyboard - all actions are done with your own hands, on the display itself. A similar process is completely identical with the use of touch tablets or smartphones - this is precisely why the function got its name.

The introduction of this opportunity, manufacturers are motivated by high growth in the production of hybrid laptops. Such device models have a touch screen, as well as a unique equipment design, in which the keyboard can be freely disconnected. Thus, the gadget resembles a “transformer" - it is transformed from a laptop into a portable device.

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However, the presence of touch control of the operating system is not the only feature. The desktop in this mode has also undergone changes, and now it resembles a more simplified version: shortcuts on the desktop significantly increase in size, and also removes some of the information windows.

Laptop tablet mode

The first attempts to create high-quality touch control were launched on the Windows 8 operating system, but then it was not possible to achieve full-fledged performance. In the tenth version of the OS, developers took a much greater step, and now management has become better, easier and more responsive.

Important! It is worth mentioning that these functions are available only for owners of laptops with a touch screen. For owners of devices with a standard display, it will be simply impossible to realize.

Why do I need tablet mode on a laptop

First of all, this feature will be relevant for owners of laptops with a touch screen. In this case, novice users do not have to turn their eyes to the keyboard, looking for the necessary keys. Such a solution will greatly simplify the training of a person with new technology.

But even more effective this mode will be for owners of hybrid laptops. People with such models will simply not need a keyboard, since all control will take place directly from the screen. This will be relevant for long trips, or when using the device outside the home. After all, the gadget is reduced in volume by almost half, which makes it easier to carry and use.

Laptop tablet mode

This mode may also be needed if there are mechanical problems with the keyboard. A person does not always have the time, money and desire to repair his old equipment, or to buy new ones, so this method will be very relevant. He especially helps when you need to urgently use the device, but the keyboard does not work at the same time - touch control comes to the rescue.

By the way, more than 50% of users use this mode precisely with this problem. Often there are breakdowns of the keyboard itself, or its individual elements, as well as the control device. Replacing components is not always possible, but it is still possible to continue using the device if it has a hybrid system.

How to use tablet mode

You can enable this mode as follows:

  1. Right-click on the notification center, which is located in the lower right corner;
  2. Next, select the very first icon "Tablet mode;

If everything is done correctly, a window will open in which the user will be offered the appropriate setting. There are no specific recommendations here, since everything should be customized exclusively for you. The only thing worth paying attention to is the full-screen display. In this item, select “Enabled”, otherwise the image may be significantly trimmed.

After the user first turns on this function and performs the configuration, he is greeted by an empty desktop. Most experienced users can be confused immediately, since they can associate this with a reset of the operating system. But, fortunately, all the files remain in place, the appearance of the desktop just changes, now it looks pretty non-standard.

Laptop tablet mode

Use the device using the typical taskbar, which is provided on all types of Windows operating systems. It is there that you can find interesting installed programs, as well as transfer their icons to the new desktop.

The tablet mode is turned off in the same notification center, only this time it will be necessary to select the value "Disconnect". All touch control settings will be saved, and can be used when reconnecting the function.

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