How to wipe a laptop screen? What should not be done? Useful Tips

Over time, dust and dirt accumulate on the laptop screen, and traces of insects and fingerprints do not look aesthetically pleasing. The improvised tools will help return the screen to its previous appearance, but it is important to know what errors should be avoided, how to wipe the monitor correctly.

Laptop cleaning

How to wipe a laptop screen at home

The content of the article

  • How to wipe a laptop screen at home
    • Napkins and products
    • Folk remedies
  • What should not be done?
  • Useful Tips

To clean the laptop, you do not need to resort to the help of expensive means. Of course, there are special sprays and wipes designed to wipe the screen, but you can get by with improvised means.

Wipe with a soft cloth, cotton pads, dry or wet wipes. For more effective cleansing, use baby soap or special products.

How to wipe

Napkins and products

Recently, dry wipes, which are designed specifically for cleaning surfaces, have gained great popularity. Their distinguishing feature is the lack of pile. To clean the screen, take one such napkin and apply a thin layer of cleaning agent.

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Remember that various gels and sprays can cause stains to remain on the screen. Getting rid of them will be quite problematic.

Important! Cleaning will be effective only if you buy high-quality products and wipe the display with a clean cloth.

You can arm yourself with wet wipes. They have a rather soft texture, so that the cleaning process will be safe and effective. Effective Algorithm:

  1. Wipe the screen with a damp cloth.
  2. Wait until it dries a little, then repeat the action.
  3. As soon as the cloth is completely dry, wipe the screen a third time.

Folk remedies

You can not use special purchased funds. It is enough to arm yourself with baby soap (always with a neutral pH level), cotton swabs or discs.

Follow a simple action algorithm:

  1. Take a cotton pad and wipe the monitor against accumulated dirt.
  2. Soak it in clean water, be sure to squeeze it well and lather with baby soap.
  3. Wipe the entire surface with a moistened cotton pad, changing them periodically.
  4. Gently wipe the monitor with dry material.

Cotton pads are a great alternative to special wipes. They help achieve the same result.

Laptop cleaning

What should not be done?

Technique requires proper handling. To make the cleaning process as effective as possible, pay attention to some details:

  1. Do not wipe the included laptop. This applies not only to computers, but also to any technology. The fact is that water, foam or a cleaning agent will immediately dry on the screen. This is due to the fact that during operation of the device, the surfaces are heated.
  2. Laptop cleaningIf you need to remove traces of flies or stains from grease, then refrain from using dishwashing detergents or rubbing glass. You can significantly harm the screen coating, as such products include substances that corrode them.
  3. Press the screen hard. All actions should be easy and accurate. Otherwise, the LCD matrix of the laptop may suffer.
  4. Use only products that cannot damage the screen. Even if it is very dirty and it seems that you cannot do without using a knife or blade, this will be a bad decision. In the best case, you will achieve that a large number of small scratches will appear on the screen (this also applies to those cases when you used a washcloth of rough texture). In other cases, the display may break and not transmit the image.
  5. Do not use wet wipes. Only wet are allowed. A prerequisite is their purity. Using wet wipes will cause excess moisture to fall on the internal parts of the device. Even if nothing changes visually, the life of the laptop will be significantly reduced.

Important! Refrain from turning on your device until the screen is completely dry.

Useful Tips

Cleaning the monitor from dirt should be done depending on how often dust and dirt accumulate on it. Most often there are many traces of flies or other insects, fingerprints and dust.

Important! The first recommendation is to turn off your laptop and let it cool. Only then can you start cleaning.

  1. NapkinBe sure to use only clean materials. If you take a dirty rag or napkin, then stains and stripes may appear on the display, which will be more difficult to get rid of.
  2. If there is no strong dirt on the screen, but only dust, you should wipe it with a slightly damp cloth or soft sponge. The most preferred material is microfiber.
  3. You can use designated wipes or cotton pads. If there is too much dirt on the monitor, then soap and special gels will help in solving the problem.
  4. Using a special tool, do not spray it on the monitor itself. It (if ingested) can significantly harm the laptop. The best solution is to apply the product on a rag, and only then clean the screen of dirt.
  5. When removing accumulated dirt in the corners of the display, it is best to use cotton swabs. It is not only cheap and convenient, but also effective.

Another recommendation is cleaning with neat circular movements (can be cleaned vertically). Due to this, excess moisture will not get into the device.

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