No sound on the laptop: what to do, how to find and eliminate the cause

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Any equipment may be subject to possible breakdowns. This is especially true multifunctional technology, for example: personal computers, laptops and smartphones. Even with proper care of them, you can not be completely immune from the occurrence of equipment malfunctions.

Missing sound on laptop

In the case of multimedia technology, one of the most common problems is the lack of sound or it plays quietly. Over 70% of users encounter this, so this issue is very relevant. This may be due to several reasons, which are easy to find out if you know some features of the technique.

Why is there no sound on the laptop

The content of the article

  • Why is there no sound on the laptop
  • How to find the cause of sound loss
  • Troubleshooting and setup
  • What to do so that the sound does not disappear on the laptop

The most common reason that sound on a laptop disappears is the failure of the sound card drivers. It occurs most often with a sharp shutdown and restart of the operating system - it is extremely forbidden to do this. You should not also sharply disconnect the device from power if it works through a connection to electricity.

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To solve this problem, computer manufacturers have come up with a system shutdown and restart the laptop. The button, which is located on the device’s body and is responsible for restarting the system, is intended only for emergency reset. This happens, for example, with severe freezing of the operating system, as well as with any other serious malfunctions.

Missing sound on laptop

Sound may not work correctly if the laptop is poorly maintained. It often happens that sound channels become clogged with garbage, which makes listening to the soundtrack of the system simply uncomfortable. At the same time, due to the clogging of the case, another problem may appear - this is a strong overheating. In this case, not only can sound fail, but there is a likelihood of combustion of individual components of the device.

Reference! Also, the sound may disappear in the presence of viruses in the system. These problems occur much less frequently, since malware has a completely different purpose. But, if such a situation happened, you should check the operating system for viruses in the first place.

How to find the cause of sound loss

First of all, it should be determined whether this malfunction is mechanical or systemic. Mechanical damage can be determined by using headphones, but this does not always work out. If the sound is constantly changing when listening to music through the headphones, and can work in turn with the left and right sound, then the malfunction is in the sound jack itself.

Solving this issue independently is quite problematic, as special tools will be required. The only thing you can do yourself is to try to shift the headphone jack to the side with a light touch. In this case, the connecting contact may snap into place, and the laptop will fully work.

Missing sound on laptop

In the event that there is no sound at all, you should check the sound card. This can be done using special programs, which can be found and installed on the Internet. In addition to this, the software will track the current version of the drivers, and if necessary, successfully update them.

Troubleshooting and setup

The simplest solution to this problem can be found among novice users. People simply reduce the sound level in the volume mixer, which is why they associate this with any malfunctions. Most often, the sound is completely turned off on the keyboard, by a special key located on the top panel.

You can return it in the same way, using the keyboard, as well as through the volume mixer. You can open it on the desktop, in the lower right corner - the "Hidden Tasks" icon will be located there. We select it, then click on the mixer and set the desired sound level.

A more serious technical problem is with the soundbar. It is located in the same place as the volume mixer, but is indicated as “Sound Manager”. This function should also be checked, because the user could accidentally mute the sound there. To check this and fix it or restore it, you need to go into the sound manager in windows and select the value “Playback devices”. In the window that opens, all connected audio devices are displayed: both built-in and externally connected, through the connectors. Now you need to carefully look at the devices displayed on the screen, opposite the value “Speakers” should be ticked. If it is absent, just click on it twice and that’s it, the problem is solved.

Missing sound on laptop

If none of the methods helped, or the devices do not appear in the sound manager, you should check for the presence of sound card drivers, usually there is a disk with such programs with equipment. This is best done through the DriverPack program, as it not only checks the driver version, but also updates them automatically.

Important! Do not install drivers from the old boot disks that came with the kit. This software can be very outdated, due to which problems with version compatibility may appear.

What to do so that the sound does not disappear on the laptop

The main rule of quality laptop performance is a timely system update. Tracking this yourself is quite difficult, so it’s much more efficient to install the program described above.

In addition, you must also regularly clean the laptop case. This should be done 3-5 times a year. If, with good care of the equipment, it still overheats, then the thermal grease must be replaced. This process should also be carried out 2-3 times a year.

Missing sound on laptop

Sound problems after a reboot can also be avoided with careful handling of the audio connectors. To do this, headphones should be selected with a long wire to prevent accidental jerking of the connectors when moving the head.

The audio connectors may not work correctly from the moment you purchased the device and because of this, there may be no sound or it stopped working a few minutes after turning it on. It may not be a technical marriage, but the transportation of equipment. The connector has a thin metal plate, which can easily bend during sudden movements of the laptop. You can fix it yourself, but you should be well versed in the device design.

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