Black bar on a laptop screen: the causes of the appearance of a black bar on a laptop, ways to eliminate it.

Black bar on the screen.Like any other device, the laptop is not immune to various technical problems. For example, streaks may appear on its screen. They can be of different colors and have a vertical and horizontal direction. In this case, the reason for their occurrence is somewhat more difficult to establish than in the case of the system unit monitor.

The reasons for the appearance of a black bar on a laptop

The content of the article

  • The reasons for the appearance of a black bar on a laptop
  • What to do if a black horizontal bar appears on the screen

Usually, at first one small bar appears, which does not cause any inconvenience to the device owner. Since it does not interfere with the workflow, it is often left unattended. In the future, this leads to the fact that the number of bands increases, and their width becomes larger.A few black bars on the screen.

There are several common causes of image defects on a laptop screen:

  1. Graphics adapter overheating. The video card is responsible for the formation of the image on the screen. The device has the ability to accumulate dust, which leads to its heating. This is one of the most common causes of various visual image defects on the display.
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  2. Failure of the video adapter. With prolonged overheating or frequent power surges, the video card may completely fail. In this case, the strip will appear even in the process of loading the laptop.
  3. Failure of the screen matrix. Various mechanical damages to the display, such as a shock, result in this.
  4. Failure of the motherboard. Like the graphics adapter, the motherboard is exposed to heat. If it overheats, then this can lead to a complete failure of the component.
  5. Plume. The laptop monitor is connected to its internal components using a special loop. The train itself is subjected to daily mechanical stress. This leads to wire breakage or poor contact.

What to do if a black horizontal bar appears on the screen

To resolve the problems that have arisen, you must correctly determine the cause of their occurrence. Some of them can be eliminated on their own.

Attention! A complete and reliable diagnosis of the device can only be performed in a specialized workshop using the necessary equipment and special programs.

Diagnostics and repair of laptops in the workshop.

At home, you can do the following:

  1. Connect the laptop to another monitor. This will require a VGA cable. If there are no stripes, then the reason lies in the loop or product matrix. The appearance of similar defects indicates problems with the graphics card or laptop motherboard. You can replace the video card or "motherboard" yourself. To replace the loop or matrix, you will need to contact a repair shop.
  2. Check matrix. To do this, the laptop should be placed on a flat horizontal surface and gently push down to the place where the image defect appeared. In this case, you must pay attention to the change in color or brightness of the strip. If they are, then the cause of the breakdown is the failure of the matrix or loop.
  3. Diagnose the loop. This requires slowly opening and closing the laptop, while watching the changes on the display. If there are interruptions in its operation, then the cause of the defect is a loop failure.

Once the cause has been established, you can begin to eliminate it:

  1. Laptop cable repair. To do this, you need a tester and everything you need for soldering. With the help of the tester, you need to ring the loop to find out the exact place of the cliff. Then in this place it is necessary to carefully solder the parallel wire, which will duplicate the failed one.
  2. With defects in the motherboard. If the reason for the appearance lies in the "motherboard", then the simplest option will be its complete replacement.
  3. If the reason is in the video card. On the graphics adapter is a special chip that is prone to overheating. In this case, you can replace it completely. However, this is a fairly expensive repair option. Therefore, the simplest is to replace the video card.
  4. Incorrect operation of device drivers. This is easily fixed by their complete reinstallation.

Attention! In the absence of the necessary repair skills, you should contact the service shop!

When a black bar appears, you must immediately make the necessary diagnostics. Perhaps the reason is not so serious and it can be dealt with at home. However, for complex repairs, you should contact the repair shop.

The appearance of stripes is not a “sentence” for a laptop. But you should not delay the repair of the device, since this can lead to aggravation of existing problems or the emergence of new ones.

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