How to enable bluetooth on a windows laptop

a laptopNowadays, you can rarely find such a built-in module as bluetooth on a laptop. This is due to the fact that wifi is gradually replacing it through its own popularity. However, do not forget about the equipment in which he still remains. Users of such models need to have knowledge about the inclusion and use of bluetooth. In the written article, you will learn not only ways to activate, but also solutions to possible obstacles that may appear on the way.

How to enable bluetooth on a laptop

The content of the article

  • How to enable bluetooth on a laptop
  • Why on a laptop bluetooth
  • How to transfer from a laptop via bluetooth
  • Why the bluetooth does not turn on / off

bluetoothDepending on your operating system, the procedure may vary. Therefore, for each of them it makes sense to consider its own sequence of steps.

Windows 7. Before starting the main process, it is recommended that you check. It represents the installation of drivers and auxiliary utilities. With their absence, the object will not be operational. It is also important to mention where you can download the appropriate programs from. In a complete set for each device usually comes with a disk directly with software. But it is likely that you lost it or did not find it. In this case, you will have to go to the official site and also configure the software.

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Now, after the search for new equipment is reproduced, you can see it in the device manager. To deploy the service, you need to hold down the combination of "start" + "R". In the window that opens, you need to enter "mmc.devmgmt.msc", and then click on "enter". Now you have a list from which you need to select "bluetooth radio modules" and "network adapters". By clicking on the named lines with the right mouse button, you can either enable or disable the function.

Attention! Thanks to the “hot” buttons, you can also bring the adapter into action.

It is about clamping Fn together with F2, F5, F10. The installation model directly affects the selection of the last tool from the above. In addition, do not forget about the icon of the stand-alone module in the tray after configuring the driver.

Windows 8. Due to the improvement of the OS version, the course of events will slightly differ from the previous version. So, the user should run the following algorithm:

  • First you need to open the panel, which is on the right. The mouse pointer must be brought in such a way as to mark the line “parameters”.
  • Then you can select “change computer settings” and go to the “wireless network” tab.
  • After carrying out the described manipulations, the area in which the regulation of indicators usually occurs is highlighted. Therefore, here you can both enable and disable the work by moving the special part.

If you are the owner of windows 8.1, then the above stages are not suitable for use. You have to expand the “start” section and also go to the window where it is possible to change values. After that, it’s important to choose “computer and devices,” and then bluetooth. Thus, the system will automatically begin to find open networks.

Windows 10. To activate such a part in modern varieties of the OS, you need to start executing the list of steps:

  • Due to the menu mark, it will be necessary to get to the layout of the “device” through the “parameters”.
  • Now it is necessary to notice the first of the proposed sections, namely “bluetooth and others ..”.
  • So, the slider can be moved to the desired position for you. If activated, self-discovery of available accessories will begin.
  • When the list is formed, you will have to mark the unit with which you want to interact.

If you have pre-installed the required programs, then in the system area you can find the product with the image of the adapter. Thanks to her, a person is able to use quick access. To do this, hold the right side of the mouse and select "go to options". Then the connection of the two inventions will begin.

Why on a laptop bluetooth

how to enable bluetooth on a laptopAs on ordinary cell phones, tablets, and on notebooks, the specification plays the same role everywhere. This wireless contact technology is rare, but sometimes reaches a radius for action as much as 100 meters. In this case, the speed implies a gap of 3 to 24 Mbps. The adapter is used for the following purposes:

  1. Exchange of information between equipment. So, it is possible to transfer various files in the form of video or audio from one computer to another source.
  2. Connect headsets without wires. The category includes not only mice, keyboards, but also a microphone, headphones.
  3. Also, the main invention can be paired with a smartphone, while using the second of them as a modem for contacting the Internet.

Of course, every year the technology is being modernized. Therefore, five versions can be distinguished, each of which differs in the range of its activities and the estimated speed. An important advantage of this function is the fact that the relationship is exclusively between the two units. Meanwhile, for example, wifi allows outsiders to participate.

How to transfer from a laptop via bluetooth

bluetooth and smartphone After the connection and configuration stage has been reliably completed, users often have a question directly about how to transfer the material. In fact, the procedure is quite simple and usually does not cause difficulties.

  1. First of all, you need to start work on both devices.
  2. If the phone has not previously interacted with the main invention, then you will need to enable visibility. This is done through the settings.
  3. Now you can start pairing. To do this, select the file you want to transfer and right-click on it. You will see an area where the manipulation options will be displayed. Accordingly, you must select a line with the name "send". To further mark the “bluetooth device”. This is the end of the process.

Indeed, there are additional applications that sometimes greatly facilitate the connection, as well as provide special features. On some notebook prototypes, they are built in during development. But in their absence, you can install them yourself.

Why the bluetooth does not turn on / off

file transferSometimes there are obstacles that prevent the transfer of information from one place to another. But before embarking on serious steps, it is first recommended to navigate the situation. That is, to find out the source of the origin of the problem and to compare the desired elimination method to it. So, we can highlight the following reasons:

  • Most likely you have this part disabled. Most often this happens in people who often use it. This may be, for example, due to its deliberate shutdown by means of function keys. Often people accidentally touch them: Fn and the components appropriate for the combination.
  • It is also likely that it will be disabled in win. To verify this, refer to the value and check the correct position of the switch. Look carefully: you probably have “airplane mode” set up.
  • Sometimes the inability to regulate a function is explained by the inevitability of installing a utility. In some samples, such actions can be reproduced exclusively through them. For acer, Quick Access is suitable, HP - Wireless Assistant. You can find a large number of such programs on the World Wide Web.
  • It is possible that communication without wire is influenced by BIOS. To find out the truth, you should go to the “Onboard Device Configuration” layout through “Advanced”. And it is there to view the information. Everything is done, respectively, through the BIOS system.

Two categories can be conditionally distinguished: a software problem and hardware malfunctions. In the first moment, you will have to reset all available design indicators. Here it’s worthwhile to understand that the approach to each brand will be different. If the defect remains, then it is advisable to complete the firmware. In another situation, a trip to specialists, to a service center is inevitable. Only there they will be able to identify and resolve the lack of performance of your acquisition.

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