Which processor is better for a laptop: comparison of Intel and AMD in price and parameters

Processors.The development of technology has greatly expanded the number of diverse computer equipment. All devices differ in appearance, characteristics and purpose. The laptop is one of the most popular. It is compact, lightweight and provides the owner with the necessary mobility. In this case, the device may have a different "filling", which affects its characteristics.

This allows you to choose the optimal model that will meet all the necessary requirements. Among the control components that affect the characteristics, functionality and final cost of the product, one of the main is the processor.

CPU selection criteria

The content of the article

  • CPU selection criteria
  • Comparison of Intel and AMD in price and parameters
  • Which processor for a laptop is better to choose
    • For simple tasks
    • For games
    • For work

Anyone who has a need to purchase a laptop should first of all pay attention to the components of the device and their characteristics. The processor deserves special attention. It is he who is the “brain” of the device and is responsible for the overall performance.

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Therefore, when choosing the optimal laptop model, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • personal needs;
  • the purposes for which the device is purchased - it is necessary to clearly determine what tasks will be performed using the laptop;
  • price range.

Once the functions and goals are defined, you can begin to choose the appropriate chip model. In this case, you need to take into account such characteristics and parameters:

  1. Manufacturer. Most of the chips that are installed on computer hardware are manufactured by AMD and Intel. Intel produces more advanced options. All computers and laptops with top-end configurations work precisely on processors of this brand. The chips of these two companies occupy almost 98% of the market. The remaining two percent belong to Asus, Acer, VIA. However, all these companies cannot compete with AMD and Intel products. Therefore, the best option would be to purchase a laptop with a chip from one of these two companies.
  2. Socket. The processor is installed on the motherboard. For this, it has a special connector - a socket. "Motherboards" are not versatile. Therefore, each of them is designed for a certain type of chip. When buying a processor, you should make sure that the socket on the motherboard is suitable.
  3. Clock frequency. It can be called in another way - the speed of the processor. When buying a laptop, you should choose a model with a maximum clock speed.Intel and AMD.

Attention! What frequency is considered the best? High-speed processors consume large amounts of power. Therefore, the battery life will be extremely limited.

Comparison of Intel and AMD in price and parameters

As already mentioned, the chips of these firms are installed on almost all existing computer equipment. Therefore, when buying a laptop, you should compare the features and characteristics of the processors of these companies.

  1. Cost. The price of AMD chips is on average 20% cheaper.
  2. Socket. If you previously purchased a laptop on which Intel was installed, then replacing it with AMD will not work.
  3. Performance. Intel processors have higher performance.
  4. The power of graphic cores. At AMD, this figure is approximately 20% higher.
  5. Energy consumption. Intel products have a high electrical efficiency rating. Its chips consume an average of 30% less electricity than competitors' products.

Which processor for a laptop is better to choose

Few users can correctly determine which processor will be the most suitable. Many want the best option. But this approach is not correct.

When choosing a chip, it is worth considering - it must effectively cope with all the tasks and at the same time consume the least amount of electricity.

Therefore, even before visiting the store, it is worth deciding on the goals for which the device is purchased.

For simple tasks

If a laptop is needed to perform common tasks, such as typing, surfing the Internet, browsing video and other simple operations, you should not buy a powerful processor with a large number of cores. The best option for these tasks would be a dual-core Intel Core i3 or i5. They perfectly cope with these tasks and at the same time consume a small amount of electricity. This will ensure a long battery life of the laptop offline.

For games

For gaming laptops, the defining characteristic of the chip is power. Modern games have very detailed graphics, so they require high processor performance.Games on the laptop.

To date, the line of gaming chips from both AMD and Intel is represented by a wide selection of models. Therefore, choosing the best option is not difficult.

The optimal and inexpensive option would be the AMD Ahtlon chip, equipped with four cores and a clock frequency of 2800 MHz. Compared to the Intel Core i5, this model from AMD is better at processing graphic information in games. The chip is also allowed to make power settings. If necessary, you can reduce the operating voltage to 1.2 volts, which will significantly increase the battery life. This does not affect performance.

If you purchase a laptop model with top-end characteristics, then Intel chips will be the best option. In this case, you should pay attention to the i7 line. These chips are distinguished by the highest performance, provide fast information processing speed. Also, Intel chips work perfectly together with the top gaming nVidiaGeforce. The best option for a gaming device: Intel Core i7 8750H, complemented by nVidiaGeforce GTX 1060 graphics card and above. A laptop with this configuration will last quite a long time, while not becoming obsolete.

For work

If a laptop is purchased for working with text or “lightweight” office programs, a laptop with Celeron or Pentium chips will be enough.

“Heavy” programs for design, processing video files, working with graphics and 3D models require great performance. Therefore, it is necessary to choose devices equipped with a powerful chip. For example, Intel Core I7 Sandy Bridge.

Currently, the laptop is an indispensable device. It is mobile and convenient, which allows you to use it in any environment. Therefore, the choice of the most suitable model must be approached correctly.

For laptops, a large number of processors are available. This allows you to easily choose a chip that will meet all the necessary parameters.

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