Review of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

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Ural is a special territory of the Russian Federation, with its unique climate. This area is subject to severe frosts. To grow a good harvest of cucumbers, you need to correctly select the seeds of this amazing vegetable.

The best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

To properly choose the varieties of cucumbers it is necessary to take into account the climatic features, as this vegetable is whimsical and it is difficult to grow it. Consider the following best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals:

  • Cupid F1. This is a variety of early cucumbers. Well tolerated low and high temperature. You can plant in the open ground seedlings or seeds. Care of this self-pollinating hybrid is carried out by a standard method: irrigation, weeding, feeding, mulching and constant harvesting. Fruits ripen in 40 - 45 days. Suitable for fresh and salted.
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  • Arina F1. This is one of the most high-yielding species. Their cold resistance allows them to enter the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals. They are intended for consumption only in fresh form. Hybrid is resistant to various diseases.
  • Voyage F1. This is another representative of the early ripening species. These cucumbers ripen on average 45 days. Such fruits are suitable for use in salad. The variety is well tolerated by the temperature difference, but it is still recommended to plant them in a greenhouse. Cucumbers do not require pollination.
  • Podmoskovnye evenings F1. Early maturing variety is suitable for growing outdoors or in a greenhouse. Cucumbers of this species can be grown on the most shaded areas. Hybrid well tolerates such diseases as powdery mildew, olive spotting and others.

Among all the variety of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals, you can choose a favorite specimen. And the result will not take long. And if you want to have a lot of crops, and it was different in its taste, it is necessary to properly care for cucumbers.

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The Urals climate is severe to all living things, so you need to be cautious about choosing cucumbers for planting. There are specially developed varieties suitable for growing in such weather conditions. Let's consider their qualities and characteristics in more detail:

  • Altai. This is an early variety that can be planted in an open ground or a greenhouse. Good yield and transfer of different temperatures helps to keep fruits delicious and crunchy. Suitable for fresh and salted.
  • White sugar F1. This variety belongs to medium-sized vegetables. A new kind of cucumbers for the Urals. Fruits have a special white and creamy shade. Cucumbers are used for salads, marinating and pickling.
  • Ajax F1. This variety is considered early ripening. The hybrid is pollinated solely by bees. The weight of one fetus reaches 100 grams. Dutch seeds are excellent for growing in a harsh climate.

When choosing cucumbers for the Urals, you should carefully study the characteristics of the seeds. When growing cucumbers, many gardeners face such a problem as bitterness.

It occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient watering.
  2. Lack of mineral fertilizers.
  3. Increased temperature.

To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to immediately eradicate the causes of its occurrence.

The most productive varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

What gardener does not want to grow a rich harvest? Such people you will not meet. Especially it worries those who live in harsh climatic conditions. Consider the most productive varieties of cucumbers for the Urals:

  • Zozulya F1. Refers to early ripening varieties. This hybrid matures in 42 days. The fruit reaches up to 320 grams in weight. Suitable for fresh and salted. Cucumber is able to withstand such diseases as white rot, fungus, cucumber mosaic virus.
  • German F1. The earliest variety of cucumbers. The first fruits ripen after a month. Cucumbers grow small about 120 grams each. Excellent for pickling and eating fresh.
  • Courage F1. Self-pollen variety of cucumbers. The first fruits ripen after about 55 - 57 days. The weight of one cucumber can reach 170-180 grams. That this variety gave as much as possible a crop to grow them costs in a hothouse.
  • Masha F1. Early variety. Small crispy cornichons are ideal for pickling. Increased productivity is very popular with gardeners. Cucumbers well tolerate diseases such as powdery mildew, mosaic virus and kladosporiosis. All these species are the most productive varieties of cucumbers for the Urals.
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For the Ural greenhouses

In our time it is rare to find a garden plot without a greenhouse. These are the most faithful helpers of summer residents. The greenhouse helps in the cultivation of cucumbers, as the culture is very whimsical. Next, we give the best varieties of cucumbers for the Ural greenhouses:

  • Emelya F1. Early variety. Ripens in average for 39 days. Excellent for eating fresh or salty. The weight of one fetus can reach 150 grams. Hybrid has increased yield and good taste.
  • Dynamite F1. The early variety of cucumbers, which ripens in 40 - 42 days. Grow them all year round. Hybrid self-pollinating. The fruit reaches a weight of 100-120 grams.
  • Hercules F1. This is the most late variety of cucumbers. The fruit ripens in an average of 65 days. The hybrid requires artificial pollination. The variety tolerates all diseases well. From this species, you can harvest a large crop.

Of course, we brought only a small part of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Ural greenhouses. There are many other species that are in no way inferior to the above. Such varieties as Garnet, Dawn, Surprise and others are perfect for winter greenhouses, which are made of glass.
If there is no light in the greenhouse, then you can choose such varieties as Domashny, Iva, Marfinsky, NH-mini, Rykovsky. These species grow well without light and carry a lowered temperature.

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For open ground in the Urals

Sooner or later gardeners face a choice of varieties of cucumbers for open ground in the Urals. Unstable climate, strong temperature fluctuations seriously affect the yield of even the best species.

Here are some varieties that will please the Ural gardeners:

  • Nezhinsky 12. This kind is excellent for open ground. For pollination of cucumbers bees are necessary. These cucumbers are considered the medium-ripening variety. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 150 grams. Good for pickling and pickling.
  • Delicacy. Early variety of cucumbers. Fruits do not turn yellow. The species tolerates short-lived low temperatures. Can be used for salad and salting. Soil for such crops should be fertile and loose. Sow at once with seeds to a depth of 2 cm.
  • Madame. This kind of gherkins ripens in about 40 - 42 days. The weight of one fetus does not exceed 80 grams. It is convenient to use for pickling or eating fresh. The kind of cucumbers well tolerates all the diseases of the root system.
  • Salt. This sort of cucumber refers to the medium-ripened species, which ripens in 50 to 52 days. Fruits grow in weight from 115 to 140 grams. Ideal for marinating and pickling. The variety adapts well to low temperatures.

All the cucumber varieties listed for open ground will be appreciated by all gardeners. You can pick up such species that will tolerate freezing and at the same time bear fruit well.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that every Ural summer resident can grow a good harvest of cucumbers, from which you can make blanks for the winter and eat them fresh. And if you add good care to properly selected varieties, you can achieve excellent results.

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