What can be printed on a black and white printer: is it possible to print a photo

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What can be printed on a black and white printerThe appearance of the printing device is completely irrelevant. In business and at home, quality-looking printed documents are important, and you can make a quality-printed image even on a black and white printer.

Black and white printer: what you can print

The content of the article

  • Black and white printer: what you can print
  • Can a photo be printed on a black and white printer

As a rule, almost all printer models have the following printing options:

  1. In sheet size.
  2. On both sides.
  3. Watermark.
  4. Multiple pages on one sheet.
  5. Standby task mode.
  6. Layouts.
Black and white printer

The printer can print:

  1. Text Document.
  2. Charts.
  3. Images.
  4. Tables.
  5. Web pages.

The printer provides a huge selection of different methods of operation. You can print on paper any form available for the device and apply various types of paper for this. Choosing the right print mode will depend on your specific needs.

Attention! Black and white inkjet and laser devices are only suitable if you need to transfer some text. This equipment quickly prints documents; ink cartridges are refilled with ink or powder.

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An inkjet device is generally used for general use, it is like a workhorse for office workers. Today, the only advantage of inkjet equipment, unlike laser, is its cost.

Although the cartridges for this printer are much cheaper, they still need to be replaced more often, unlike laser equipment.

Important! Laser equipment is faster. About 4,000 sheets can be printed daily. Unlike risograph, printing of text documents is much better.

a printer

Can a photo be printed on a black and white printer

During laser black-and-white printing, pretty high-quality photographs, drawings and their various shades are obtained. Images taken on a laser device have a high resistance to moisture, which makes them also ideal for creating ads. When printing photographs, documents, announcements, as a rule, offset paper of 100 g / m2 is used.

a printer

Inkjet devices also support the function that is required for a photo. At the same time, you need to check the box. Printing black and white photos, the mode of constant black balance, because color will require more ink. So the user can print black and white photos with a slight shift in shades of gray and high gradation.

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