Stupefying with its aroma heliotrope: planting, cultivation and care

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A gentle and refined heliotrope fills the evening garden with a heady vanilla fragrance. These lushly growing violet bushes magnificently decorate the landscape design of the country house. You can grow the culture both in the garden and in the apartment. Choose for this you need those varieties that are maximally adapted to the natural conditions of the region. A favorable environment for the flower is subtropical latitudes. In this regard, landing and care for heliotrope, a photo of some varieties are given below, requires professional knowledge.

Some features of the flower

Breeders extracted about 300 species of this culture. In temperate latitudes (with frosty winters), only annuals are grown, although for domestic conditions many people acquire perennial varieties.

Giving a splendor to a bush and blossoming can be done with the help of mineral fertilizers. Add fertilization every 14 days until the appearance of the first bud buds.

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The flowering period lasts more than one month, beginning in July (depending on the terrain) and ending with the first drop in temperature. This representative of the Buryachnikov family grows exclusively in open areas, which are sufficiently warmed by the sun. The name of the heliotrope flower comes from 2 Latin words: "turn" and "sun". It accurately describes the nature of the plant. Outwardly this prim bush has such features:

  1. Leaves. The color is dark green, and the shape resembles a small inverted boat. Thanks to the symmetrically arranged veins, the leaves have a relief structure. On the stalk they are staggered and planted on small stalks.
  2. Flowers. One flap contains dozens of small flowers. The diameter of this flowering is about 25 cm. Pedicel long and straight. They are mostly made by the Great Artist in dark blue and purple tones. However, there are copies of a white hue (White Lady), and also with a yellow / brownish center (Kurasovsky).
  3. Fruit. When they mature, they break up into four lobules. If they are assembled in time, they will be suitable for planting the heliotrope for the next year. It should be borne in mind that in northern regions the seeds do not have time to ripen, so they do not grow well, and their flowers are small and poor.
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Plant shrubs should be on the sunny side of the infield. The land should be rich in humus and shallow groundwater. You should water the flower bed often, but make sure that the water does not stagnate. Moreover, in order for the culture to develop successfully, it needs to prishchip sprouts, tops. After all, some varieties reach 30-60 cm in height.

Weeds can drown out the root system, so it is important to regularly weed the soil. So that the soil does not wither in the hot summer, you can make mulch from leaves and grass.

Reproduction by seeds

The most optimal exhibit for the garden is Heliotrope Marin, because it throws out a lush color and excels in branching. Experts recommend to grow it exclusively with the help of seedlings. Seeds can not give the necessary seedlings. Gardeners are practicing to start sowing after the last frosts - in March. As a result, the first sprouts can be seen in a month, and elegant flowering - after four. To speed up the process of growing a heliotrope from seeds (you can view their photos), you should perform the following procedures:

  1. Cotton fabric impregnated with a growth accelerator. Seeds are wrapped in it and left on a plastic pallet. As the material is drying, a solution is added. The procedure is carried out for 2-3 days.
  2. Instead of the usual soil, use compressed pellets of peat.
  3. For 24 hours soak seeds in solution. As a growth accelerator, silver or zircon is used. Add 6 drops of the selected chemical element to the beaker with the warm liquid. Before sowing the seeds should be dried on a towel.

Such actions will protect the plant heliotrope from diseases and pests, and also make it more resistant to temperature changes. Thus the first shoots of the gardener to see in 10 days, instead of 30.When more than two leaves appear on the stems, and this happens in a half or two months, the seedlings dive in 2 sets. First they are transplanted in batches of 6-10 pcs. in one container.After they grow up a bit, they are transferred to pots: individually or in groups (the distance between them is 10-15 cm).

Blooming branches are important tie to make the flowerbed look solid. Otherwise, the heliotrope "falls apart" on the site, turning into a carpet.

Cutting out the heliotrope

Heliotropic tree is a very demanding inhabitant of the garden. But still thousands of gardeners reproduce it with the help of cuttings. March and April are a favorable period for this method.In the peat soil, fertilized with humus, cuttings are planted. The microclimate should be wet, and the temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees. It is desirable to create for him a miniature greenhouse.Bank or film is most suitable, but do not forget about daily ventilation. When the roots appear, the shoots are transplanted into separate containers. When the roots take root, they are boldly transferred to a permanent place.

Read also:Heliotrop marine: varieties, description, outdoor care


From the planting substrate, lighting, top dressing and regular watering depends on the presentable appearance of the plant. The leaves fade and fade, if the culture grows in the shade. Therefore, it should choose the south or south-west side of the site. At home, the plant in a quality and daily ventilation.

It should be used soil without impurities of clay. Preference should be given to loose and lighter substrates.

To plant a flower heliotrope it is worth to buy a special soil for shrubs and then provide the seedlings with proper care, as shown in the photo. You can create a substrate yourself. This requires the following components:

  • sod and deciduous land;
  • coarse-grained sand;
  • quality manure humus;
  • charcoal grated in ashes (1-2 handfuls);
  • non-acid peat;
  • Keramzit is used as drainage.

Peat and land are the largest parts in the substrate, and all others should be taken on an order of magnitude less. Then dig a large hole, lay drainage on its bottom, fill it with organic fertilizer, and then gently place the seedling. Roots need to be straightened, then in small portions fill up with prepared soil.In the end, you should press the ground near the root collar and water the bush abundantly.

Some sprouts can be pecked out to make the vase more voluminous.


Since heliotrope is herbaceous - the plant is very finicky for open ground, it is advised to water it with soft and settled water (20-25 ° C). It is desirable to spray the bush every 2-3 days, but it can not stand excess water. In the period of intensive vegetation, the soil needs to be moistened regularly and abundantly.Before each irrigation gardeners recommend checking the humidity of the land. It should not be wet or overdried. Organic and mineral fertilizers, as already noted, are introduced before the beginning of the flowering period. Two-time top dressing every month to protect the heliotrope from exhaustion.

Rain water is best suited for irrigation. It should stay a little and get well in the sun.

Mulching is an effective method in creating a moist microclimate Heliotrope Peruvian, as well as other hybrids of this family. Create such a shelter can be from any kind of organic, namely:

  • compost;
  • sawdust;
  • foliage.
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As a result, the gardener will save on water, as well as weeding. Under such an organic "blanket" the soil will always be loose and damp.Mulch is made up to 10 cm high. It's sad, but heliotrope is a tasty morsel for:

  • a spider mite (a sign - the leaves are crumbling);
  • whiteflies;
  • fungal bacteria (gray mold and mold);
  • aphids.

In the fight against fungal pests use antiseptic drugs (fungicides). Spraying is carried out once a week until the disease completely disappears. To destroy the mite, just 3 times a day, spray the bush abundantly, using soft water.

In October, the garden with the remaining parts of the plant is desirable to dig. For the winter it is recommended to make fertilizer, so that until the next planting it rotted in the ground.

One-year-old can make a perennial. To do this, in the beginning of autumn it is excavated with a clod of earth (diameter 30 cm). Transfer to a large pot, at the bottom of which there is a large hole. Place the pot in a room with a temperature of at least 7 ° C. Watered with a pallet, because the culture is at rest.

Despite its capriciousness, this inhabitant of the Mediterranean does not get along well in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. However, in regions with severe winters, heliotrope is often grown at home.

Growing heliotrope at home video

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