How to disassemble a laptop: self-opening or service center, instructions for self-disassembling

A laptop is one of the most convenient and indispensable tools when working. With it, you can carry out many different operations, from filling out documents and preparing training materials to watching your favorite movies and listening to music. During prolonged use and in the absence of proper care, a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates on the surface.How to disassemble a laptop

Crumbs and other food particles may remain inside the cabinet. Such contamination significantly reduces the performance of the device. In order to conduct a competent and complete cleaning of external and internal parts, the laptop needs to be disassembled. The process should be carried out subject to several rules and recommendations described in detail in this article.

Self-opening or service center

The content of the article

  • Self-opening or service center
  • Self-assembly instructions
  • Basic security measures
  • Conclusion

This question is one of the most important and relevant for each user. The laptop has a more complex design, compared with a desktop computer. With a large accumulation of dust or severe overheating of internal parts, the system unit can be easily disassembled and cleaned. In a portable device, the location of the components is different from the home appliance, which complicates the process.

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In the absence of the necessary skills and knowledge, an autopsy can be performed in some cases. For example, the inner surface is clogged with dust or crumbs. In most cases, this leads to a slight overheating of the system and jamming of the keyboard buttons. In this case, the cleaning process can be handled independently, without the help of specialists.Autopsy

In most situations, deterioration and regular overheating are associated with the need to replace the thermal paste, and sometimes the cooling system. To cope with such a process on your own is quite difficult, without having the required skill. The best option would be to contact a service center. The company's specialists will conduct a full diagnosis, repair work and replace the necessary parts.

Similar actions are recommended for accidental damage to the keyboard. During use, this component of the laptop may suffer from spilled liquids or dropped food. Many models cannot be cleaned, but need to be completely removed and replaced with buttons. In this case, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Note: It should be remembered that when the device case is opened independently, the user loses the warranty from the manufacturer. In case of accidental damage to any component, the owner himself will need to pay for the replacement and repair.

Self-assembly instructions

The process of opening and parsing is carried out in several stages. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the required tools and materials necessary for the work.


  • laptop;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • napkins;
  • small capacity;
  • paper;
  • marker or pen.

Disassembly must be carried out on a flat, solid surface in a well-lit room. A suitable choice would be a desk located by the window.

Reference: Please note that the disassembly process on some models may differ from that described. In most cases, it depends on the manufacturer. For competent work, you should carefully read the attached instructions.

At the initial stage, you will need to disconnect the device from the power supply and wait for it to turn off completely. After shutting down, the laptop is turned upside down, placed on the desk. Using a small cross-head screwdriver, the bolts that hold the back cover are removed. The bolts themselves can be removed in a pre-prepared small container. This will help not to lose the necessary components.

After removing the back panel, remove the battery - the battery. This will help to completely de-energize the household appliance. To remove, you need to pull the button to the side and carefully remove the battery.

Remove battery - battery

The next step is to remove the hard drive and RAM. They are protected by special covers that hold the bolts on four (sometimes two) sides. When disassembling, several important points should be considered. Many manufacturers put a kind of protection - rings located on the inside of the lid. This eliminates the possibility of completely unscrewing the bolts. Such protection will protect the owner from accidental loss. In another case, you may encounter the location of one bolt on both covers. With this design, the protection elements of the hard disk also hold the lid of RAM. In this case, you will need to unscrew all the bolts at once, and the covers are removed at the same time.

After removing the retaining components and removing the covers, you can remove the disk and RAM. The disk should be directed slightly away from the connector, and then gently pull up. RAM is held using special latches. To extract it, you will need to carefully push these latches to the sides and remove the memory card. After removing the RAM, the memory bar will rise. Its elimination passes without any obstacles.

Remove the memory card and drive.

Attention: the latches should be moved apart at the same time.

After removing the memory bar, you can remove the WI-FI module. To do this, the contacts from the retaining grooves are gently pulled out, the bolts are unscrewed. After carrying out the necessary manipulations, the board can be pulled out.

The contacts from the retaining grooves are gently pulled out, the bolts are unscrewed

At this stage, you can begin to completely remove all the bolts holding both halves of the laptop. Here you should carefully examine the surface of the device, as many elements can be hidden and placed under the legs or stickers. In the absence of a full inspection, the elements may be torn off, which will require re-bonding. In case of violation of the integrity of nuts, bolts or stickers, the laptop is automatically removed from the warranty.

Eliminate all bolts

The case itself is held by special clips or clothespins. Such latches are not resistant to damage. With careless action, breaking them is very simple. To simplify the process, the surface of the case can be slightly pry off with a thin screwdriver, and then open all the clamps.

Important: during operation, care must be taken to avoid possible damage or breakage of the case.

After disassembling the case, remove all buttons, pull out the contacts and wires. If it is necessary to remove the monitor, both loops are pulled out as well. The monitor itself can be mounted on one or two bolts, which are removed with a screwdriver. Some manufacturers mount the monitor on three bolts located on both sides.

Under the monitor is a motherboard, which is also bolted. After unscrewing them, the board can be pulled out. On the back of the board is a cooling system. The fan is removed after removing the retaining elements.

At the end of the process, it is recommended to wipe all the components of the disassembled laptop thoroughly with napkins to remove accumulated dust and dirt.

Basic security measures

  1. Each step of the technological process (disassembly) is recommended to be fixed on the camera or mobile phone. When assembling, many users are faced with the remaining fasteners. A photo of each process will help to avoid the situation.
  2. Paper and pen will help you remember the exact purpose of each bolt. Elements in each case may differ, have a different shape and size. Fixtures can be placed into categories and sign their purpose.
  3. Caution and accuracy is one of the important requirements when disassembling a household appliance. Covers cannot be pulled, the surface itself must be carefully checked for hidden fasteners before removal. If the surface does not rise, the housing should be thoroughly inspected to determine the problem.
  4. Plastic parts are fragile. When removing plastic, scratches and cracks should be avoided. If possible, it is advisable to carry out the work without using a screwdriver.


The laptop is more portable than a conventional personal computer. If necessary, the device can be taken with you on a trip, to work or study. Over time, the casing and the inner surface become dirty, which causes a decrease in performance. Subject to all recommendations and rules, you can disassemble and clean the laptop yourself at home.

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