How to check the laptop matrix for performance: tests

A common problem with laptops is the visualization of information. If the screen on display shows cracks, black streaks, a spider line - the matrix is ​​faulty. In the case when there are no physical violations of the screen, but there are various kinds of changes in its operation (dim image, resolution problems, black or white screen, etc.), then you need to check the laptop matrix on working capacity. The problem may consist not only in it, but also in the video card connecting the components of the device loops.


How to make sure the matrix is ​​faulty

The content of the article

  • How to make sure the matrix is ​​faulty
    • Typical symptoms of matrix malfunction
  • Life Matrix Testing
    • Dead Pixel Test
    • Monitor Response Test
    • Clarity Angle Clarity Test
  • Other laptop matrix verification methods
    • Loop inspection
    • Twist test

Before starting a more serious test, the most common causes of “false alarm” should be ruled out. For this:

  • make sure that the charging is connected to the network securely, as the problem may be in the battery;
  • instagram viewer
  • in the screen settings, try to increase or decrease the brightness and contrast;
  • make sure the maximum screen resolution is set.

If these manipulations have not resolved the issue, a more thorough diagnosis is necessary.
First connect to your laptop external monitor via VGA connector. With adequate translation of the image on the second screen - a problem with the matrix.

IMPORTANT: for the objectivity of this method, when testing, the laptop must be connected to the mains via an adapter.

Half an hour - a sign of a faulty matrix

Typical symptoms of matrix malfunction

In the absence of a VGA connector, a malfunction can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. When you turn on the laptop, the screen works stably, but after a while, it starts to flicker. In most cases, the problem is in the matrix.
  2. White or rainbow stripes appear on the screen, which can change their size, location and color depending on the position of the laptop.
  3. Localized image blur in different parts of the monitor indicates a matrix malfunction, in the case of blurring the entire screen, the problem can be both in the matrix and in the graphics chip.
  4. The monitor is completely black, but the laptop is working. This symptom indicates a fee only if he has recently experienced a serious blow.

Life Matrix Testing

If you determine that the problem is in the matrix, you need to understand its seriousness. The malfunction may be in the backlight, inverter or circuit components. You can verify this only by replacing them. First, find the lamp and change it (they are almost universal and can be combined with any inverter). It is located under a plastic frame. If this does not help, then test the inverter by replacing it.

Next, you need to remove the matrix, on its circuit find the LCD test point output and close it to the case. Colored stripes should appear on it throughout the area. If this does not happen, the matrix is ​​seriously damaged and requires replacement.

Where to look for an inverter

Dead Pixel Test

The essence of this test is to change the color of the entire screen. If on the monitor one or more points show a color that is different from the general, then this means the presence of dead pixels. Verification can be done either manually or using online services.

Monitor Response Test

This parameter checks the response time of the screen to tasks set by the hardware. That is, in the case of a slow response, black and gray shades will appear on the laptop monitor, chasing the silhouettes along the vector of their shift. You can check this characteristic using a high-quality camera or special services on the Internet.

Clarity Angle Clarity Test

The essence of the test is the clarity of the color gamut transmission at different viewing angles. We can take this test right now:

How to check the matrix of a laptop

If on the screen, the numbers are clearly visible 4:2:2, from different viewing angles, your monitor transmits high-quality color resolution.

Other laptop matrix verification methods

You can also check the screen using programs such as:

  • PassMark MonitorTest - comprehensive testing in all parameters;
  • TFT Monitor Test - check the most important characteristics.

Loop inspection

First, find on the Internet a guide for disassembling specifically your laptop model. Get to the loop connecting the device to the screen and check whether it is well connected. Make sure the integrity of the loop and connectors.

Twist test

This checking the matrix of the laptop involves slightly bending it. If a sharp change of image occurs during this test, the board needs repair.

ATTENTION! Be extremely careful when conducting this test, do not overdo twisting!

With an independent check, you can avoid cheating the master after the diagnosis, but at the same time there is the probability of damaging the components of your laptop, so we recommend that you contact the licensed Services.

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