Connecting speakers to the TV via an optical cable

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CONNECTING SPEAKERSIt has now become popular to watch movies at home via TV. However, its built-in speakers represent sheer torture. Connecting acoustics of various kinds can help to avoid such an unpleasant situation: from speakers to a home theater. This will increase the sound power and create an incredible acoustic atmosphere when watching movies. You can connect speakers to your TV using several methods. One option is with an optical cable.

What is an optical cable and what does it look like?

The content of the article

  • What is an optical cable and what does it look like?
  • How to connect speakers through an optical cable?

On the back or side of the TV you can find a huge number of connectors. The size that has the shape of a trapezoid is exactly the port needed to interpret the optical sound. Next to this jack should be one of the entries: Optical Audio, Digital Audio Out or Toslink.

When the device is connected, the red indicator will light up. This is a kind of hint how to connect an electric cable. Advantages of using an optical power cable:

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  • the transmitted television signal is not affected by electrical barriers;
  • there are no magnetic light emissions;
  • galvanic isolation is formed among several devices.

How to connect speakers through an optical cable?

CABLE FOR CONNECTIONTo successfully connect an optical cable to the TV, you must follow the following procedure, which will help you achieve high sound characteristics:

  1. The wire should have a size not exceeding 10 meters in length. The ideal size is 5 meters. In this case, the sound reproduction quality remains constant. Thirty-meter cables reproduce signals with virtually no interference.
  2. If the cable is thicker, then it will work much longer than a thin wire.
  3. Expensive options have an extra shell made of nylon material.
  4. The core type requires special attention. Silica or glass are the most suitable varieties, since they are superior to plastic in quality.
  5. The ability to transmit sound should be great. Quality wire contains from 9 to 11 MHz.

IMPORTANT! Whichever connection method you choose, all equipment must be turned off and disconnected. This is recommended to protect and avoid the potential damage that may occur in the event of exposure to static electricity. Only then can you safely connect the cable.

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