How to charge jbl speaker: portable speaker charging rules

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The portable jbl speaker is a new advanced gadget for listening to music. Unlike a regular speaker, it has a convenient handle, light weight and an extremely high-quality musical signal. Also, it can be used even in water. You need to know how to charge such a device.

JBL portable speaker charging rules

The content of the article

  • JBL portable speaker charging rules
  • How much is the speaker charging
  • How to understand that a device is charging

The jbl portable speaker works for 16 hours of continuous sound without a battery - one of the main advantages of the device. Naturally, if you use a music source at maximum volume, the battery life will decrease to 5 hours. After a long work of the speaker, it needs to be charged, but it needs to be done correctly.

How to charge jbl column

For music speakers, lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are used, which are usually used in technology, for example, in a player or tablet, but the charges on the devices are different. Therefore, the process must be carried out with equal charge power, for example, from a computer, laptop or outlet.

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The power connection is via an USB adapter cable. Most often in jbl charge microUSB ports are used, so you will need the appropriate cable that comes with your smartphone or tablet. It is important that you do not turn on the speaker so that it charges faster. It is also important to observe the following rules:

  • Do not use the music device at the highest volume in the process, even if charging is via a stationary PC. If you need to turn on the speaker in the process, you should reduce the volume to a minimum.
  • Do not use the speaker at the highest volume all day if the source for charging the device is far away. Otherwise, the battery will be discharged and will be charged for five hours.
  • Switching the power source from the loaded PC current to the battery device using the cable, turn off the speaker and wait 5 minutes before turning it on. Otherwise, his work is spoiled.
  • Using the speaker for the first time, wait until it is fully discharged and turn off, and then charge it 60 minutes before turning on the power.
  • Do not charge jbl in places close to water. Fire is possible.
  • To maintain the performance of the speaker, you should charge it once every six months, even if it is not planned to work with it.

Note! If the temperature is too low or too high, the battery level will stop for safety reasons. Also, when charging is excessively long, it stops, showing blinking orange. In order for the column to stop flashing, you need to disconnect the cable and cool the jbl a bit. Then you can turn it on again at a temperature of up to 35 degrees.

How much is the speaker charging

If the portable speaker is not equipped with an indicator, then you will have to verify the duration of the charge yourself. There is no information about the time of full charge, but experts recommend charging the column in the off state for 4 hours, and when it is turned on - 6 hours. If the column operates at full capacity, the process must be carried out continuously, since it discharges quickly in this state.

It is important to remember that the first time you connect to the power and connect the speakers, at least an hour should pass. Otherwise, the performance of the device may be impaired. In the worst case scenario, it may become worthless.

Portable speaker

Advice! The device charges faster in a cool place in the off state through a stationary personal computer or laptop on a cooling stand.

How to understand that a device is charging

Modern music gadgets are equipped with a battery indicator, which displays the process of receipt of power in the battery. In the normal state, it does not light and should not blink. When the battery is full, the indicator will turn green. If there is little charge left on the jbl bluetooth speaker jbl, the red color on the indicator will light up. It is not difficult to charge it: you need to connect it to a stationary computer and wait until the red color changes to green.

If the gadget is devoid of an indicator, then it is more difficult to understand that the battery is full. To do this, remember the start time of the charge and count 3-4 hours. As a rule, this time is enough for another 5 hours of continuous listening to loud music.

Speaker and Phone

Interestingly, the station also charges the phone perfectly. To do this, you need to set the switch in the PS position and connect both devices with a cable. As soon as the phone starts charging, the corresponding icon will appear on it.

In general, it is not difficult to charge a device such as a portable jbl speaker and you can literally do it in for several hours, continuing to enjoy your favorite music from a speaker at home or outdoors in pool.

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