Beet diseases and control: photos and descriptions

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Table beets are justifiably considered to be an unpretentious garden crop, which even a beginner can bring up on the shoulder. But sometimes the strong healthy tops are covered with reddish and brown spots, the leaves twist and dry up, and the development of root crops is suspended. In this case, questions arise even for seasoned growers. Why do the leaves turn yellow and the beets grow poorly?

As experts say, on the tops one can judge the state of the whole plant. The reasons for the deterioration of the health of the vegetable beet can be several. Among them are excessively acidic or saturated with moisture, lack of mineral and nutrient substances and breaks in watering. Unfortunately, it is possible that the plants were attacked by fungi causing beet diseases, whose leaves were the first to respond to infection. In this case, the appearance of root crops before they enter the storage can not suffer, but in winter it is possible to lose all the crops.

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Descriptions and photos of diseases of beets, as well as methods to combat them, will help to notice dangerous symptoms in time, start treatment of plants and master the simplest methods of prevention.

Fomoz: disease of the leaves of beet and its roots

Disease of leaves of beet, accompanied by the appearance on leaf plates of yellowish or brown rounded spots, often having a concentric pattern, call phomosis, core rot or zonal spotting. The disease spreads from the lower leaves, which due to the rapidly developing foci of infection die. If the disease overtakes beets for the second year of life, the flower stem also dies, and even the root crop, if stored, will soon rot.

Why do the beets turn yellow, and what should I do to stop the process and not lose the crop?

The development of the disease contributes to cool rainy weather, as well as the loss of abundant dew in the second half of summer, when night temperatures are already quite low. With gusts of rain and wind, the spores of the harmful fungus spread over the plantation, and in winter the causative agent of a dangerous disease Beet leaves survive in dead foliage left on the bed, on affected root crops and even on seeds.

It is noted that a lack of boron in the soil contributes to the appearance of the disease, and the timely introduction of this microelement, for example in the form of borax, will serve both as a good preventive measure and as a means of combating disease.

Ways of struggle and prevention:

  • Protect the beds from the causative agent of phomosis helps the treatment of seeds and root vegetables Fundazol.
  • In the last period of vegetation, beet plants are fertilized with potassium-containing agents.
  • We should not forget about the observance of the rules of crop rotation, the timely weeding of beet rows and thinning out of sprouts.
  • All the fallen plant remains from the ridges are removed and burned.
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If on the site the disease has already made itself felt, the plantings must be treated with Fundazol or other systemic fungicides. Beets sent to the repository are routinely screened, culling rotten and soft roots, after which the containers for vegetables are disinfected and dried.


Cercosporosis of beets: what to do if leaves blush?

Ogorodniki, who are looking for the answer to the question: "Why blossom leaves on the beet, and how to cope with this problem? Most often encounter the manifestation of cercosporosis. The disease is caused by fungal pathogens and is detected by appearing first on the foliage reddish, and then bright in the center spots with a purple or claret band. If you look at the reverse side of the affected leaf, you can see a light gray coating.

The lower, adult leaves on the socket are exposed to attack. Gradually, the number of spots increases. The dimensions of the foci of this disease of the beet leaves grow, and the withering tissue in the center collapses.

The plants subjected to the cercosporosis are weakened, as the diseased leaves die off, and the beets spend their energy not on the formation of root crops, but on the renewal of the aboveground green part.

Without effective measures against the beet disease, the reproduction of the harmful fungus reduces the yield by almost half. Particularly affected by fodder and sugar beet. The causative agent of the cercosporosis is most active in rainy weather at a temperature of +16 ° C, the fungus spores on the stems and root zone of perennial weed plants, as well as on plant litter, not removed from beds.

As actions, opposing the development of the disease, conduct:

  • preliminary dressing of seeds;
  • selection of disease-resistant beet leaves of varieties and hybrids;
  • with a periodicity of 7-10 days spraying with means containing copper preparations;
  • thinning seedlings in the phase of 2-3 leaves;
  • regular weeding of beds and removal of dead leaves;
  • selection of a site for sowing taking into account previous landings;
  • spraying of existing fungicide plantings.
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Beetle Ramyriosis

The spotting of the beet leaves, arising from the disease of the plants with ramulary, reminds one of the development of the cercosporosis. However, there are differences between beet leaves in this disease. The foci of the disease in this case are lighter, at first even brownish-green, and small, in diameter reaching the maximum, But even inside such small spots, the tissue of the leaf plate is dried, dies and collapses. The crimson or brown border is vague.

The disease with ramulyarosis manifests itself in the second half of the summer. The first spots can be seen on the lower leaves, and then the disease spreads both to the young tops and to the petioles.

What if the leaves of the beets turn red and spots on the plates emerge indicative of ramulary? Since the pathogen can winter even on root crops and seeds, the ramulary is noted on seedlings, as well as on peduncles. Fungus develops in a humid environment, at low positive temperatures, causing large losses in the yield of fodder beet, as well as other types of cultivated plants. The fight against beet disease includes both preventive measures and fungicidal treatment of systemic action, as in the case of cercosporosis.

Peronosporoz: what to do and why the leaves turn yellow

Downy powdery mildew or peronosporosis affects beets also in wet weather and is accompanied by yellowing, and then twisting and dying of leaf blades. Why do the beets turn yellow, and what if the disease hit the vegetable patches? The cause of death of the foliage is a harmful fungus, whose dispersal and reproduction can be seen on the tops covered with brown drying or rotting stains. On the back, a gray or purple bloom is clearly visible. This is a controversy ready for further dispersal of the fungus.

To save crops from peronosporoza it is possible:

  • etching the seeds of this culture before planting into the soil;
  • Removing plant remains during the growing season and after harvesting;
  • spraying plants with fungicides.

An effective measure to combat the disease of beet leaves can be considered periodic treatment of plantings with a Bordeaux liquid.

Fusarium: disease of beet leaves and root crops

If the gardener notices that the lower leaves of young plants turn yellow and yellow for no apparent reason, fade and fade together with the petioles, this can not but alert. Why are the leaves yellow and beet growing poorly in this case? Perhaps the beet on the bed is infected with fusariosis. Beginning with the leaves of beet, the disease affects not only the tops, but also root crops. In the process of development of the disease the foliage rotates or dries, the fungus penetrates into the tissue of the rhizome, as evidenced by the noticeable mushroom picking on the root cut.

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Why do the leaves turn yellow, and what about the beets already affected by the disease? Unlike other beet diseases, fusariosis extends from the root upwards through the plant and can lead to its death.

The most harmful harm of beet, as in the photo, causes planting, lacking watering, as well as beets damaged by hilling or weeding.

Measures to protect beets from fusariosis include:

  • fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, paying attention to the means containing boron;
  • liming of acidic soils;
  • adherence to the rules for the alternation of garden crops in crop rotation;
  • deep loosening of the soil in the inter-row;
  • regular and sufficient watering;
  • control of weeds and pests.

The rotted beet plants are removed and destroyed so that the infection does not affect adjacent plants.

Measures to prevent beet diseases

The danger of beet diseases and the need for effective measures to combat them is due to the fact that external manifestations of these diseases in the form of reddening or yellowing of the leaves are not always equivalent to the true damage. Cavities and rot in root crops are found only during storage, when most of the beets are being discarded.

It is extremely important preventive measures that do not give the fungus-causative agents diseases of beet leaves and root crops, not the slightest chance of consolidation and development.

To this end:

  • pick up resistant to fungal diseases hybrids and varieties;
  • observe the cultivation of beets, including its weeding, thinning of thickened shoots and maintenance of soil cleanliness under plantings;
  • carry out planned additional fertilizing of garden crops;
  • regularly inspect crops for the detection of diseases at the initial stage;
  • timely harvest of root crops;
  • carefully inspect the root crops that go to winter storage.

It is important to remember that diseases of the leaves of beet and its root crops, as well as pests, most often affect weakened plants that are deficient in nutrients, moisture, light and oxygen.

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