Thermos does not hold heat - causes of damage that this be done?

ThermosProgress does not stand still and now invented an impressive number of tools that can make life easier for the person. One of such devices is the thermos.

On the market a wide range of various vacuum flasks, differing from each other by common characteristics, volume, price and quality.

It is important not to get lost in all this variety of brands and make the right choice. But what if the thermos, served faithfully, suddenly ceased to keep warm? Consider this question deeper and try to find ways to solve the problem vozniknuvshey.

Why thermos does not hold heat?

The content of the article

  • Why thermos does not hold heat?
  • Because of what thermos loses its heat-saving properties
  • Is it worth repairing thermos
  • Tips on buying a thermos
  • Tips Operating thermos
  • In custody

On the Internet quite a bit of information about why the thermos suddenly ceased to keep warm - some assumptions and reasoning.

a valve ThermosA large number of people pointed out that the first thermos copes with its direct responsibilities, but then suddenly stopped to retain heat. Why is this happening?

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The reasons for this may be several.

  • A failed tube. The most common reason for failure of adaptation. Or cork was initially poor quality, or it tightened too much, that was the reason for deformation and cracks. Check how tight the lid is very easy. It is enough to turn the thermos and see to it that does not leak if the liquid through the closed lid.
  • Regarding dishes with a glass flask, there may be a cause of poor quality silver coating. In most cases, this factory marriage, t. To. It is quite difficult to scratch because of the location. Silver coating located outside the inner cylinder and is protected vacuo and the housing.
  • The absence of vacuum. If a more detailed look into the matter, then there is also an internal under external bottom thermos. On the inner bottom is a thin tube made of copper, which has a rather flattened end. It is through this opening in the production of air is pumped from a thermos with a special pump.

Because of what thermos loses its heat-saving properties

Food thermosThermos - dishes very delicate, requiring careful attitude. In the operation it is strictly forbidden to drop a thermos, avoid strong impacts on other surfaces. This is especially true for dishes with a glass flask, which if used improperly, can burst.

In addition, it should be remembered that in a thermos, brought from a cold should not be immediately pour hot drinks. It is necessary to give the dish to warm up, and only then use it. This nuance manufacturer usually prescribed in the instructions to the pan.

Is it worth repairing thermos

various thermosesIn most cases, the owner of the failed thermos does not think about its repair and acquires new. It would seem, well, here's how you can repair it?

Depending on vozniknuvshey breakage can find a way to restore a thermos and use it further. If the problem is in the cover, it will be enough to find a suitable plug on the dishes. Do it will not be difficult, as many people are selling their broken thermos for a purely nominal cost.

If the thermos is not functioning due to loss of vacuum, then it can be restored by contacting the service refrigerator repair. Master deflate trapped air through the copper tube and its tip sealed. But this method is best used when the thermos was expensive. As for the cheaper models, then better think about buying new dishes. In other risks repair cost more than worth a thermos.

Important! If dishes with a glass bottle silver coating is damaged, it is advisable to think about buying a new thermos. The thing is that this damage does not get eliminated with a high probability.

Tips on buying a thermos

Check the dishes before buying impossible. Here it is necessary to rely on the brand thermos and its price. The more expensive the sample is likely to be higher quality cheap analogues. Therefore, better to give preference to well-known brand, well-proven.

  • Before buying you need to carefully examine the thermos. Check how tight the lid, not whether publishes dishes extraneous sounds.
  • Smell, quality thermos will not have an unpleasant smell.
  • We should pay attention to the quality of the material from which made dishes. If the material is in doubt, it looks unreliable and fragile, it is better to abandon the purchase.
  • For longer trips it is recommended to choose a thermos large volume. He holds the heat much longer.
  • The models in the form of a siphon, there is one significant disadvantage. They are worse retain heat due to the peculiarities cork. It is not completely sealed.
  • It is better to give preference to models made of stainless steel. They better hold heat unlike analogues made of inexpensive plastic.
  • The important role played by the bulb material. Thermo glass cools more slowly due to the silver coating.

Tips Operating thermos

Thermos sectionalBefore filling thermos hot liquid, it is necessary to prepare. To this is taken a small amount of hot water, poured into a vacuum flask and left for a few minutes.

This procedure is done to warm welds, in order to avoid drastic temperature changes inside the bulb. Even metal thermos is not necessary to throw or hit. In it nothing will break unlike a thermos with a glass bulb. But the blow welds can give microcracks it is fraught with loss of vacuum inside the cookware.

Attention! In no case do not purchase a thermos of hands or on the subway. The chance to buy low-quality cookware is large enough, but for the quality of goods is no liability will not bear.

In custody

Choose a good thermos simply should just stick to the basic recommendations described in this article. No need to save money and choose the cheaper option.

It is better to buy more expensive thermos, which will last more than one year. And of course, no one has repealed the rules of exploitation of the variety of dishes. The more accurately handle a thermos, following the instructions, the longer it will retain its performance and will not cease to maintain the desired temperature of the fluid.

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