Thermos today - almost indispensable thing in which you can save not only hot beverages, but also food, so the thermos will be useful for those who can not heat up lunch at work. But time passes, and a thermos covered with a touch or starts to smell bad. How to rectify the situation and return the former thermos fresh look?
What you need to clean the thermos stainless steel
The content of the article
What you need to clean the thermos stainless steel
- Lemon
- Soda
- Vinegar
- Tablets dentifrice prostheses
How to clean a thermos of tea and coffee raid
- Soda and Vinegar
- Mustard
- How to clean limescale deposits thermos in mirror
Methods for cleaning thermos
- Lemon
- Pearl barley and soda
How to get rid of the smell in a thermos
- Lemon juice
- Dried tea leaves
- Coca Cola
- Baking soda
To clean the stainless steel vacuum flask, you can use tools such as:
In general, many citrus fruits are used almost everywhere as an effective tool against the surface contamination. they are effective (especially lemon), and in order to clear the thermos.
For quality of cleaning by means of a thermos of lemon you need to take a fresh lemon, cut it into slices, put in a thermos and pour a certain amount of boiling water. After that you must close a thermos and leave for the night. Sometimes, if necessary, this procedure should be repeated several times. Addition of lemon, and citric acid is used. 2 spoons of powder need to pour into a thermos, and then pour the container to the maximum level of boiling water.
Soda is at all, and it is perfect for cleaning thermos. A solution of soda is in equal proportion of sodium and water. This soda solution should be poured into the flask, and then loosely cover the thermos lid and leave it until the next morning. Then, in the morning, the solution was drained, and the thermos cleaned with dishwashing detergents.
Vinegar - this is also an effective agent suitable for cleaning thermos from the raid. To clean the thermos must fill it 3/4 of the hot water and the rest of the space to be filled 9 percent vinegar. After that you need to close the thermos bottle and shake it - vinegar and water must be mixed. Next, you need to leave a thermos in this state for several hours, periodically shaking it.
Tablets dentifrice prostheses
Tablets used dentifrice prostheses. This new method, which has already proven its effectiveness. The recipe is simple: in flooded to the brim thermos necessary to dissolve 3 tablets a thermos and leave closed for the night. Further it is necessary to drain and wash the thermos with standard detergents.
How to clean a thermos of tea and coffee raid
To get rid of the inner surface of a thermos of coffee or tea raid, one of several methods you can use:
If Thermos has been used recently, it is sometimes sufficient to wash and dry.
Soda and Vinegar
Soda and acetic solutions (in a ratio of 1 spoon 1 cup of hot water) to help get rid of any simple tea / coffee plaque in a thermos. For carrying out the procedures necessary to pour hot water thermos and leave it closed for 1 hr. In most cases, all traces of coffee and tea are disappearing;
To cope with a touch of mustard and drinks will help. It is necessary to dissolve 30 grams of mustard in hot water and then pour solution with water to the brim thermos. Closed thermos placed on the night. In the morning all of it should be drained and rinsed it;
Plain Coke, which everyone knows as a means for removing rust (in addition to the drink), also copes with a touch of drinks.
How to clean limescale deposits thermos in mirror
Thermos flask with glass best cleaned vinegar (apple best suitable), or citric acid. To clean the thermos, you need to take a large spoonful of citric acid, cover the entire inner surface of the thermos with boiling water and leave for one hour. Or you can take the vinegar and fill it a quarter of a thermos, the remaining space is filled with boiling water and also leave for one hour. To be effective, can be added to a solution of water and vinegar a little soda.
The second popular method, which showed effectiveness in cleaning glass thermos - is the use of whiteness (1/4 thermos). As in the previous method, the remaining space is filled with water, and then vacuum flask is shaken for 5-7 minutes.
Methods for cleaning thermos
The most popular ways thermos cleaning can be considered:
The use of vinegar in a pair of hot water in the ratio of 1 to 3. This method is suitable in case of contamination;
Use citric acid or lemon itself.
Pearl barley and soda
Half a cup of cereal and 3 small spoons of baking soda can help to cope with both a touch and the smell.
There are ways to clean the thermos prohibited. Not recommended for cleaning various means thermos technical purposes, intended for bleaching and / or cleaning kitchen surfaces. These include Domestos and toilet duck. These substances are components which can damage the soft gasket of rubber or welds seams. White is also included in this list, but it can be used when diluted with water, as noted above;
Another way to forbidden - the use of metal brushes, sand or any other hard abrasive cleaning agents. Of course, at the end they can clean a thermos, but then there is the risk of spoiling the polishing part.
How to get rid of the smell in a thermos
There are a number of tried and proven ways of relieving the dishes (including a thermos) of odors:
Lemon juice
Excellent tool, which not only eliminates odors, but also gives a thermos easy and very pleasant scent after cleaning is complete. To eliminate any unpleasant odors in a thermos added lemon juice and boiling water. After that you need to close the thermos and leave it for half an hour. After the expiry of the water is drained, and rinsed several times thermos underwater. Plus this method: thermos used immediately after rinsing, no need to wait until it is completely dry;
Dried tea leaves
Another way - to lower in a few thermos of tea leaves (suitable for both tea bags and leaf tea). Dry tea leaves quickly absorbs odors;
Salt. Average hydrochloric warm solution was poured into a vacuum flask to the brim, and the thermos locked for 2-3 hours. After this solution should be poured and rinse thermos. This method is shown to be effective, especially if the wash thermos immediately after returning from a picnic or work;
Coca Cola
Known shredder rust, copes with the removal of unpleasant odors. You simply pour Coke into a thermos, close it and leave it for one night. In a thermos in the morning there will be no flying, no smell;
Baking soda
Another good way to help get rid of any smell in a thermos - it is an ordinary dining baking soda. Plus soda is that it works much longer than lemon juice. Odor, fill the thermos with hot water and then add to the two of baking soda and shake several times. It is recommended to leave a thermos with a soda solution for a couple of hours, but the ideal is to leave it on overnight.
From the article it is clear that the methods for cleaning thermos of scale and plaque, as well as ways to eliminate odors are about the same. All of them have proven effective in practice.
But it is best to wash and dry the vacuum flask immediately after use. So you can not worry about how to clean plaque from the thermos.