Why in the washing machine you need to add aspirin: laundry and devices

It seems that between the popular drug and the washing machine have nothing in common. But it is not so. Even our grandmothers used aspirin for washing. And when you add in the washing machine medicine It helps to effectively wash out even the most stubborn dirt and difficult. And still can make things crisp white. In this case, it means caring for a household appliance, protecting from the accumulation of lime and other contaminants.

Why in the washing machine you need to add aspirin

How to use aspirin when washing the car

The content of the article

  • How to use aspirin when washing the car
    • Preparation of the solution
      • laundry
      • whitening
  • Aspirin for the care of the washing machine

Today, aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid in pharmacy can be found under various commercial names. But, regardless of additives and names all the drugs based on aspirin effective in fighting stains on clothes.

aspirin assignment

Important! Experienced housewife knows that it is best to water soluble means Aspirin-C. You can use tablets, even with expired shelf life.

Preparation of the solution

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To prepare a solution laundry white laundry in the machine, take the following ingredients:

  • 15 liters of pure water;
  • 10 aspirin tablets.

Important! Before loading the laundry in the drum is recommended to soak in the solution of the drug is not less than 8 hours.

tablet crush

To prepare the solution, it is necessary pills crushed into powder, and then stir it thoroughly in clean water. It is in this solution and put the white things that need to be washed.

Important! If the hostess is no time for soaking, you can add acetylsalicylic acid directly into the drum to those already laid down in his underwear.

This will not give such a stunning effect as soaking, but the quality of washing will increase by several times.

You can then proceed to wash things both in manual mode and using the washing machine.


Known antipyretic drug is also widely used for bleaching zealous housewives things.


To prepare a special solution is required:

  • take a few aspirin tablets, depending on the amount of laundry;
  • grind them into a powder;
  • mix with the usual detergent or gel for washing;
  • fill the powder in a special compartment of the washing machine or drum;
  • choose the mode and start the washing process.

Before this procedure not necessarily to spend soaking. Usually, long underwear being in the solution provided only when things are going gray and require careful care.

Important! Some housewives prefer to deduce sweat stains and other stains on clothes with the help of a dry powder of aspirin. It is also an effective way. However, their properties exhibit better acid in solution form.

Show stains from clothes can be a dot. Just before washing process contamination aspirin solution and leave for several hours. After this will only wash the thing in the usual way.

Aspirin for the care of the washing machine

In addition to effective washing, the medicament perfectly protects the machine from scale and lime deposits. To clean the machine, a solution and start the "idle" without washing clothes in the drum.

machine cleaning

It is recommended to carry out the work in the following sequence.

  • 5 aspirin tablets crushed to a powder.
  • Mix it with the familiar fabric softener.
  • Absorb the mixture into the powder compartment.
  • Start without washing laundry in the drum, it is desirable to use an elevated temperature.

Important! It should be understood that with old stains and plaque acid is unlikely to cope. But good enough to protect against new dirt accumulations.

Aspirin - it is safe and accessible means by which the clothes and household appliances will please whiteness and purity. And most importantly, do not have to spend money on expensive publicized means to protect the device.

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