What will happen to the washing machine, if the wash soap: how to use soap

I still remember the days when my grandmother and my mother washed clothes in basins, constantly changing the water. Powders then already existed, but women prefer the old-fashioned wash soap. Linen is fast becoming a clean and pleasant for the body. Today, the entire laundry is in the correct selection of the mode of the washing machine and use a quality powder. But is a proven soap is no longer relevant? Is it possible to combine it with modern typewriters? How to react to these devices when interacting with soap? We shall understand together.

What will happen with a washing machine, if the wash soap

image Source https://youtu.be/joV2oyXZcEc

Whether soap is suitable for washing machine

The content of the article

  • Whether soap is suitable for washing machine
    • Preventive actions
  • How to use soap when washing in the machine
    • experience in the use

Soap - it is an old and proven tool, made exclusively from natural substances.

Important! Laundry soap safe for children's clothes, clothes allergy sufferers, as it contains chemicals and contaminants.

It can be washed with soap

However, the wash basin in the presence of modern technology - it's too long and tedious process. A wash many housewives are not solved with this tool in the machine, as they fear harm to expensive appliances.

instagram viewer

On the question of whether, Is it possible to add soap into the machine, can be answered boldly, "Yes, we can!"

The main thing - apply dosed cleanser and regularly prevention device operation.

Important! The main risk to the machine are included in the soap bar animal and vegetable fats. They do not dissolve and are deposited on the walls of the drum and the bag sealer.

Preventive actions

To avoid damage, you should regularly conduct prevention appliances.

  • If the home is soft water, simply include an additional washing with each use. Also, you must run the "dummy" device work once a month. Thus it is better to add a compartment for powder, citric acid or baking soda, so they killed any deposits.
  • If the water is hard, Prevention requires more careful. You need to buy special cleanser and use it once every 2-3 weeks. Only regularly checking the operability of the device, the owner can be assured of a long service life.
  • During the washing must also control the amount of foamFormed soap.

Important! You should know that when washing things from wool foam will be much more than when washing cotton products. Based on the parameters pledged laundry metered quantity of crushed soap.

How to use soap when washing in the machine

Apply the soap in the machine can be different.


experience in the use

  • Some ground bar in the chip and put it directly into the drum along with the linen.

reference. For 1 kg of laundry will need 1 tablespoon of grated soap.

  • other chips were added to the compartment for powder.
  • And some preparing a special liquid solutionWhich hot added to the detergent tray.

You can use any of these methodsThey are all safe for the device and give good results.

The main thing - to observe the basic rules of this eco-friendly washing.

  • When selecting a washing course always put extra rinse, because fatty plaque from the soap is not always immediately washed off with laundry.
  • Experienced hostess prepared a kind of "jelly" of soap and soda, Which is then used as necessary (2 liters hot water, 300 g of soap, 4 tbsp. l. soda ash).
  • Grated soap is desirable to put in hot waterThat it swelled, and only then add the drum along with the linen.

Important! Always follow the dosage and not exceed the recommended amounts of soap. Otherwise, bad clothes to wash, and internal parts cars will remain an indelible plaque.

how to use

image Source https://youtu.be/joV2oyXZcEc

For people who want to make their lives more environmentally friendly, and use natural means to wear clothes, do not cause allergies, laundry soap is the best option. If you follow some simple rules of the washing process will not negatively affect the appliances. Costs for washing will fall, and the result will please you!

15.06.2019 at 19:17

while you're rubbing soap grater and wash raskhochesh

To answer
16.06.2019 at 21:11

In the "Auchan" sells soap powder and liquid

To answer
18.06.2019 at 11:44

Wash once cotton regime and the drum machine became a shiny matte. So, I do not advise to wash with soap.

To answer
18.06.2019 at 13:01

This is the only negative penoobrozovanie. In a lot of soap suds may burst as a result of the drain pipe. so the powders are produced for automatic washing and agitator type machines. There is also a powder for hand washing. who wants to let him make experiments.

To answer
AvatarSvetlana Omelchenko:
19.06.2019 at 09:43

It is not difficult to grate. I have several years I use this method, mix grated soap with baking soda and essential oils for scent.

To answer
23.06.2019 at 07:22

I put on a new machine heating element (which heats the water). I washed with soap. Enough for a month. Caused the same master, he told me a new set of guarantees for free. I did not tell him what I was washing. The raid was a terrible, does not wash off.

To answer
24.06.2019 at 13:36

My machine «Ariston» -veteran, purchased in 1993. Laundry I do a mixture of soda and grated on a fine grater soap. Putting the mixture into a pocket with fastener "zipper", which is sewed specially from residues shallow Teflon window mosquito nets.
Pocket lays into the drum together with the laundry. After washing it -Let. The rinsing water add an alcoholic solution of apple vinegar with essential oil. Soda ash softens water and vinegar solution neutralizes alkaline soap solution. Crisp white linen comes out, no plaque on the machine does not remain. Metal shiny surface. Ten master nedavno- checked in excellent condition.

To answer
07.01.2019 at 09:37

"Skilled hostess prepared peculiar" jelly "of soap with soda, which is then used as necessary (2 liters hot water, 300 g of soap, 4 tbsp. l. soda ash) "And as for washing in the machine need to be added?

To answer
AvatarBasil Alibabaevich:
08.02.2019 at 14:55

Occupation nonsense!

To answer
19.08.2019 at 11:21

Neighing about "Contains no chemicals"
I wonder then what is contained in the economic soap?)

To answer
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