Washbasin over the washing machine: pros and cons

In modern apartments, one very important drawback is often found - lack of space. The owners are trying to save every centimeter in the apartment, and the bathroom is a particular problem. To save money, a washing machine is often installed under the sink. Is this option so good? Let's figure it out.

Washbasin over the washing machine: pros and cons

Combination options

The content of the article

  • Combination options
  • The advantages of the location of the sink over the washer
    • Compactness
    • Aesthetics
    • Functionality
    • Originality
    • Splash reduction
  • Cons of installing the machine under the sink
    • Search details
    • Limited choice
    • Custom height
    • Small dimensions of the washing machine
    • Danger
  • To put or not a washing machine under the sink

The washbasin above the washing machine is not so common, but it is a good solution for a bathroom with a minimum area.

It must be borne in mind that with such an installation some difficulties may arise.

Important! two types of sinks are suitable for installing a sink over household appliances.

  • Side of the sink. The drain hole is not standard, but on the side of the sink.
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  • At the bottom of the washbasin. Unlike regular options, the siphon of such flushing immediately goes sideways.

The sink itself should be smallThe bottom should be compact. A good option would be a water lily model, its bottom is flat and only 20 cm deep.

There are ready-made kits for sale, which already include a suitable sink and appropriate equipment. Small shops rarely boast of such a solution, it is common in large cities. In a small town, such a thing is extremely rare.

The advantages of the location of the sink over the washer

The option under consideration is quite attractive for its advantages.



An option for such a home appliance installation saves space and looks pretty neat.

This option better than installing a washer in the kitchen. Clothing may be saturated with the smell of food. And before the basket with dirty laundry you have to run to the bathroom, if you put it there.


Household appliances in such a place. hide all siphons and wiring. The bathroom will look neater and tidy due to the masking of some elements.



If you do not place the sink close to the washing machine, then this space can be used as a shelf for towels and various detergents.


Such a solution is rarely found in modern apartments. Therefore, you will more than once listen to the compliments of surprised guests. Your originality and resourcefulness will be highly appreciated.

Splash reduction

Many owners claim that there will be less spray from the sink if you use this method. This is due to the height of the installed shell: it is higher than usual.

Cons of installing the machine under the sink

But such an installation has not only advantages. For objectivity, we also evaluate the cons.

installation complexity

Search details

You will be limited not only to the choice of the sink, but also to the details for it. Siphons for this design are more difficult to find. And for their purchase will have to pay more.

Not the fact that the parts you need will be found in the first plumbing store. The same problem will occur if the siphon breaks.

Limited choice

You may have to give up your favorite sink because not all are suitable for this design.

Custom height

The sink is higher than during normal installation. In short stature and in children, this can cause difficulties in use..

Tall people were lucky a little more, but for them it is also unusual.

Reference! The washbasin is located at a height of 1 meter.

Small dimensions of the washing machine

machine sizes

When choosing a device for washing, you also have to limit yourself. Even if you planned a washing machine 60 cm wide, this option will not work.

Important! Hoses and wires will take 10-15 cm behind the machine, so you have to choose a device with a width of 50 cm.

This will not suit everyone, because it is more convenient to wash in a large washing machine. Especially when it comes to a large family, where dirty clothes accumulate quickly and in large quantities.


With a siphon leak, a short circuit may occur in the machine. Since we are faced with an electrical appliance, such an installation is quite dangerous.

Important! In the vicinity of the sink and the washing machine, check that the installation and draining are reliable. Otherwise, water entering the washing machine may damage it.

To put or not a washing machine under the sink

The decision to make you! The sink above the washing machine is an excellent solution for owners of apartments with limited space. If saving space matters to you, consider this option.

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