Feces and bugs: the reasons that will convince you to wash again new clothes

Did you know that any new clothes need to be washed before being put on the body for the first time? It is not just about underwear, but also any other parts of the wardrobe, whatever it was - a bra or suede jacket? Very often, immediately after the purchase we have not given much thought, how much trouble can a hide unwashed thing. And the more often we can go in a new thing immediately after its acquisition. Why did the new clothes must always be washed?

new clothesIf you've never been to "behind the scenes" of any clothes shops, even branded, then you should know that what they saw could scare you. And, of course, you would never have become so lightly of such an important action - the first washing of the newly purchased.


The content of the article

    • bedbugs
    • Feces, sweat, bacteria
  • Recommendations: how often you need to wash clothes
    • How should I wash other clothes?

bugsBedbugs live not only in the grass, but also in clothing. Most favorite fabric for these bloodsuckers - fur, cotton, wool, acrylic. And they can not just dwell there, but put off the larvae. Pesky insects, of course, live and in the warehouses of clothes shops, where parasites safely on things, and even accessories. When washing killed insects, especially if the water temperature exceeds 40 ° C. This is the first reason why the new thing to be sure to wash - the presence on the clothes inside her small insects fibers.

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Feces, sweat, bacteria

dirty clothesYou have any idea how many people have tried on your favorite thing to you? And not all of them, as you know, can adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and maintain cleanliness of the body. Thus at each fitting on a new garment can remain traces of another sweat, microbes, various isolation and even feces. This is the second reason, which points to the fact that after the purchase of a thing it is necessary to wash - it fitting other people to you.

Recommendations: how often you need to wash clothes

So, you probably already knew that putting on a new thing without prewash is fraught with some unpleasant consequences, ranging from the bites of bedbugs and finishing worms or diarrhea. Even if it seems that the thing is absolutely clear and there are no visible stains, this is not to say that it is not fraught with any other troubles. Therefore, immediately after the purchase, try to wash clothes according to the instructions on the label. Strictly adhere not only to the specified temperature of the water, but also the wash mode, as well as the admissibility of extraction and automatic drying.

washAlso do not forget that the above problems can not only catch up with new clothes, but in that case, if you ignore the prompt laundry items. How often you need to wash clothes, so that it retains its appearance and at the same time are safe for your health? Of course, the washing should take place as far as the things of pollution. But do not wait for months to get their wash.

There are unwritten rules that dictate the frequency of washes some things, even if they do not visibly soiled. For example, the skirt may seem completely clean, but if you wear it every day, the thing you need to wash every 5-7 days.

clean clothesHow should I wash other clothes?

  • pants - 1 time per week;
  • Jeans - 1 every 10-14 days;
  • shirts - after every second use;
  • skirt, dress - 1 every 5-7 days;
  • overalls (denim, cotton) - 1 time per week;
  • overalls - 1 every 14 days;
  • T-shirts - every 3-4 days;
  • underwear - every day.

The rest is a start from their own experiences. In summer, the number of washes can be increased due to intense sweating body, which provokes an unpleasant odor. In this case, you should not wait for the next wash, and need to send the thing into the drum immediately.

07.05.2019 at 20:44

In the title, what is this word "sock". In principle, the sock also wear ...

To answer
Avatarworker999 all time:
14.07.2019 at 16:54

Suede or velor or cashmere jacket to wash!

To answer
AvatarI have been here:
18.07.2019 at 16:58

our teacher back in 1987 which took place during wartime talked about underwear bedbugs and they die from iron iron in which coal was applied from the electric allegedly not effectively... and then just on the temperature 40 degrees ...

To answer
19.07.2019 at 14:03

bedbugs die only if the water temperature is above 65 degrees. Not every clothes can be washed at this temperature.

To answer
20.07.2019 at 13:17

it feels like bugs on anything not die. We have them taken out almost all entrance. So while almost all did not do repairs, but nothing helped. No washing-cleaning.

To answer
23.07.2019 at 17:53

New thing ironed, especially from the inside, with a hot iron, and you will be happy)

To answer
24.07.2019 at 10:44

If this reasoning, then you need to buy everything without trying. what good is that after buying her wash, if you've already put it in the dressing ?!

To answer
24.07.2019 at 16:57

pants washed - 1 time per week;
wash jeans - 1 every 10-14 days;
And I have them every six months are erased, and nothing - not stink, do not cling byaki sorts, with sweat, like everybody else. And I know the men well.
Obviously, this is propaganda washing, so people are more likely to buy a washing Proshka and rapidly exhausted the resource from washing machines to buy new or repaired more frequently rented.

To answer
27.07.2019 at 17:06

personally I saw in a store how things obrabatovali steam iron fittings, and after the return of clothing. so that the rest of the little hard to believe

To answer
27.07.2019 at 22:25

Steam treatments and a steam iron is noticeable that little thing Second-hand (for expensive items it is critical, and for the cheap does not make sense), so that not too many shops for a walk, and a lot of time on it would need. I've seen the inside of things in the area of ​​contact with the genitals cling plastic stickers (from the ass, by the way, label was not - it's about feces, if that), but for a lifetime only once such stickers have seen a relatively expensive male heats. It has long been, in 2001, I was back there for a long time scratching turnip - what for it, then make it)))

To answer
28.07.2019 at 15:02

My friend bought trousers in one of the shops certainly do not put them to wash the same day a new thing and regret. A few days later her odalel terrible itching and redness on the feet oval. We dermatologist passing the tests she learned that contracted some exotic kind of cutaneous Ktorov commonly found in China and Vietnam.

To answer
27.08.2019 at 14:52

Fur mink ...

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