Is it harmful to sleep when the TV is on?

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DREAM WITH THE TV ONPerhaps most people agree with the assumption that falling asleep when the TV is on is much easier and faster. However, not many people know about the negative impact on this phenomenon. In this article, we will consider the sources of the habit, as well as learn about the methods of ending it.

Where does the habit of sleeping on TV come from?

The content of the article

  • Where does the habit of sleeping on TV come from?
  • Is it harmful and why?
  • How to wean yourself fall asleep under the TV

Since most programs are played directly in the evening, when adults come from work and spend their holidays on the couch, involuntary constancy appears over time. That is, watching programs before bedtime is an ingrained leisure. Now it’s worth figuring out why people can fall asleep so quickly under the included TV. To simplify, the following is a list of factors that somehow affect humanity:

  1. TV shows on display have a certain property that allows mesmerizing device users.
  2. An important point is human fatigue. Thus, after a long working day, the person viewing is immersed in a calm atmosphere, therefore, the brain gradually begins to not reflect reality.
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  3. The horizontal position can also be attributed to the influencing aspects.

Accordingly, when the above points affect people, every day a person falls asleep under television. That is, over time, most of them develop a kind of habit.

Is it harmful and why?

TURNING ON TVThere is an opinion that the equipment in the process of performing its functions spoils the quality of sleep. This is explained by the fact that blue light, which is reproduced directly from the screen, worsens the state of the user. It is he who inhibits the production of such a hormone as melatonin. In addition, periodic flickering is capable of negatively affecting some stages of dreams in one way or another.

ATTENTION! However, scientists from Australia have denied these assumptions. Based on studies, it was found that for several years global changes were not noticed.

Information on patients in 1992 and 2006 was not changed: the time period for sleep did not shorten. Although, thanks to modern technology, the number of inventions has been increased and improved.

How to wean yourself fall asleep under the TV

normal clarityIndeed, there are several recommendations, adherence to which can shorten pastimes in front of TV.

  1. First you need to set a limit in the settings directly on the device itself. Thus, you will not sleep on TV all night, but only the time for which you set the timer.
  2. It is also advisable to try replacing watching TV, for example, reading a book. Or you can try meditation.
  3. If all else fails, then it is advised to replace the unit playback with listening to a melodic melody. In principle, it creates a similar effect, but the absence of flickering stripes will not be able to accidentally wake a person in the process of dreams.

Thus, only certain restrictions or a method of replacement can reduce the conduct in front of the TV.

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