What is the power feature of monitors: basic safety rules

Nowadays, electronics occupies a very important place in life. We encounter various electrical appliances every day, but we don’t really understand that they are also fraught with various dangers. Today we will talk about monitors, as well as safety measures, about which many forget or do not know at all.

Monitor connection

Monitor Power Features

The content of the article

  • Monitor Power Features
  • Basic safety instructions

Not sure what the feature is? These electrical appliances are equipped with elements that provide high voltage even after a direct disconnection from the mains. Based on this, the user is strictly forbidden to open the equipment, to conduct any experiments. Here the jokes are bad, you need to be extremely careful.

Moreover, opening the monitor is not only dangerous, but does not make any sense at all - there is absolutely nothing inside that can be changed and improved or restored to correct operation.


Basic safety instructions

You need to understand that the monitor is a device that requires constant power from the network, so you should pay enough attention to this issue.

instagram viewer
  1. Connection should be carried out only with a high-quality cable, into a reliable outlet.
  2. Connection cableThe presence of any home-made adapters and adaptive devices is not allowed.
  3. Also, do not overload the power grid, which includes the appliance.
  4. It is important to remember that for security reasons, all wires and cables must be located behind the computer, behind.
  5. Never move or outweigh monitors without first disconnecting them from the power supply.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to place equipment near heaters, batteries, various devices that emit heat.
  7. It is forbidden to introduce independent changes in the design, trying to improve or decorate it - this can lead to a violation of stable operation and even damage to the device.
  8. Also, do not hang napkins, rags, various objects on the monitor.

When working with any equipment and electrical appliances, you need to understand that these are sources of increased danger, during operation you need to follow simple safety rules. With due vigilance and accuracy, you will never encounter unpleasant incidents!

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