What is the monitor brightness measured?

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Monitor brightnessSometimes it becomes necessary to find out a measure of brightness. It is necessary not only to determine the indicator itself, but also to learn how to measure it. This will help to set the correct parameters during configuration.

What measures the brightness of the monitor

The content of the article

  • What measures the brightness of the monitor
  • Parameter Characteristic
  • What should be the indicator

According to the generally accepted system of units, the brightness emitted by a monitor or any other source is measured in candela (cd /). In addition, there are other units of measurement: stilb (sb), apostilb (asb), lambert (lb) and nit (nt). They are no longer used as units. Kandel and nit have the same meaning.

The parameter is measured using a conventional household light meter - a device that is designed to measure the level of illumination, ripple and brightness. Using this device also determine the quality characteristics of light.

Important! Measurement with a light meter must be carried out several times, then calculate the average value of the indicators.

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Monitor brightness

Parameter Characteristic

The level of this parameter depends on the reflectivity of the coating. If it is low or too high, it can cause discomfort while working behind the screen. As a result of the occurrence of discomfort, performance may decrease and the user's attention span will deteriorate.

However, a high level of the parameter is required when watching 3D movies. This is explained by the fact that 3D glasses while watching movies greatly darken the picture.

The parameter is inextricably linked with the contrast parameter. Contrast - the ratio of the level of black to white. So, for example, the contrast level of the screen, the minimum and maximum brightness of which is 400.5 and 0.5 cd / respectively, is 800: 1. It is the contrast that affects the degree of eye fatigue while working behind the monitor. The higher the contrast, the higher the clarity of the image and, accordingly, the lower the load on the eyes.

Monitor brightness

What should be the indicator

The performance of modern monitors can reach 500 cd /. However, such an indicator cannot be called an advantage of screens, since its increase can negatively affect human eyes. This especially affects the eyes in low light or lack thereof. Comfortable values ​​for the eye are 150-200 cd /. According to sanitary standards, the most optimal level is 200 cd /.

When choosing monitors, you should pay attention to the uniformity of their backlight. Often with low-quality monitors, the center is the brightest “place”. This "feature" leads to a very noticeable decrease in backlight around the edges of the screen.

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