What is sRGB monitor mode: why is sRGB mode needed.

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The image on the monitor.In the screen settings of many devices, you can find the mysterious abbreviation RGB. It is available on smartphones, tablets, computer monitors, video and cameras. What do these mysterious letters mean or what are they for?

What is sRGB monitor mode

The content of the article

  • What is sRGB monitor mode
  • Why do i need sRGB mode

SRGB or Adobe RGB settings can be found in the Color Space menu. Both settings have the same RGB letters. These symbols indicate the primary colors visible to the human eye.

SRGB mode in monitor settings

REFERENCE! Unlike animals, human vision is trichromatic. The main colors are red, blue and green. The remaining tones are formed on the retina of the human eye, by mixing the original three. Color space means all the variety of shades that the eye can distinguish.

The development of modern digital technologies and the emergence of many different gadgets and devices, able to transmit the image on the screen, asked the developers about the quality color reproduction.

In 1990, a solution was found. A special algorithm has been developed that displays information on device screens. He got the name RGB.

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Initially, there were some difficulties with displaying colors on monitors. Devices then physically could not reproduce the full range of shades that a person can distinguish. At first, the algorithm was used on cathode ray tube screens that were common in those years.

The RGB algorithm characterizes the specific frequencies of the required colors and what should happen if you mix these shades. At the same time, it shows the initial position of the white point. For ease of understanding, scientists have compiled a color chart that clearly demonstrates how much more colors the human brain distinguishes compared to any technique.

Color chart.

No matter how technically perfect the device, the human eye sees much more colors in the world around it. The technique is limited by the triangle shown in the color chart.

REFERENCE! SRGB is now the main standard. Focusing on it, monitors, computer browsers, even operating systems and photo editor programs are produced.

At the moment, there is a more advanced Adobe RGB algorithm. However, it is used by people who are professionally involved in photo and video shooting. Therefore, it is not so widespread, and monitors that support this image transmission profile are quite expensive.

Why do i need sRGB mode

This color space is universal and it is supported by absolutely all modern image transmission devices. Despite the fact that the color spectrum covered by it is only 35%, this is quite enough for the needs of lovers of photography and photo processing.

Comparison of sRGB monitor mode.

The sRGB profile allows you to see the actual colors of images without making them more saturated, as Adobe RGB conveys them. The algorithm ensures that the original colors of the photo and video will be exactly the same on all existing monitors, since it is widespread.

It is also an ideal solution for people who post their photos on the Internet. However, it is not suitable for the professional activities of photographers and people whose photographs are participating in exhibitions.

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