Cucumbers in grape leaves - spicy snack on your table

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Aesthetically beautiful and unusually tasty harvest for the winter is the cucumber in the grape leaves. Whoever has not tried such a culinary masterpiece, then be sure to get acquainted with all the delights of preserving. The grape leaf is able to preserve the rich color of the cucumber during the storage of provisions, and the taste remains almost natural and fresh. The leaves are cut into three or five blades, so they can easily cover the entire surface of the cucumber when wrapped.

Cucumbers in the grape leaves, a prescription with photos of which will help in stages to make a blank for the winter, must necessarily appear on your tables. In addition, recipes are varied, canned vegetables can be not only with salt, but also with vinegar, vodka, citric acid and apple juice. A positive fact in this conservation is that the grape leaves can then be used as an ingredient in the Dolma dish.

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Vine leaves grow on average 11 cm in length and width, respectively, cucumbers should be selected no bigger.

Cucumber in grape leaves with vinegar

Diversify your collection of conservation can be a new recipe, on the basis of which cucumbers are prepared in grape leaves with vinegar. On such a winter drug will need two, -liter jars and about 2 kg of small cucumbers. Also, it is necessary to tear off large leaves of grapes, the number of which should coincide with the number of cucumbers. The recipe provides storage in vinegar, which means you need to prepare 100 grams of this ingredient.

Steps of canning with a photo:

  1. Wash the vegetables with boiling water and immediately put in a basin of cold water.
  2. Wash the leaves of the grapes and spin them into each cucumber.
  3. Arrange the wrapped vegetables in a jar and pour boiling water. Leave to saturate for 10 minutes. Transfer the water from the jar to the pan and boil again. Again pour the jar with the contents for 5 minutes.
  4. The third time, drain the water from the cans and prepare a marinade, which will include 50 grams of salt, the same amount of sugar and 100 grams of vinegar.
  5. Pour marinade on the future provisions and roll up with metal covers. Turn over and wrap the blanket until it cools down. After cooling, send it to the storeroom in the usual condition.
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Pickled cucumber in grape leaves

The procedure for preserving pickled cucumber in grape leaves is not very different from other recipes. Only the proportions of the ingredients are varied. Here it is necessary to increase the amount of salt (100 grams), so that the final product turned out to be salty, rather than sweet and sour. For the preservation of provisions, citric acid is needed, in an amount of 1 h. spoons. So, for a 3-liter jar, small, elastic cucumbers are selected, approximately 2 kg. The number of leaves of the grapes will be known only after you count how many cucumbers came out of you with 2 kilograms of vegetables. To give a delicate aroma of billet from cucumbers in grape leaves for the winter, you need to prepare a dill umbrella, a pair pieces of laurel leaves, 3 cloves of garlic, up to 10 pieces of black peppercorns, for the sharpness you can make a red stinging pepper.

Steps of canning with a photo:

  1. Put the spices in a sterilized jar.
  2. Washed cucumbers wrap the leaves of grapes and send to the jar to the spices.
  3. Boil water and pour the ingredients in the jar. Leave in this state for 30 minutes.
  4. Drain the water in a saucepan and make a pickle from the salt and, st. spoons of sugar. Boil it and pour the jar. Pour citric acid onto the surface of the ingredients and cork. Turn the provisions upside down and wrap them in a warm cloth. After cooling, send it to the usual place of storage.
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Cucumbers in grape leaves with vodka

To make cucumbers in grape leaves with vodka you need 30 pieces of miniature, dense cucumbers and as many leaves of grapes. These basic ingredients are placed in one 3-liter capacity, so you should sterilize this size jar. Additional ingredients will be aromatic spices and herbs: dill - 2 pcs, a sheet of currant - 5 pcs, fragrant peppers - 5 pcs. peas, as much black pepper. Do not forget about garlic, 3 cloves should be enough.

Steps of canning with a photo:

  1. Cucumbers should be washed from mud and boiled water, then placed in cold water at once.
  2. Cut the tails on both sides with a small part of the cucumber flesh.
  3. Leave the grapes with boiling water and hold in this water for about 5 minutes, drain it.
  4. Put additional ingredients in the jar, and chop the garlic into two parts.
  5. Turn the cucumbers into grape leaves and place vertically in a jar.
  6. Boil water and pour the jar with the contents. Approximately half a liter of water will be needed.
  7. After 15 minutes saturating the cucumbers with water and isolating their juice into the water, it must be drained. In the resulting fragrant liquid add a large spoonful of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil and again pour the cucumbers so that the brine only reaches the shoulders of the can, and not up to the neck.
  8. Fill in the empty place in the bank 5 tbsp. spoonful of vinegar and 50 grams of vodka. That moment, turn the tin lid on the provisions and turn upside down. Wrap in a warm blanket and wait for cooling about a day.
  9. Cool down the bank to give the usual position and move to the pantry.

Slightly podvyavshie cucumbers should be immersed in water for at least 2 hours.

Cucumbers in grape leaves with apple juice

Pleasant sourish-sweetish taste have cucumbers in the grape leaves withapple juice. For such provisions you will need a kilogram of small cucumbers and large grape leaves, the number of which will correspond to the number of cucumbers. For marinade, you should prepare 50 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar, all this will be diluted with 1 liter of water and 300 grams of apple juice. The ingredients are placed in one 3-liter glass jar, which must be washed with soda and sterilized with steam for about 7 minutes.

Read also:Preparing fragrant jelly from sea-buckthorn for the winter

Steps of canning with a photo:

  1. Carefully washed cucumbers give the procedure of blanching so that they retain a crispy property during storage.
  2. Wash the leaves and gently dry it. Wrap the cucumbers with leaves.
  3. Tightly pile the wrapped vegetables in a jar. You can add any spices to taste.
  4. Marinated cucumbers with grape leaves suggest the preparation of marinade. Cook marinade from the specified ingredients. Pour the can into the boiling mixture, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes. Drain the liquid in a saucepan and boil again. Repeat this procedure three times.
  5. After the third time, tighten the can and turn over. Wrap up with a warm cloth, wait for cooling. After about 24 hours send to a ventilated pantry.

Instead of apple you can use grape juice. The procedure in this case will be unchanged.

You can also conserve cucumbers in the grape leaves with tomato. In this recipe instead of brine or marinade will act tomato juice. Steps of cooking will be the same as in the recipes above, the altered will be the step of cooking the marinade, in which it will be necessary to boil the tomato, and not a mixture of salt, sugar and vinegar. Wonderful for you blanks and a delicious winter!


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