Power consumption of a computer with a monitor

system unitOf course, it is desirable for each owner of a personal computer to know what indicator his own device consumes. In this same article, we will try to analyze in detail the main points that relate directly to the topic presented. We find out in what ways you can reduce the consumption of the structure, and most importantly - the gap that determines the norm.

Average power consumed by the monitor

The content of the article

  • Average power consumed by the monitor
  • What is the minimum power a computer can consume?
  • How to reduce the power consumption of the system unit
  • How much the computer consumes, depending on the operating mode

In order not to get confused in the topic provided, it is advisable to consider each configuration separately.

  • With regards to average power and moderate use. Example: the owner uses the device for about 5 hours, where he not only visits sites on the Internet, communicates on social networks, but also plays ordinary games. In this case, we can assume such a consumption, where the indicator reaches 180 watts.
instagram viewer

IMPORTANT! Do not miss the fact that the monitor also has a share of a certain expenditure (if in numbers, then this is about 40 watts).

comp and laptopTherefore, now you need to add 180 and 40, in the end it turns out 220. This number must be multiplied by the number of hours spent working. The result is 1, 1 kW. In addition, you can add a possible error. In conclusion, the entire system consumes from 35 kW per month.

  • Speaking of a gaming computer, where the lion's share goes to play games that are weighty in themselves. It is important to consider that the graphics card, screen, and processor take up a lot of energy. Accordingly, the estimated waste is at least 440 watts. Due to the fact that the user usually spends a considerable time - 6 hours, we multiply, it turns out 2, 64 kW. Given the error per month, a minimum of 81 kW is output.
  • There remains a personal computer, where the power is very insignificant - one that is used purely at home to store various video files and other materials. Since the monitor is most often not subjected to operation, you can easily calculate the monthly consumption = 29 kW.

What is the minimum power a computer can consume?

how the monitor worksIt is clear that you must first look at the parameters. Most often, the value of the power supply is from 350 watts. However, it can be noted that it is in modern buildings that this number increases sufficiently and sometimes reaches 450 watts. ATTENTION! The consumption itself directly depends on how much the unit is loaded with various applications. So, in order to most reliably determine the desired indicator, it is worth paying attention to the following factors:

  • In the process, namely when viewing any sites or photos, videos, an average number is consumed, equal to between 120 - 160 watts.
  • Speaking about the reproduction of the game, it is worth understanding that the number, respectively, is greater. Therefore, we can safely assume values ​​from 300 to 340 watts (measurements are indicated with a capacity of one hour).
  • As for directly old inventions, this is a slightly different situation. This fact is explained by the fact that much older systems are installed on them. This means that the consumption will be less. The parameter varies around 70 watts.

REFERENCE! Do not forget about monitors, in which the consumption is determined from 30 to 40 watts.

Previously, as in all cases, you should know the indicators of your own structure, which can be found on the back side. More specifically, these are the characteristics of the processor, monitor, video card. For simplicity, we will calculate directly in quiet mode, but when the unit is plugged into an outlet. Knowing that under the described condition, energy is consumed in the amount of five watts, the following decisions can be made. We multiply this number by 24 hours a day and get 0, 12 kW in one day.

How to reduce the power consumption of the system unit

Two system units and one monitor.There are several really effective ways. Actually, they are presented below:

  • SUSPEND TO RAM mode. With it, it becomes possible to turn off your structure much more often. As the study shows, using this method, the indicator decreases by almost 1.4 watts. In order to configure it, you will have to go to the control panel, and then select the "power" section. There you will have access to the setting where you can set the interval.
  • Auto shutdown PC. This situation is quite similar to the previous one.

IMPORTANT! The damping period is recommended to be determined from three to five minutes. In this situation, both convenience and savings will correspond.

  • In addition, you can turn off the hard drive. In this case, the consumption will be reduced up to 1 W. You can also set your personal interval here. However, it is advisable to do it here for at least 20 minutes.
  • The use of additional components to help you reduce consumption.
  • And the last, but no less important, is the way where the user reduces the brightness on the monitor. Therefore, with a standard indicator, electricity is consumed twice as much as if it were with the lowest parameter.

How much the computer consumes, depending on the operating mode

monitorLet's consider in more detail each separately:

  • Sleeping. When this condition is turned on, the hard disk goes in a different state, therefore, much less energy is required. And this is about 7% of the total calculation.
  • Hibernation. The personal computer shuts down completely. However, all previous materials are retained. As for the parameters themselves, this is the gap between 5 watts and 10 watts.
  • Absolute shutdown of the device. Important features: a full exit from the system is carried out, previously used information is lost, no saving occurs. When a new download occurs, the performance is updated. Consequently, the cost of electricity is about 4-5 watts. You can also hear another name for such a process - standby mode.

As you can see, how much the design spends depends on your actions.

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