Adjusting the contrast of the monitor: what should be the contrast

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Monitor contrastThere are times when you need to adjust the contrast on the monitor. For example, settings for some reason have gone astray, or viewing images for some reason is not comfortable. You must use one of the methods for setting such a parameter.

How to adjust monitor contrast

The content of the article

  • How to adjust monitor contrast
  • Customization methods
  • What should be the contrast

Setup requires a Windows program. Most users use this particular operating system. The brightness is adjusted in several calibration methods. You can use only one method, or several at a time. The main thing is to achieve the necessary results.

Customization methods

There are several ways to configure this feature. They depend on the type of monitor. The methods are as follows:

  1. Through the appropriate button. The monitor has buttons that allow you to adjust the brightness and other important parameters. They are located on the back or at the bottom of the device. There are symbols for all parameters.
  2. OSD menu. There are monitors that allow you to configure this option using the menu. It will open if you click the Start button. There are already set parameters that can be changed at your discretion. This option is present on every laptop.
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  3. Laptop screen. In older models of the device, the corresponding buttons were present on the rear panel (as in the first step). But in modern devices, the elements responsible for setting this parameter are absent. The only way is to use the Fn key. We will be presented with icons by clicking on which the contrast increases or decreases.
  4. Through the appropriate program. There are programs that allow you to change these settings. Such utilities are designed to be configured on a professional level. You can download them on the Internet. We will be presented with sliders that will allow you to change the contrast to the desired value. To use the program correctly, you need to build on high-quality photos.
Monitor contrast

What should be the contrast

Contrast should be such that a person was comfortable watching the image. Each device has default settings, which are made depending on the requirements of users. But each person perceives the picture differently, therefore, the requirements for all are different.

The recommended image frequency of modern devices varies from 60 to 85 Hz. Contrast is necessary for the picture to be clear. But the higher this indicator, the more tired the eyes are. The optimal setting is the one that is by default (if it is lost, you can see the instructions). Manufacturers suggest setting the scale value exactly in the middle. But you can change the values ​​to make the image as comfortable as possible for the eyes.

Reference! If you work with a special program, the contrast must be adjusted so that on the scale the first cell is white and the last is black. Each cell should have its own shade. You must see the differences in these shades.

Monitor contrast

Perception of contrast also depends on exposure to sunlight, artificial light on the screen, and other environmental characteristics. Therefore, constantly work with the settings to select comfortable values ​​in a particular situation.

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