Can I watch 3D on a regular monitor: features of 3D images.

3 d on the monitor.Most modern blockbusters go to theaters in 3D format, they are broadcast in specially equipped halls, and at the entrance to the viewer are given glasses that allow you to see a three-dimensional image. Home appliances offer TVs for watching such films, but a home theater is not cheap. Is it possible to watch 3D video on a regular monitor at minimal cost?

3D features

The content of the article

  • 3D features
  • 3D viewing on a conventional monitor

The principle of transmitting an image in 3d format is to create two different images for the left and right eye - so the human brain begins to perceive the whole image as three-dimensional. Different technologies implement this task in different ways. Most Popular:

  1. Anaglyph. This is a color coordination method. Without glasses, such an image will appear blurry and unnaturally colored, but colored lenses (usually red and blue) correct perception, and each eye gets a clear picture.
  2. Shutter method. It consists in alternately displaying images on the screen for the left and right eyes, and the glasses of special glasses are darkened on the left and right, respectively. The change of frames and the reaction of glasses occurs very quickly, so the viewer has the feeling that he sees a three-dimensional image with two eyes. For home viewing, you can buy active glasses, but the cost of the glasses themselves is quite high, and not every TV can interact correctly.
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  3. Polarization system. Used in cinemas and is familiar to most under the name Imax. Paired images are superimposed on each other on the screen through the polarizing filters of the projectors, and filters in glasses pass only a certain part of the light waves. This technology requires the use of a special screen, so it is not suitable for a conventional monitor.
3D on a regular monitor.

3D viewing on a conventional monitor

The easiest option for home viewing is anaglyph. You only need points that can be purchased for 500 rubles or cheaper.

View 3d using glasses.

REFERENCE! Red-blue is not the only color scheme. There are, for example, green-purple. Pay attention to this when buying glasses and choosing a video.

If you can download the desired movie in stereo format, you just have to run it on your computer or TV.

If you do not have an adapted version, use the programs that work with this video. They can convert downloaded videos or process them while watching. There are several such programs, you can find an option for free use or buy a program after the end of the trial period:

  1. MakeMe3D is a simple program that converts regular video to 3D with user-defined settings. For example, the final video can be designed for different color filters.
  2. Xilisoft 3D Video Converter - supports converting 2D to 3D and vice versa, as well as between different types of 3D. You can set the desired 3D depth in the settings.
  3. Axara 2D to 3D Video Converter is another program for converting various video formats into stereoscopic.
  4. sView is a player that allows you to convert a video stream while watching, without preliminary processing. Able to exhibit different types of image filtering.
Viewing 3d with MakeMe3D.

The quality of the image obtained by such programs will be lower than that of the film, which was processed by professionals at the production stage. But this does not require large financial and time costs, so it’s worth trying this option at least for familiarization.

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