The best grades of annual dahlias for close acquaintance

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Varieties of annual dahlias include a huge number of varieties of different shapes, colors and sizes. They are designed for growing at home, decorating flower beds and creating live curbs, as well as for cutting. Annuals are more simple in care and maintenance: for them it is not necessary to build a shelter for the winter and to feed fertilizers. It is enough to sow them on the local territory, and soon it will have an abundantly flowering array.

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Features of annual dahlias

Flowers of dahlias are an extensive species that combines annual and perennial varieties. Many gardeners prefer the first option because of the ease of care and maintenance. In addition, there are several advantages over long-term species:

  • the flowering period lasts from the beginning or the middle of summer and before the beginning of frost;
  • In the presence there are varieties of any shape and hue - only from these colors you can create a full composition;
  • for the winter the tubers do not need to be excavated and transferred to heat (during this procedure, many plants lose vitality);
  • unpretentiousness to weather conditions - annual varieties of dahlias can grow even in the northern regions.

In nature, some species can grow up to, m and more. At home, dwarf and medium-sized varieties from 25-30 cm to 1 m in height are more popular.

Varieties with photos

There is a generally accepted classification of dahlias depending on their appearance and characteristics. Also there are spectacular hybrids, bred by breeding. Among the varieties of annual dahlias, several groups are distinguished:

  • simple (single-row) - plants with a fully opened flower, petals located in a row, and a bright core;
  • pion-shaped - semi-double varieties with several rows of petals;
  • anemone - consist of 2-3 rows of terry petals, reminiscent of anemones;
  • vortornichkovye - have two rows of petals, the lower of which is longer, and the upper is short, can be of contrasting shades;
  • Spherical - differ unusual round shape of the flower, which is a large number of rows of petals;
  • nymphaeous - reminiscent of lotuses, terry flowers, of regular shape;
  • pomponous - also have the shape of a ball, but slightly flattened on both sides;
  • cactus - their petals are long, collected in tubes and resemble needles;
  • half-cactus - the petals are half-folded;
  • decorative (the most common group) - inflorescences contain a large number of petals, wide and slightly bent at the core;
  • chrysanthemum - have an external resemblance to chrysanthemums, the petals are wrapped in tubules.

Georgina Mignon

This is a low (up to 40 cm), but very effective plant. Its shoots are strongly branched, and from the middle of summer large inflorescences begin to appear on them (up to 8-9 cm in diameter). Flowers are simple, with one row of wide petals of regular shape and a contrasting core. On sale there is a white, red, pink, yellow dahlia Mignon, as well as a mixture of colorful seeds. This variety is one of the most popular for the design of flower beds and local areas, because it has a bright abundant flowering and unpretentiousness to the growing conditions.

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Georgina Piccolo

It refers to medium-sized varieties and can reach up to 50 cm in height. Inflorescences of this variety are also simple, and the petals are large, wide and colorful. Especially spectacular flowers look in the flowerpots on terraces and open balconies.

Georgina Piccolo-Mignon

It is a mixture of seeds of two varieties, which perfectly complement each other in floral arrangements. It is in this form that these plants can be found on sale. They are represented by dwarf annual dahlias up to a height of 35-50 cm, which excel in any conditions.

Dahlia's daisy collar

A tall plant with straight strong stems. The variety looks great both in individual plantings, and in group flower massifs. Its difference from other varieties is in the unusual shape of the inflorescence: they contain collars - separate petals, twisted and directed downwards. On sale you can find a multicolored mixture of Dahlia dahlia, which consists of seeds of different colors.

Dahlias Dahlias

Decorative plant up to 60 cm high. In the middle of summer on it appear inflorescences of 8-9 cm in diameter, and the flowering period continues until the first frost. It is sold in the form of seeds of dahlia Colarette Dandy (mix). They grow multicolored, belong to the group of collar varieties.

Dahlias decorative

It is a mixture of seeds of annual plants, which consists of different varieties. In this mix are large flowers in the height of 100-120 cm. The period of their flowering coincides and continues from the middle of summer and to a cold snap.

Georgina Figaro

It is a short-grown variety (up to 35 cm in height) with voluminous inflorescences, which reach up to 7-10 cm in diameter. The petals can be painted in red, pink, yellow, orange hues and their combinations. Flowers are single-colored, look unusually large in comparison with dwarf terry dahlias.

Dahlia Bambino (terry mixture)

Bright flowers to decorate flower beds and lawns, as well as to create spectacular, live borders. In comparison with especially short shrubs (up to 25 cm), the inflorescence looks very large (up to 10 cm in diameter). These are annual double dahlias, popular both in single plantings and in complex massifs.

Dahlia Bride

Annuals up to 50 cm high. Plants are suitable for growing outdoors, as well as in flowerpots. Bride is a common name for several varieties, which differ in the color and shape of the petals. They can be monophonic or combine several shades.

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Georghina Terry Opera

This compact decorative shrubs up to 35 cm high. They are very bright and abundant flowering. On one plant, a large number of double flower buds can form up to 7-10 cm in diameter. They differ in the shade of the petals, so you can find a mixture of Dahlia Opera.

Daisy changeable

It is a mixture of varieties that are selected for planting in the open ground. These are very decorative bushes, unpretentious to the conditions of detention and climate. On sale you can find a mix of pompon, cactus and other dahlias. The period of their flowering coincides, but the buds do not stop blossoming from July until the beginning of autumn.

Dahlia's Skylark

It is a compact variety up to 60 cm high. Their inflorescences are voluminous, terry, pomponous or semi-cactus, with an intense aroma. They reach 8-9 cm in diameter, are represented by white, yellow, pink or red hues.

Variety Rainbow

These are medium-sized shrubs (up to 60 cm), which abundantly bloom from the middle of summer to the first frost. Their inflorescences are simple, consist of one or several rows of petals and a contrasting core. They can be painted in any colors and shades, often monochrome. Plants are suitable for growing outdoors, pots and flowerpots.

Dahlengine Avignon

These are large plants (up to 90 cm in height), popular for decorating houses and for cutting. They have an unusual shape and color petals. Inflorescences are voluminous, up to 15 cm in diameter, white with bright purple thin bands. Their stems are strong, and the petals do not crumble for a long time, so they can be added to bouquets as a central element.

Dzhergin Gudoshnik

High decorative plant (up to 1 m) with large voluminous flowers (up to 15 cm in diameter). The petals are wrapped in tubes, arranged in several rows and resemble needles. The variety differs in unusual color: the flowers are yellow at the core, form a smooth gradient to red.

Daisy Valentine's

This is an effective plant for decorating flower beds and living curbs. Bushes do not exceed 35 cm in height, but they form voluminous inflorescences up to 10-12 cm in diameter. Flowers are rounded, slightly flattened, and the petals are even and broad. The main feature of this variety is a bright red color that will highlight it in any flower arrangement.

Vasilisa variety

One of the most compact varieties of dahlias. The bushes rarely reach more than 15 cm in height, so they are especially popular for growing in pots. In the middle of summer they are blossomed with terry flowers with several rows of petals. They are monophonic, they can be painted white, lilac, yellow, red or pink with contrast medium.

Monarch variety

This combination of bright colors. Bushes up to 50-60 cm in height, lush, with a lot of peduncles. In mid-summer, large semi-double flowers appear on them (up to 10-12 in diameter). On sale you can often find a mix of dahlias of this variety, painted in different shades. This combination looks great both in the open ground and in pots.

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Dahiori Pharaoh

Refers to dwarf varieties. The adult bush reaches up to 35 cm in height, but on it in a large number flowers are formed up to 6-8 cm in diameter. They can be terry, semi-double, painted in different colors and shades. On one plant can blossom up to 10-15 buds simultaneously.

Variety Dana

These are decorative or cactus dahlias. They differ particularly large size (adult shrub reaches up to 100-110 cm), and individual inflorescences grow to 25 cm in diameter. Petals are collected in thin tubes, differ in unusual color. At the core they are yellow, and towards the edges they gradually transform into a rich red shade. Stems of this sort are strong, straight, so dahlias are often used for cutting and creating bouquets.

Georgina Nurdvix Gloria

Description and history of this variety begin in the Netherlands in 1969. Shrubs are high (up to 110 cm), with strong stems, so popular for cutting. Inflorescences are terry, large (up to 15 cm in diameter), do not crumble for a long time. The petals are collected in tubes and painted in a pastel peach shade. Due to the unusual spherical shape and effective coloring, these flowers can occupy a central position in any group planting or bouquet.

Georgine Little Tiger (Tiger)

This is a bright and unusual plant for growing outdoors. Bushes grow to 40-50 cm, their stems are strong and do not require support. From the middle of summer, they begin to appear terry flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter) and hold until the beginning of autumn. Their main feature is the unusual color of petals. They are rich red, with contrasting white impregnations.

When buying plants, it is worth paying attention not only to their image, but also to the requirements for care. So, Dahlia Mountain creek in the photo looks very bright and spectacular, like many other varieties. However, flowering will be abundant only if you grow bushes under sufficient light and regularly watered. These flowers are resistant to temperature fluctuations in the warm season, to diseases and pests, but can also suffer from drought or in wetlands.

Optimal conditions for cultivation of decorative dahlias are a sunny area, reliably protected from wind. Neutral or slightly acidic soil, nutritious, but well drained, is also suitable. Do not allow moisture to stagnate.

All annual dahlias with photos and names are easy to find in online stores. They are sold in the form of seeds for planting in the ground without prior preparation. Of these, you can create combinations for every taste. Bright inflorescences of different shapes and colors are an excellent solution for decorating flower beds or lawns, creating gift and wedding bouquets.

Collection of dahlias of the University of Latvia - video

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