How to connect a TV set-top box to a monitor

antennaWhen you purchase a new set-top box, a lot of questions arise about its connection. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the basic principles of this process, and also find out ways that will surely be able to help even an inexperienced master.

Since today there are several types of connectors that can contain a device, you should first familiarize yourself with each of them.


The content of the article

  • Antenna
    • HDMI
    • Vga
    • DVI
    • USB
    • EURO
  • Connecting a digital set-top box without cable

Perhaps this is the oldest method, since in the modern world it is practically not used. So, to achieve the goal, you must rely on the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, select the desired interface. It can be either analog or satellite.
  2. After that, it is recommended to check the availability of all the necessary parts, so that in the absence of a product, you can pre-purchase.
  3. Next, you need to start the main stage - connecting the power to the console. This is done by fixing the plug into a socket or you will have to connect the remote unit to the receiver jack.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. In conclusion, you can connect the antenna input to the provider, decimeter antenna or with a satellite dish.

Thus, when properly executed, the equipment should turn on when the power button is pressed and operate properly.


Enhanced monitors most often carry a connector. This makes the procedure much easier, as the tuner also has one. It is he who is responsible for both video and audio, that is, the transfer should be carried out thanks to him simultaneously. Some users fear that the image or sound quality will decrease. But you should understand that this is just a myth.

TV setMoreover, this factor does not depend on the type of device connected (monitor, camera, camera or player). However, for a digital connection, you will have to purchase a special adapter for DVI-D.

REFERENCE! The choice should be taken with caution, since often a Chinese product is presented for sale, which impedes the quality process.

In addition, you can select the method with the hdmi cable - hdmi. Consider the most common installation method:

First you need to connect the console to the cable that carries the signal from the provider (it can be cable or satellite).

Then you should fix the appropriate cable design, in this case - hdmi, along with a computer monitor. At this point, it is important to verify that all adapter components are properly secured.

At the end of the procedure, it is already possible to connect both the set-top box and the screen itself to a power source, namely a power outlet.

In general, we can say that this connector is the most significant of all, since it has a wide range of functionality. In addition, when using it, the number of required wires is significantly reduced.

As for the directly necessary combination, this is equipping the console with a specific connector, either HDMI, VVGA or DVI. In this case, the connection method can be using the following products: due to the usual HDMI-HDMI cable, VGA-HDMI convector, or thanks to the passive DVI-HDMI adapter.


monitorIn fact, the sequence of actions is almost the same as in the previous method. It is VGA that provides video transmission directly from external structures, for example, to TV. Of particular importance should be highlighted when interacting with obsolete devices that still do not have an output such as HDMI. Thus, we can talk about ensuring the compatibility of various designs thanks to VGA, as well as about the availability of translation from one unit to another. The most convenient method is to purchase a specific adapter. It can combine some combinations, often this:

  • Cable VGA monitor to HDMI-VGA set-top box;
  • Convector HDMI screen to VGA device;
  • HDMI-VGA and DVI respectively.

Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the first two points. It is also worth remembering the existence of a DVI to VGA adapter. It is in these ways that you can connect. In this case, the prefix must have in combination one of the following outputs: HDMI, DVI or VGA.


As for the presented connector, it’s an updated technology, which can be said to replace the previous one. It is designed specifically to connect devices exclusively for image transmission. Accordingly, with its help it is impossible to transmit sound signals.

ATTENTION! It is worth noting the special compatibility between this output and HDMI. That is, they can be combined without difficulty, while using certain adapters.


prefixThis connector provides the user with the ability to connect one equipment to another, for example, it can be a camera, any camera, drive, or mp3 player. Do not forget that the smartphone can also be connected with its help to another unit. It is important to understand one pattern, which is that the higher the version of the standard, the faster will be the transfer of information from a multimedia device to a TV screen or PC, a laptop.

Thus, today the presented connector is considered the most common and universal, respectively, is one of the main parameters of each structure. In addition, even the latest receivers are equipped with the latest version of USB 0.3.


The main distinguishing feature is the possibility that it presents to the user - to combine obsolete designs with the most modern. For example, consider the HDMI connector. Despite the fact that it is popular, it is increasingly possible to notice its absence on the updated models of a particular unit. This suggests that soon he will go directly from production. However, thanks to the euro output, the connection can easily be made.

Connecting a digital set-top box without cable

Of course, you may have to try to connect exclusively through a conventional antenna. It can be not only indoor type, but also external. Depending on the distance from the TV tower, you will have to choose one of two models. If the repeater is located directly at a distance of 15 kilometers, then you will need the first variety of these, but if you go further - then the second.

IMPORTANT! In cases where the installation must be reproduced in a country house, it is recommended to purchase a special amplifier, since communication may not be the best.

That is, the image quality will probably be interrupted. This embodiment involves the use of minimal use of various wires. However, modern manufacturers offer connectivity through a wi-fi module. Such consoles are as convenient as possible, since they allow not to supply the design with a large number of wires.

connection without cableAll that is needed for the process is the availability of direct access to the Internet. Moreover, the provider can any (MTS, Beeline and others). New equipment can perform its functions in any place where there is access to the network. The connection itself takes a minimum of time. It includes the following actions:

  1. The kit should include a special product that will allow you to connect the set-top box to the TV.
  2. Therefore, two devices must be locked together.
  3. Then you can connect the equipment to an outlet using the power supply.
  4. Then the TV turns on. Now it is possible to select the input to which the prefix is ​​attached.
  5. Then you can arm yourself with a remote control, which is attached directly to the acquisition.
  6. You will be available prompts that are broadcast on the main screen. Thus, you just need to follow the suggested instructions.

In the end, a full-fledged installation will be carried out in a short time period.

To summarize, we can say about the simplicity of all possible actions. Regardless of the method that will be selected by the user, only following the indicated sequences will lead to the achievement of the goal. Actually, there is nothing complicated, so anyone who wants to can connect a digital set-top box on their own.

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