How to find out the diagonal of a monitor: how to determine how many inches a monitor is.

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Diagonal of the monitor.The purpose of this article is to help determine the diagonal of a monitor. There are several ways to measure or calculate the exact screen size of a computer or smartphone.

How to find out the diagonal of a monitor

The content of the article

  • How to find out the diagonal of a monitor
  • How to determine how many inches the monitor
    • Manual measurement method
    • View documentation
    • Using specialized programs
    • Other ways to determine the diagonal of a monitor

When buying a TV, laptop or mobile phone, the main characteristic for the buyer is the resolution of the image, that is, the diagonal of the screen. Why is this setting important? By purchasing a laptop, we plan not only to work on it, but also to watch movies or play. For comfortable operation and better image quality, the diagonal is of great importance.

This value is the distance between two opposite corners of the screen, and it is measured in inches. The image quality depends on the value of this value.

The most famous are the following parameters:

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  • 17 ”, 19”, 21 ”, 23” for computer screens;
  • 32 ”, 43”, 49 ”, 50”, 55 ”, 65” for TVs.
  • 4 ”, 4.5”, 5 ”, 5.5” for smartphones and mobile phones.
  • 13.3 ”, 15.6”, 17 ”, 19” for laptops.
What are the diagonals.

How to determine how many inches the monitor

There are several options for determining the diagonal of the display. The first two of them are very simple, but for those who are not looking for easy ways, you can recall the school course of geometry and solve a bit.

Manual measurement method

This method of determining the diagonal of the monitor is very simple. To do this, you need to prepare a ruler or a centimeter tape, attach it gently to the TV screen or laptop diagonally and make a measurement. The resulting value in centimeters should be divided by a value of 2.54 - this will be the size in inches.

Manual diagonal measurement.

View documentation

When buying any equipment, a set of documents is attached to it, in which all the necessary information is indicated. In order to find out how many inches are on the display of your computer or TV, you should see the data on this in the attached documents.

If for some reason you do not have this package of documents, then you can find out how long the monitor is looking at the label with the name of the model and other information on the laptop or on the outside TV. Basically, the screen resolution is indicated by two numbers in the letter designation or in the first line of the characteristic. For example, the indicated laptop model L1702, respectively, the diagonal is 17 ”.

REFERENCE! To determine the diagonal of the display of your computer, laptop or TV, you can use the Internet. To do this, in the search engine you only need to enter the model and brand of your device.

Using specialized programs

You can also determine the size of the display using specialized programs such as AIDA64, SiSoft Sandra, etc. Having entered the program menu, you should select the "Display" item, then the desired parameter will be displayed opposite the "Monitor" item.

Determination of the diagonal of the monitor using special programs.

These programs give values ​​that are stored in their database, therefore, if the characteristics are displayed incorrectly or are completely absent, it is recommended to install a new version.

Other ways to determine the diagonal of a monitor

A non-standard option for determining the size of a diagonal is its mathematical calculation using the Pythagorean Theorem “On the sum of squares of legs”. To solve this problem, it is necessary to measure the length and height of the monitor, square each of the values ​​and add their values. From the result in centimeters, extract the square root and divide it by a value of 2.54. So the size of the calculated length in inches is ready.

You can also measure this monitor using a laser device to measure distance, a curvimeter - a device for determining the length of curving lines, consisting of a gear roller and a counter.

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