What is monitor glow-effect: how to remove glow-effect.

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Glow effect of the monitor.Choosing a monitor, given how wide the assortment of the modern market is, is not an easy task. A lot of technical characteristics, plus certain “tricks” of manufacturers that artificially overestimate the parameters - all this should be taken into account. One of the things that can greatly disappoint after buying a monitor is the so-called glow effect, find out in advance what it is and if you can get rid of it.

What is monitor glow effect

The content of the article

  • What is monitor glow effect
  • How to remove the glow effect

In the literal translation from English, Glow means glow or radiance. Glow-effect of the monitor is manifested in the fact that under different angles of view the matrix has a backlight of various shades. This feature is especially common on IPS matrices and in practice it looks like when you look at the screen on the left side, then it looks gray, and on the right, in a completely different way, with yellowish low tide. As a result, color reproduction will be far from correct, and working behind such a monitor will cause irritation and eye fatigue.

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Glo-effect and its absence.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a display in a store, do not focus only on brightness and contrast, very often they are overestimated with special utilities and select images and videos that are ideal for resolution, showing them to visitors on the trading floor. You should ask the seller to fill the screen with black color, and then look at it under different angles, making sure that there is no glow effect or moving on to consider another model when it availability.

How to remove the glow effect

If the presence of a glow-effect was detected already at home, then there are only a few options. The first is to return the display to the store or exchange it for another - according to the current legislation, everyone has this right. The second option is the choice of the optimal monitor placement at the workplace and additional sources light, so that the lighting is as constant and uniform as possible, the more darkened it is, the it is better.

The lack of a glou effect.

It should be understood that there are no such programs and utilities that could completely remove the glow effect, if it is already inherent in the monitor matrix, so you can only try to reduce it to to a minimum. Do not try to set the maximum brightness values ​​of the contrast on the monitor, and also use a good video card.

Glow-effect can significantly reduce the comfort of using a monitor and sellers in computer equipment stores do not like to talk about it. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance that this problem is most inherent in IPS type matrices, and check for the presence of an effect or to verify its absence, you can ask to fill the screen with black light and look at it from different angles with a bright lighting.

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