The image on the monitor doubles

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Quite often, many users are faced with such a problem that when you turn on the PC, the image on the monitor doubles. What is the reason for such malfunctions? This problem can occur for various reasons. First of all, you need to find the source. It can either be just a badly connected cable or a malfunction of the iron itself. To find out the exact cause of the malfunction, you need to check the computer. How to do this, we will analyze below.

What to check

The content of the article

  • What to check
  • What to do, there is a check did not help

The most relevant reasons for doubling the image on the screen include:

  • Weak contact wires

Most often, this is the most popular cause of the malfunction. If the cable is poorly connected to the connectors, then the picture displayed on the screen may double or triple. Even if you initially plugged in all the cords. Over time, the cable clings. Therefore, the contact may disappear. In this regard, when you turn on the PC, the image may be fuzzy, dull, and pockmarked.

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Remember! The first thing to do when doubling the image is to check all the wires. They must be all intact and tightly plugged into plugs and sockets. Also, do not forget to check if the monitor is well connected to the power supply.

  • Malfunctions in the driver

duplicated imageIf after checking all the wires, it turned out that they are connected well. Then you should pay attention to the drivers. If you were installing or reinstalling firewood yourself. Perhaps some of them simply flew away.

Important! In some cases, the installed driver may not be suitable for the monitor or Windows settings. Therefore, it will need to be replaced.

To find out if the problem is really in the drivers. It is necessary to check the firewood not only on the video card, but also on the monitor itself. Usually, a disk with suitable drivers is already included with new monitor models. If you did not install them from it. Then it is best to reinstall the driver from the native disk. In the case when the kit did not have firewood. No need to be upset. They can always be downloaded on trusted sites with programs and drivers. However, first you will need to look at the box, which ones are needed for the monitor and video card.

  • Settings

The screen image may also jump or double due to incorrect settings. Most users in order to achieve the best possible picture quality change the standard screen settings. Inexperienced users may not notice what additional features they have connected or what they have disabled. Therefore, the system starts to work incorrectly.

If you make the wrong settings, for example, greatly increase or decrease the extension. The picture on the screen will only get worse. To fix such a problem. It is enough to return everything to the factory default settings.

On a note: On the monitor box or in the instructions there is an item where the optimal extension for the screen is indicated. It is advisable to choose it during PC settings.

  • Graphics card issues

The functioning of not only the entire unit, but also the monitor depends on the proper operation of the video card. First of all, pay attention to the connectors for connection. They should not be defective. It is because of them that the picture most often starts to jump, since the contact is interrupted, this creates interference.

To find out the problem in the connectors or the video card itself, you need to check the part and cable. To do this, switch the cable to the other two connectors on the video card (almost all models have two different connectors for connecting the screen). If the picture becomes clear, then the problem is in the connector itself. If nothing has changed. Check your graphics card.

What to do, there is a check did not help

If external research and computer verification did not help fix the problem, then you should look for the cause inside the box. First of all, you need to find out if the video card and monitor are working. For inexperienced users, it is best to contact an experienced wizard. Otherwise, there is a risk of further harm to the gland. Experienced users can independently remove the video card, turn off the monitor and try to connect them to another device.

cable checkIf the image began to double and ruffle on a laptop. Usually this indicates a loop failure. Over time, it tends to wear out and wear out. Most likely a replacement part is required. Only the master will be able to tell in more detail about this after a full laptop diagnosis.

First of all, when connecting a new monitor, you need to install the correct firewood and extensions. So that it can fully function. To avoid problems, it is recommended that you first read the instructions and rules of use on the monitor box. If the package contains a driver disk. Use them, do not look for third-party programs.

Doubling a picture on a PC screen is one of the most common malfunctions. It occurs in every second inexperienced user when buying a monitor or installing a new Windows. If the desktop is no longer clear, do not panic. First, find out what is the cause of such a malfunction. And then the matter remains small.

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