How to ground the washing machine - do it yourself (if there is no grounding)

Today, large household appliances, like a washing machine, are designed for a single-phase three-wire AC system. Connection is carried out by phase, zero and ground. Old apartment buildings and private houses are often connected to a two-wire current system, without using a ground wire.

To protect family members and electronics in the house, it is necessary to ground the washing machine. The process technology depends on the type of building, and the availability of grounding to the distribution panel. If the cable is connected, the procedure will not take much time, and everyone can cope with the task.

How to ground the washing machine if there is no grounding?

The content of the article

  • How to ground the washing machine if there is no grounding?
  • Grounding Methods
    • Connection to the shield
    • Grounding to the battery in the bathroom or sewer
  • Grounding - a private house

Ground signWith the purchase of a washing machine, the question of additional security arises. If the appliance is not connected correctly, electricity will flow through the metal casing of the machine, and there is a chance to get an electric shock.

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Also, improper connection can damage the electronics of the machine. Parts have a considerable cost, and repairs are not always easy.

Washers are often equipped with a network stabilizer that blocks power surges. It is connected directly to the equipment body. If there is no grounding in the outlet, then such a stabilizer generates a voltage of 110V on the metal parts of the case.

Important! Washing machines are installed primarily in the bathroom. The percentage of humidity in it is always high, so the chance of getting a shock is increased.

Grounding Methods

GroundingGrounding is a conductor that is driven into the ground. There are 2 types of grounding for the purpose of operation:

  • Working. Protects electrical equipment from breakage;
  • Protective. Designed to protect people from current.

Modern houses are precisely equipped with a three-wire network, so connecting the machine to the mains will not present difficulties. The cable from the outlet, which is connected to it by 3 wires, is output from the apartment. If the grounding is not connected to the apartment building, the potential equalization method can be applied. But this method is not completely safe.

The “old-fashioned” method can be called fixing the ground wire from the machine to the heating radiator or pipeline. The method has not been used for a long time, since it is far from safe.

Residents of private homes can fully conduct the grounding system. To do this, you need to create a chain of metal pins that are buried in the ground to a depth of 1.5 m. By welding, the wire is connected to the metal chain, which will allow current to be drawn to the ground.

Connection to the shield

If the grounding is not connected to the house, it can be simulated using a neutral wire. This method is used quite often, and has already justified reliability and safety. The zero wire must be bifurcated, and the exhaust bus mounted on it. A bus is also fixed to ground. The cabling to the apartment is derived from these tires.

To connect the equipment, you need to install a new outlet, which will be powered directly from the distribution panel using a three-core cable. The cores are connected to certain contacts according to the scheme. To connect the cable to the shield used AZO and 2 tires.

If you connect zero to the ground contact in the shield directly, there is a chance of damage to the wires, which will bring very unpleasant consequences. Also, the effectiveness of such grounding is much less.

Reference! To ground the washing machine through the shield, you only need an indicator screwdriver, pliers and a knife to clean the cores.

Many people turn to electricians to solve this issue. However, those who are familiar with the wiring system in the house, and skillfully operate the tool, can connect the washing machine to ground independently.

Grounding to the battery in the bathroom or sewer

Incorrect groundingA long time ago, some craftsmen came up with a grounding method that uses metal pipes for heating and sewage.

The cable was connected to the battery using special connections. For a long time, the method was the most common due to its high efficiency. However, grounding to the battery has several disadvantages:

  • Illegality. In the state standard specifications, the behavior with electrical wiring is indicated, then such actions are dangerous, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use the method. But to ordinary people the law is not terrible;
  • Harm to the elements of the heating system. Electric current contributes to the corrosion of metals, so leaks often form at the joints of pipes (batteries) and cable;
  • Insecurity. Such a grounding circuit does not completely eliminate the chance of electric shock.

The method is simple to implement, so many still choose it. To do this, you need a copper wire with 1 core. At both ends, remove insulation. One end is fixed on the body of the equipment, the other on the water supply. You can fix the wire with a metal clamp.

Important! Grounding to the heating system will sooner or later provoke a breakthrough in pipes or radiators.

Grounding - a private house

Private earthingResidents of a private house, in addition to connecting the ground to the shield, need to design the system itself. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. 3 pipes are selected, the length of which depends on the level of soil freezing. For a temperate climate, this is usually 1.5-3 m.
  2. One side of each pipe is sharpened.
  3. Below, about a third of the length, holes up to 1 cm in diameter are made in the pipes.
  4. Dig a hole up to 50 cm deep.
  5. Pipes are driven into the ground with a sledgehammer. The distance between the elements is up to 1.5 m. Pipes should protrude from 10 to 15 cm above the ground.
  6. With the help of fittings, three pipes are connected. A triangle forms, which is fixed by welding.
  7. The grounding cable is connected to the valve by welding. Starts at home.
  8. The wire is connected to the PE bus, which allows you to ground the whole house.

In most models of washing machines at the back there is a special bolt for connecting ground to it. It provides the reliability and security of the system.

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