How to plant carrots so that it quickly rises

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Carrots have long been famous for their valuable trace elements. It contains a lot of carotene, potassium, fluoride, iron, etc. In general, all that sometimes is not enough for our body. Perhaps, this is why this crop is grown in almost every vegetable garden. It is not so difficult to do this, but sometimes beginning gardeners face some difficulties. In order to dispel them in this article, we will talk about how to plant carrots, after how many days the carrots grow after sowing and about the ways that allow increasing the rates of seed germination. In general, everything in order.

What determines the germination of carrots?

Often, many truck farmers complain that they have bad seeds of carrots. What does it depend on? What factors influence the germination of seeds?

Now we will try to understand this:

  • Terms of sowing
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    . The timing of the emergence of carrots directly depends on the period when the crop was sown. For example, April carrots will rise much longer than May.
  • Temperature. On packages, the optimal temperature of the air is usually written, at which the seeds germinate. If they are lower than expected, the shoots may appear much later. For example, at a temperature of 4-5 degrees C, the carrot will rise in about 45 days. If the air warms up to 12 degrees, root shoots will appear in 16 days. At a temperature of +20 degrees, the seeds will germinate much earlier - after 9 days.
  • The soil.From this indicator depends, almost 80% of the success - carrots, whatever they say in different sources, is very demanding on the composition of the land. Well this culture grows on light soils (loamy, sandy, peat). A heavy loam does not suit.
  • Shelf life.For all cultures, it is approximately the same - 3-5 years. The more "fresh" the seeds, the more they grow together. In addition, you need to pay attention to how the seed is stored. It is best that he is in a dark ventilated room.
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How many carrots? The answer to this question we gave, now it's time to talk about the approximate dates of sowing this culture.

Terms of sowing carrots

To date, there are certain dates for sowing carrots. It all depends on the region.

  • Middle and central regions of Russia. Early-ripening varieties are customarily planted here from 20 to 25 April. The middle-ripens landed a little later - from April 25 to May 5.
  • Southern region of Russia. Here carrots land much earlier. Approximate terms of sowing from 10 to 20 March.
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For early harvesting it is customary to plant carrots under the winter. This is done in the autumn, usually at the end of October. The planted crop is collected this way much earlier, for about 2 weeks.

How to plant carrots to quickly rose

Since the seeds of carrots rise quite a long time, gardeners recommend for faster germination use several effective ways:

  1. Soaking seeds. This method is the most common. Its essence lies in the fact that the seeds of carrots are placed on the day in a container and filled with a small amount of water (the temperature should be +18 +20 degrees). The main thing is to make sure that there is not a lot of liquid, otherwise the opposite effect will happen - the carrots will rise for a long time. After 24 hours, the water is drained, the seeds are neatly laid out on the fabric (you can use a napkin, gauze, etc.) and allow them to dry thoroughly. It is difficult to say exactly after how many days the carrot rises when using this method. Usually this happens after a week or one and a half, but depending on the weather, the timing may change.
  2. Calcination of seeds. This method allows not only to increase seedlings, but also to prevent the damage of root crops by pests. So, a single heat treatment is as follows: the seeds are poured hot water (the temperature should be about 45 degrees Celsius) and left at 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is drained and the seeds are laid out on a clean surface (it is better that it is treated with manganese) and wait for them to dry. If the heat treatment is carried out correctly, then in addition to raising the germination of seeds, one can expect good plant development and a good yield.
  3. Soaking in preparations that accelerate growth. The method is the simplest, it does not take much time. Seeds are soaked (for 2 hours) in pre-diluted growth stimulants, for example, in "Epin and then dried well.
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Add, in addition to the above treatments, seasoned gardeners are advised not to forget about the disinfection of the seed. Usually for this use, manganese, formalin. The use of these agents can prevent various fungal diseases of plants, as well as reduce the likelihood of damage to root vegetables by pests.

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