Cooking with the development of technology has become a very versatile process. Some methods allow you to get different shades of tastes, others simplify or speed up the cooking process. Convection in the electric oven combines these two processes.
Convection oven
The content of the article
Convection oven
- The concept and principle of convection
- Types of convection
- What are its advantages, pluses
Now almost all ovens are equipped with this function (perhaps the exception is only very old models of stoves). So the presence of convection in the electric stove does not affect its cost. But? not many know its advantages and use it for its intended purpose.
The concept and principle of convection
It is one of the methods of heat transfer, when the redistribution of thermal energy is carried out using the movement of air masses. In most electric stoves, the heater produces air heating, and then it is distributed through the oven using fans. Simply put, this function allows you to provide air in the oven at the same temperature, which, for example, makes it possible to cook several dishes in the oven at once.
Note: convection is most convenient when preparing dishes of meat, poultry and fish in the open or, for example, on a spit.
Types of convection
Convection in the electric oven can be classified according to several criteria. First of all, it is distinguished by the complexity of the device:
- simple (usually represented only by fans);
- complex (where the fans already have their own heating elements).
However, from the point of view of the household user, such a classification is not entirely convenient. It’s much clearer to separate views according to the principle of work:
- Natural. It is, in fact, a simple transfer of air masses and nothing more. The basis of its functioning is physics: heated air rises upward, and cooled air rises downward;
- Forced. Almost all models of electric stoves with convection are equipped with it. Inexpensive models are equipped with a single fan, of a higher price range - reinforced. The latter are considered the most effective in cooking, as unlike single can not only create powerful uniform heated air masses, but also maintain the desired temperature
- Wet. A fairly new species that has not yet had much time to spread. In addition to the redistribution of warmed air masses, such convection provides the oven with finely divided steam, which contributes to a better raising of baking, not to overdry the food.
Important: with a wet type, it is impossible to fry dishes, which allows you not to use oils when cooking dishes in this mode.
What are its advantages, pluses
Undoubtedly, like any additional function in the convection technique, there are a number of advantages that allow her to maintain a high level of popularity of use among ordinary housewives and professional cooks. They usually include:
- Due to the redistribution of air provides its faster heating with significant savings in time to achieve the required temperature;
- Large volumes of air make it possible to evenly cook any volumes of dishes, which is very advisable for large cuts of meat and for whole carcasses of poultry;
- A variety of species allows you to adhere to the desired method of cooking: without frying or with a crisp. In addition, moist convection allows you to simulate the effect of steaming, which allows supporters of proper nutrition to save on buying a double boiler;
- The uniform distribution of temperature over the volume of the oven makes it possible to cook several dishes at once, which saves time and energy consumption.
Surprisingly, convection is rarely claimed. Often it spoils food only when used improperly, so it is difficult to see the flaws in it. Often they include only the high cost of complex advanced systems.