Gas stoves are much cheaper than electric ones, however, choosing a new one, remember that this purchase should last you at least ten years, and better and more. You should carefully approach the selection of the necessary parameters so that your cooking desires are satisfied not only by the burners, but also by the oven.
About the choice
The content of the article
About the choice
- Gas stove with gas oven
- Gas stove with electric oven
- TOP 5 best options
Gas stoves have gained popularity not only due to its efficiency, but also by fast and high-quality cooking. Manufacturers do not stand still and in order not to lose in the competitive race, they continue to add new functions to models and improve old ones by changing materials. In order not to become a victim of a marketing move, before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the plates and choose which ones are most suitable for you. These include the following parameters:
- Sizes. This has a direct effect on the number of burners and the volume of the oven. For convenience, you can expect that 1 burner and 20 liters of oven will be required per family member. From this ratio, it will be easy to calculate the characteristics for your family. Choosing the right size work surface is important for comfortable cooking: a small oven in a large family will stretch the cooking for a long time, while a large one is simply empty for one person waste of money.
- Hob material. Most often encountered enameled steel - it is easy to use and is relatively cheap. Stainless steel is well cleaned, but requires constant rubbing. Expensive materials include tempered glass. It looks beautiful, but inconvenient in cleaning: it is very difficult to get rid of soap stains on such a surface.
- Type of burners. Large plates, as a rule, in addition to ordinary ones, contain several special purposes. These include burners for WOK, with double and triple crown, and the professional Coup de feu platform. Due to them, the cost of the stove increases, but it becomes possible to prepare culinary delights.
- Lattice. They are distinguished both by material (cast iron and steel), and by the installation method. The grill can cover the entire stove or be located separately above each burner. It is worth paying attention to whether it is convenient to put dishes of small diameter on it.
Important: not everything that suits your friends may suit you. Analyze your needs, so that later the purchase brings you pleasure when cooking.
Special attention should be paid to the oven when choosing a stove: it can be either gas or electric. Both options have both advantages and disadvantages.
Gas stove with gas oven
A simple and cheap option to purchase a stove with a gas oven. This is especially beneficial if you often bake something. A large amount of energy is spent on this, and in the case of gas, the total amount does not look scary. But cooking in a gas oven requires certain skills (nevertheless, they can be acquired in the process).
When choosing such plates, they usually focus on the following advantages:
- quick warm-up and cooking process;
- suitable for any dishes;
- profitability.
Among the minuses, it is possible that in the gas oven it is possible that the combustion products get on the products, but the probability of such an event is small.
Gas stove with electric oven
The usual and safest option is a stove with electric oven. It is much easier to cook in it (products are baked evenly), and also such cabinets have a large selection of sizes. The following characteristics of such furnaces attracted particular attention:
- an abundance of modes for electric ovens;
- ease of preparation.
But they are also not without drawbacks: the cost is higher, as is the consumption of electricity, and more complicated installation is also required.
Note: Combined options in which both types of ovens are represented have also gained popularity. But such models are more expensive, and some characteristics are often underestimated.
TOP 5 best options
To simplify the selection, you can familiarize yourself with the most popular models according to users. This selection focuses on the low cost and good quality of the proposed options:
- GEFEST 3200-08 (Belarus): a simple and economical version of a stove with four rings and a gas oven. In addition to the main features are a built-in timer and a drawer. An important disadvantage is the lack of auto ignition.
- Hansa FCMW58221 (Germany): due to European production, the model is much more expensive, but compared to the previous of the additional functions, it received electric grill and auto-ignition. Other characteristics are identical.
- Gorenje K 55203 AW (Slovenia): cheap, with a timer and automatic ignition system, but differs in excess compactness, which is why on the hob it is inconvenient to have several large pots.
- DARINA 1D1 GM241 018 W (Russia): an inexpensive option with an additional grill function and a temperature indicator, but there is no automatic ignition in the oven.
- De Luxe 5040.38g (Russia): one of the cheapest models with four rings and a drawer. It does not have any special functions.